State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

            SB 14


                                 Asmussen, Cindy   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Southern Baptists of Texas

                                 Convention), Austin, TX

                                 Brown, Andrew  Associate Vice President of Policy  (also providing written testimony) 

                                 (Self; Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX

                                 Castle, Mary Elizabeth  Director of Government Relations (Texas Values Action), Austin,


                                 Cheshire, Cary   (Self), Benbrook, TX

                                 Cohn, Corinna   (Self), Indianapolis, IN

                                 Covey, Jonathan  Director of Policy (Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                 Ericksen, Irene  Senior Research Associate; Institute for Research  (also providing written

                                 testimony)  (Self; The Institute for Research and Evaluation), North Salt Lake, UT

                                 Erickson, Irene  Senior Research Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (The Institute

                                 for Research and Evaluation), N. Salt Lake, UT

                                 Evans, Michelle   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Partners for Ethical Care),

                                 Round Rock, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Garcia, Abel   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Garner, Donald  Executive Director (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition), Austin, TX

                                 Gossett, William   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property (TFP)), Humble, TX

                                 Hale, Paul   (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Hopper, Chris  Mr  (Self; Texas Family Project), Weatherford, TX

                                 Hotze, Dr. Steven  Doctor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Hotze, MD, Steven  Doctor  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Klipp, Ellie   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Concerned Parents of Texas,

                                 myself), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Long, John M.  Physician  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Long, Matt   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Macias, Luke   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 McCravey, Nathan   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Ethis and Religious

                                 Liberty Committee), Abilene, TX, TX

                                 McIlhaney, Joe  MD  (Self; Medical Institute for Sexual Health), Plano, TX

                                 Mosley, Prisha  (GNC Children), Big Rapids, MI

                                 Nelson, Donald  Dr  (Self; The Medical Institute), Cedar Rapids, IA

                                 Peters, Kurt  MD  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Rosharon, TX

                                 Rife, Dr. Bethany  Physician - Pediatrics  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Bivins,


                                 Seibert, Denise  Self  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Belton, TX

                                 Shannon, Tracy   (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Kingwood, TX

                                 Sharp, Matt  Senior Counsel (Alliance Defending Freedom), Lawrenceville, TX

                                 Slaton, Bryan  Representative  (Self), Royse City, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Tomba, John   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; The American Society for the

                                 Defense of Tradition, Family and Property), Humble, TX

                                 Whitt, Kevin   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Allen, TX

                                 Wilson, Ben  Dr  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Waco, TX

                                 Wilson, Jake   (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Wood, Cecilia   (Self; Family Freedom Project), Austin, TX


                                 Adams, Edy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Adams-Hernandez, Theo   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Afifi, Amanda   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Association of School

                                 Psychologists), Austin, TX

                                 Appel, Louis  Dr.  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Pediatric Society),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Baker, Alice  Graphic Designer  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Beas, Lorenzo   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Birnel, Alex   (Self; Move Texas Action Fund), San Antonio, TX

                                 Briner, Susan  Bishop  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA), NEW BRAUNFELS, AL

                                 Buchert, Sasha  Senior Attorney  (Self; Lambda Legal), Washington, DC

                                 Butcher, Callie   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Caffee, Sarah   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Carranza, Susana  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Goodman, Chloe   (Self; Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hall, Ash   (Self; ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hamilton, Christopher  Chief Executive Officer (Texas Health Action), Austin, TX

                                 Martinez, Ricardo   (Self; EQTX Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Mooney, Megan  Dr  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Psychological

                                 Association), Houston, TX

                                 Murphy, Jacqueline   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pyke, Cody  Dr  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pyke, Cody  Dr.  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Richter, Amanda  Dr.  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Rowell, Jenna   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Ryan, Kathryn  The Right Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Evelyn  Social Work Student  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Waco, TX

                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX

                                 Strenger, Alexander   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 Zwiener, Jessica  Physician  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Houston, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

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                                 Carlo, John  Dr.  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas medical association),

                                 Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer  Executive Director (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops), Austin,


                                 Beckmeyer, John  ED  (Self; RPT), Loraine, TX

                                 Bernhard, Carol   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carter, John   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 Carter, Susie   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Eller, Andrew   (Self; State Republican Executive Committeeman SD24, Republican Party

                                 of Texas, Self), Temple, TX

                                 Garza, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Garza, David  (Texas young republican federation), Austin, TX

                                 Glass, Tom   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Glover, Jill  SREC SD 12  (Self; Texas Republican Party Legislative Priorities Chair),

                                 Double Oak, TX

                                 Green, Robert L.   (Self), TX, TX

                                 Harris, Hailee   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Keyes, Darren   (Self; Alliance Defending Freedom), Bee Cave, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 McMullen, Stuart  Mr.  (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Mendonca, Cheridann   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Moore, Ken  SREC SD 11  (Self; SREC), Pearland, TX

                                 Murphy, Joseph   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Parikakis, Eric  Policy Deputy (Texas Young Republican Federation), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Susan   (Self; Citizens for Education Reform), Lubbock, TX

                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Saenz, Jonathan  Attorney  (Self; Texas Values Action), Austin, TX

                                 Schatzline, Nate  Representative  (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Sullivan, Michael   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Trainor, Lucy   (Self), Driftwood, TX

                                 Woodeshick, Pamela   (Self), The Hills, TX


                                 A, Samantha   (Self), San marcos, TX

                                 Adams-Hernandez, Theo   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Albert Donovan, Carolyn  Rev.  (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Alter, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Arias, Jordan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Atkinson, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Babbitt, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bader-Saye, Scott  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baloutine, Reese   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Banning, Thomas  Ceo (Texas Academy of Family Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Barron, Alexandra  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Barsalou, Denee   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Beas, Lorenzo   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 Behr, Connor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Behr, Jove   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bier, Marti   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Bolte, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bovik, Kai   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bowers, Blaise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Brodell, Sherry   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Brookins, Kaybee   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bunker, Phil   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Burkholder, Kayla   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 C, Mikki   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Caballero, Darcy  (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 Cabrera, Adrian   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cain, Jessica  The Rev  (Self), San Marcos, TX

                                 Campa, Kerren   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Campa, Kerren   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Campa, Richard   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Canciglia, J   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlisle, Geoffrey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlson, Lindsay  Dr.  (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Castillo, Alycia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chavez, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Barbara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Richard  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Collier, Randy   (Self), Round rock, TX

                                 Coussoulis, Nicholas   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cruz, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cuevas, Avital   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cummins, Jonathan   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Currens, Kelsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Dallorso, Giselle   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Dancy, Allison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dancy, Blair   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Davis, Wendy   (Self; Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 De Lygh, Jynx   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Dean, Alyssa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeCaprio, Ellie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dickson, Char   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DiPasquale, Leila   (Self), Austin, Texas, TX

                                 Dryden, Sara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dunn, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Eby French, Emily  (Texas Civil Rights Project), Austin, TX

                                 Elliott, Megan  The Rev  (Self), Seguin, TX

                                 Enyart, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 F, Linzy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fairlee, Katrina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fierro-Perez, Rocio   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Figueroa, Marilyse   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Flores, Gilbert   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Francis, Will  Executive Director  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Austin, TX

                                 Freeman, Noel   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 G, Suzanne   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Gaffney, Seth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gehring, Avery   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Gehring, Reid   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Gill, Hannah  Policy Fellow (NAMI Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Juliana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Juliana  (SAFE Alliance), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzalez, Ana   (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX

                                 Gooch, Johnathan   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Gorczynski, Christina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Grant, Milo  Rev.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hanks, Louise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hargett, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Chris   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hauschild, Johanna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hauschildt, Rothko   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Brittany  Pastor  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hilgers, Madison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Hill, Jessica  MD  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Rachel  Government Relations Director  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Everett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Meghen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hime, Lilli   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hines, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hobson, Todla  Ms.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Holley-Hurt, Carrie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Horstman, Max   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houser, Amelia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Hunt, Kyla   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Hurts, Amy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jackman, Beatrix   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jacobson, Meghan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Hanna   (Self), AP0, TX

                                 Johnson, LyAnna  Rev.  (Self; Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Remington  Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 K, Elaine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kachelmeyer, James   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Keenan, Mary  Rev.  (Self; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX), Austin, TX

                                 Kincaid, Jeannette   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Knight, Anita   (Self; TX Impact, LWV, AAUW, Equality TX), West Lake Hills, TX, TX

                                 Kolb, Egan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Konstantine, Sara   (Self), Cedar park, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kraft, Cassandra   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Krueger-Inabnit, Mikhaela  N/A  (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Kundanmal, Naveen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Leist, Alexander   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis arnold, Qiana   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Link, Beth   (Self), Denton, TX

                                 Lloyd, Adrienne   (Self; Children's Defense Fund-Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Locasio, Ann   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lopez, Carisa  Political Director  (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Lyons, James   (Self), Bastrop, TX

                                 Machamer, Lindsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Maines, Wayne   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Markus, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Marques, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin, Emily   (Self; Avow), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Martin Benitez, Paulina Gabrielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martinez, Em   (Self), Baytown, TX

                                 Martinez, Rae   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Matula, Michelle   (Self; Texas uUnitarian Universalist Justice Ministry), Austin, TX

                                 McDonald, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McGarity, Kristin   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 McJunkins, Phillip   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon`, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon`, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLean, Gentry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLeland, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McManus, J.   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Melendrez, Eli   (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                 Mendoza, Alec  Senior policy associate for health (Texans Care for Children), Austin, TX

                                 Merfish, Brett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Michelle, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Milburn, Lais   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miles-Wallace, Katy  Rev.  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod), Seguin, TX

                                 Miller, Cyral   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Finch   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Laura   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Nico   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Amber   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Jason   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Minnigerode, Laura  Parent  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitterhoff, Tessa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Molnar, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Montes, Adrian   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Morales, Elsa   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Moree, Francesca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Moreno, Lidia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Morrison, Alex   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mudge, Jennifer   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mullins, Thomas   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Murphy, Heidi   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Murray, Hilary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Lesley   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Timothy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nance, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Norwood, Aliza  Dr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 O'Brien, Eileen  The Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 O'Quin, Ana  (Girls Empowerment Network), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Sheri   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Stephen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 ONeal, Jen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Orozco, David   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Ortega, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 P, Alex   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Pang, Melanie   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pankl, Grace   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pate, Tre   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Paul, Nicole   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Pollack, Jordyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pritchett, William   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pruett, Kay   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Puente, Jaime  Dir. of Economic Opportunity (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                 Ray, Isabel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ray, Truitt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regalado, Ronan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Reyburn, Beth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Reynolds, David  (Texas Chapter American College of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Rivas, Luis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Rivera, Marialena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Rubin, Miriam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ruiz, Joslin   (Self), Bastrop, TX

                                 Ryan, Nathan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Tim   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 S, Rox   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 S, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Salinas, Michelle   (Self), Austin/TX, TX

                                 Sanchez, Joslynn   (Self; Deeds Not Words), Kyle, TX

                                 Saval, Maureen   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Schelling, Emmett   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Schilt, Paige  Lmsw  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Schruben, Korin   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Segovia, Andrea   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Shelley, Adrian  Director (Public Citizen), Austin, TX

                                 Skidmore, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Skoglund, Kristen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Slaymaker, Erika   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smedlund, Jessica   (Self), Austn, TX

                                 Smith, Mark   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Snell, Tamra   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Somes, Carolyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soorholtz, Kaiya   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soto, Charles   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Darien  Mrs.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Francesco  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steffes, Hannah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steiner, S. Mackenzie  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stern, Maggie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Stoddart, Mindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Suknaic, Cecilia  Vicar  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tan, Matthew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Teinert, Carl   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tendler, Stuart   (Self; Texas unitarian universalist justice ministry), Austin, TX

                                 Thompson, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Thornton, Bis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valdez, Victor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valente-johnson, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valenzuela-Wood, Veronica   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 VanKoughnett, Paul  Dr.  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 W, Jodie   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Walker, Taylor  Vicar  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Welch, Diana   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Williamson, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Williamson, Roxy   (Self; New Endeavor Texas - The Texas Grassroots Alliance - GIVERS

                                 Texas), Galveston, TX

                                 Williamson, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Willis, D'Andra   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Wilson, Blue   (Self), Canyon Lake, TX

                                 Wilson, Mary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Withrow, Sophie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Witt, Emily  (Texas freedom network), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, John   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Lorelei   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Wood, Maxwell   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

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                                 Worthington, Matt  Mr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yang, Drew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yeary, Margaret   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Yin, Darlena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yoon, Lydia   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Young, Korey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ziegelman, Julie   (Self), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Fedrick, Karole   (Self; Texas eagle forum), Austin, TX


                                 Knight, Preston   (Self; Human Rights Campaign "HRC"), Washington, DC


                                 Kroll, Carrie  Vice President Advocacy, Quality and Health Policy (Texas Hospital

                                 Association), Austin, TX

            SB 162


                                 Castle, Mary Elizabeth  Director of Government Relations (Texas Values Action), Austin,


                                 Covey, Jonathan  Director of Policy (Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                 Evans, Michelle   (Self; Partners for Ethical Care), Round Rock, TX

                                 Hale, Paul   (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Shannon, Tracy   (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Kingwood, TX


                                 Buchert, Sasha  Senior Attorney  (Self; Lambda Legal), Washington, DC

                                 Goodman, Chloe   (Self; Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hall, Ash   (Self; ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Murphy, Jacqueline   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Asmussen, Cindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Beckmeyer, John  ED  (Self; RPT), Loraine, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Cheshire, Cary   (Self), Benbrook, TX

                                 Covey, Jonathan  Director of Policy (Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                 Eller, Andrew   (Self; State Republican Executive Committeeman SD24, Republican Party

                                 of Texas, Self), Temple, TX

                                 Fedrick, Karole   (Self; Texas eagle forum), Austin, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

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                                 Garner, Donald  Executive Director (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition), Austin, TX

                                 Glass, Tom   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Glover, Jill  SREC SD 12  (Self; Texas Republican Party Legislative Priorities Chair),

                                 Double Oak, TX

                                 Gossett, William   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property (TFP)), Humble, TX

                                 Green, Robert L.   (Self), TX, TX

                                 Hopper, Chris  Mr  (Self; Texas Family Project), Weatherford, TX

                                 Hotze, Dr. Steven  Doctor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Long, Matt   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Macias, Luke   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 Macias, Luke   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 McMullen, Stuart  Mr.  (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Murphy, Joseph   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Perez, Susan   (Self; Citizens for Education Reform), Lubbock, TX

                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Saenz, Jonathan  Attorney  (Self; Texas Values Action), Austin, TX

                                 Schatzline, Nate  Representative  (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Sullivan, Michael   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Tomba, John   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property), Humble, TX

                                 Trainor, Lucy   (Self), Driftwood, TX

                                 Wilson, Jake   (Self), Fort Worth, TX


                                 Adams, Edy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Adams-Hernandez, Theo   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Albert Donovan, Carolyn  Rev.  (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Alter, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Atkinson, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bader-Saye, Scott  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baker, Alice  Graphic Designer  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Barron, Alexandra  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Barsalou, Denee   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bier, Marti   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Bovik, Kai   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bowers, Blaise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Briner, Susan  Bishop  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA), NEW BRAUNFELS, AL

                                 Brodell, Sherry   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Brookins, Kaybee   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bunker, Phil   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Burkholder, Kayla   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Caballero, Darcy  (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 Cabrera, Adrian   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Caffee, Sarah   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Cain, Jessica  The Rev  (Self), San Marcos, TX

                                 Canciglia, J   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlisle, Geoffrey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlson, Lindsay  Dr.  (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Carranza, Susana  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castillo, Alycia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chavez, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Barbara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Richard  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Collier, Randy   (Self), Round rock, TX

                                 Coussoulis, Nicholas   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cruz, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cuevas, Avital   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cummins, Jonathan   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Currens, Kelsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dallorso, Giselle   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Davis, Wendy   (Self; Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 De Lygh, Jynx   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Dean, Alyssa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DiPasquale, Leila   (Self), Austin, Texas, TX

                                 Dunn, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Eby French, Emily  (Texas Civil Rights Project), Austin, TX

                                 Elliott, Megan  The Rev  (Self), Seguin, TX

                                 Enyart, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 F, Linzy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fairlee, Katrina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fierro-Perez, Rocio   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Figueroa, Marilyse   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Flores, Gilbert   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Freeman, Noel   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Gaffney, Seth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gill, Hannah  Policy Fellow (NAMI Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Juliana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzalez, Ana   (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Gooch, Johnathan   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Gorczynski, Christina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hamilton, Christopher  Chief Executive Officer (Texas Health Action), Austin, TX

                                 Hanks, Louise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hargett, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Chris   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hauschild, Johanna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Britt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hilgers, Madison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Rachel  Government Relations Director  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Everett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Meghen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hines, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Holley-Hurt, Carrie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houser, Amelia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Hunt, Kyla   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Jackman, Beatrix   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jacobson, Meghan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Hanna   (Self), AP0, TX

                                 Johnson, LyAnna  Rev.  (Self; Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Remington  Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kachelmeyer, James   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Keenan, Mary  Rev.  (Self; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX), Austin, TX

                                 Kincaid, Jeannette   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Knight, Anita   (Self; TX Impact, LWV, AAUW, Equality TX), West Lake Hills, TX, TX

                                 Konstantine, Sara   (Self), Cedar park, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kraft, Cassandra   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Krueger-Inabnit, Mikhaela  N/A  (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Kundanmal, Naveen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Latham Sikes, Chloe   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis arnold, Qiana   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Link, Beth   (Self), Denton, TX

                                 Lloyd, Adrienne   (Self; Children's Defense Fund-Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Locasio, Ann   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lopez, Carisa  Political Director  (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Lyons, James   (Self), Bastrop, TX

                                 Machamer, Lindsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Maines, Wayne   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Markus, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Marques, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin, Emily   (Self; Avow), Austin, TX

                                 Martin Benitez, Paulina Gabrielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martinez, Em   (Self), Baytown, TX

                                 Martinez, Rae   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Martinez, Ricardo   (Self; EQTX Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Matula, Michelle   (Self; Texas uUnitarian Universalist Justice Ministry), Austin, TX

                                 McDonald, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McGarity, Kristin   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 McKeon, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon`, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLean, Gentry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McManus, J   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Melendrez, Eli   (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                 Merfish, Brett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Michelle, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Milburn, Lais   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miles-Wallace, Katy  Rev.  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod), Seguin, TX

                                 Miller, Cyral   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Finch   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Laura   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Nico   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Amber   (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Jason   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Minnigerode, Laura  Parent  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitterhoff, Tessa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Molnar, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Montes, Adrian   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Mooney, Megan  Dr  (Self; Texas Psychological Association), Houston, TX

                                 Morales, Elsa   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Moree, Francesca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Moreno, Lidia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Morrison, Alex   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mudge, Jennifer   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mullins, Thomas   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Murray, Hilary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nance, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                 O'Brien, Eileen  The Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 O'Quin, Ana  (Girls Empowerment Network), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Sheri   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Olander-Waters, Stephen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Orozco, David   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Ortega, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pankl, Grace   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pate, Tre   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Paul, Nicole   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Pollack, Jordyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pritchett, William   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pruett, Kay   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Puente, Jaime  Dir. of Economic Opportunity (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                 Pyke, Cody  Dr.  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Ray, Isabel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regalado, Ronan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Reyburn, Beth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Richter, Amanda  Dr.  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Rivas, Luis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Rivera, Marialena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Rubin, Miriam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Kathryn  The Right Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Nathan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 S, Rox   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Sanchez, Joslynn   (Self; Deeds Not Words), Kyle, TX

                                 Saval, Maureen   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Schelling, Emmett   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Schilt, Paige  Lmsw  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Schruben, Korin   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Segovia, Andrea   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Seibert, Denise  Self  (Self), Belton, TX

                                 Shelley, Adrian  Director (Public Citizen), Austin, TX

                                 Skidmore, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Slaymaker, Erika   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smedlund, Jessica   (Self), Austn, TX

                                 Smith, Mark   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Snell, Tamra   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Soorholtz, Kaiya   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soto, Charles   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Darien  Mrs.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Francesco  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Steffes, Hannah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steiner, S. Mackenzie  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stern, Maggie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Sthanu, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stoddart, Mindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tan, Matthew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tendler, Stuart   (Self; Texas unitarian universalist justice ministry), Austin, TX

                                 Thornton, Bis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Travis, Clayton  Director of Advocacy (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX

                                 Valdez, Victor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valente-Johnson, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 VanKoughnett, Paul  Dr.  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 W, Jodie   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Welch, Diana   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Williamson, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Williamson, Roxy   (Self; New Endeavor Texas - The Texas Grassroots Alliance - GIVERS

                                 Texas), Galveston, TX

                                 Williamson, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Willis, D'Andra   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Wilson, Blue   (Self), Canyon Lake, TX

                                 Wilson, Mary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Withrow, Sophie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Witt, Emily  (Texas freedom network), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Lorelei   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Worthington, Matt  Mr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yang, Drew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yeary, Margaret   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Yin, Darlena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yoon, Lydia   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Young, Korey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ziegelman, Julie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zwiener, Jessica  Physician  (Self), Houston, TX


                                 Hall, Dr Manda  (Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Hotze, MD, Steven  Doctor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Whitt, Kevin   (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Allen, TX

            SB 250


                                 Flower, Dr. Linda  Medical Director Tomagwa Healthcare  (also providing written

                                 testimony)  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Hotze, MD, Steven  Doctor  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Rife, Dr. Bethany  Physician  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Bivins, TX

                                 Shannon, Tracy   (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Kingwood, TX

                                 Whitt, Kevin   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Allen, TX

                                 Wilson, Jake   (Self), Fort Worth, TX


                                 Buchert, Sasha  Senior Attorney  (Self; Lambda Legal), Washington, DC

                                 Butcher, Callie   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Carranza, Susana  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Goodman, Chloe   (Self; Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hall, Ash   (Self; ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hamilton, Christopher  Chief Executive Officer (Texas Health Action), Austin, TX

                                 Murphy, Jacqueline   (Self), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Asmussen, Cindy   (Self; Southern Baptists of Texas Convention), Austin, TX

                                 Beckmeyer, John  ED  (Self; RPT), Loraine, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Cheshire, Cary   (Self), Benbrook, TX

                                 Eller, Andrew   (Self; State Republican Executive Committeeman SD24, Republican Party

                                 of Texas, Self), Temple, TX

                                 Evans, Michelle   (Self; Partners for Ethical Care), Round Rock, TX

                                 Glass, Tom   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Gossett, William   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property (TFP)), Humble, TX

                                 Green, Robert L.   (Self), TX, TX

                                 Hale, Paul   (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Hale, Paul   (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Hopper, Chris  Mr  (Self; Texas Family Project), Weatherford, TX

                                 Hotze, Dr. Steven  Doctor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Keyes, Darren   (Self; Alliance Defending Freedom), Bee Cave, TX

                                 Long, Matt   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 McCravey, Nathan   (Self; Texas Ethis and Religious Liberty Committee), Abilene, TX, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 McMullen, Stuart  Mr.  (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Murphy, Joseph   (Self), Texas, TX

                                 Peters, Kurt  MD  (Self), Rosharon, TX

                                 Schatzline, Nate  Representative  (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Sullivan, Michael   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Tomba, John   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property), Humble, TX

                                 Trainor, Lucy   (Self), Driftwood, TX

                                 Wilson, Ben  Dr  (Self), Waco, TX

                                 Wood, Cecilia   (Self), Austin, TX


                                 Adams-Hernandez, Theo   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Afifi, Amanda   (Self; Texas Association of School Psychologists), Austin, TX

                                 Albert Donovan, Carolyn  Rev.  (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Alter, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Arias, Jordan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Atkinson, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Babbitt, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bader-Saye, Scott  Dr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baker, Alice  Graphic Designer  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baloutine, Reese   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Barsalou, Denee   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bates, Georgia  (Vivent Health), Austin, TX

                                 Beas, Lorenzo   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 Behr, Connor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Behr, Jove   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bier, Marti   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Bolte, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Briner, Susan  Bishop  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA), NEW BRAUNFELS, AL

                                 Brodell, Sherry   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Brookins, Kaybee   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bunker, Phil   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Burkholder, Kayla   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Caffee, Sarah   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Cain, Jessica  The Rev  (Self), San Marcos, TX

                                 Canciglia, J   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlisle, Geoffrey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castillo, Alycia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chavez, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Chiarello, Barbara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Richard  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Collier, Randy   (Self), Round rock, TX

                                 Coussoulis, Nicholas   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cruz, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cuevas, Avital   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cummins, Jonathan   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Dallorso, Giselle   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Dancy, Allison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dancy, Blair   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 De Lygh, Jynx   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dunn, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Eby French, Emily  (Texas Civil Rights Project), Austin, TX

                                 Elliott, Megan  The Rev  (Self), Seguin, TX

                                 Enyart, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 F, Linzy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fairlee, Katrina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fierro-Perez, Rocio   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Flores, Gilbert   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Francis, Will  Executive Director  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Austin, TX

                                 Freeman, Noel   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Gaffney, Seth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gill, Hannah  Policy Fellow (NAMI Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Juliana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzalez, Ana   (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX

                                 Gooch, Johnathan   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Gorczynski, Christina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Grant, Milo  Rev.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hargett, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hauschild, Johanna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hilgers, Madison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Jessica  MD  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Rachel  Government Relations Director  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Everett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Meghen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hime, Lilli   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hines, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hobson, Caterina  Miss  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hobson, Todla  Ms.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Holley Hurt, Carrie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Hunt, Kyla   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Jackman, Beatrix   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jacobson, Meghan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, LyAnna  Rev.  (Self; Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Remington  Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kachelmeyer, James   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Keenan, Mary  Rev.  (Self; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX), Austin, TX

                                 Kincaid, Jeannette   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Knight, Anita   (Self; TX Impact, LWV, AAUW, Equality TX), West Lake Hills, TX, TX

                                 Koebele, Steve  Consultant (American Property Casualty Insurance Association), Austin,


                                 Kolb, Egan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Konstantine, Sara   (Self), Cedar park, TX

                                 Kraft, Cassandra   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kundanmal, Naveen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Leist, Alexander   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis arnold, Qiana   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Lloyd, Adrienne   (Self; Children's Defense Fund-Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Locasio, Ann   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lopez, Carisa  Political Director  (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Lyons, James   (Self), Bastrop, TX

                                 Maines, Wayne   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Markus, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Marques, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin, Emily   (Self; Avow), Austin, TX

                                 Martin Benitez, Paulina Gabrielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martinez, Em   (Self), Baytown, TX

                                 Martinez, Rae   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Martinez, Ricardo   (Self; EQTX Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Matula, Michelle   (Self; Texas uUnitarian Universalist Justice Ministry), Austin, TX

                                 McGarity, Kristin   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 McJunkins, Phillip   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon`, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon`, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLean, Gentry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLeland, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Merfish, Brett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Milburn, Lais   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Cyral   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Miller, Finch   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Laura   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Nico   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Amber   (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Jason   (Self), ROUND ROCK, TX

                                 Minnigerode, Laura  Parent  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitterhoff, Tessa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Molnar, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Montes, Adrian   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Mooney, Megan  Dr  (Self; Texas Psychological Association), Houston, TX

                                 Morales, Elsa   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Moree, Francesca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Moreno, Lidia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Morrison, Alex   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mudge, Jennifer   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mullins, Thomas   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Murray, Hilary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Lesley   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Timothy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nance, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Norwood, Aliza  Dr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 O'Quin, Ana  (Girls Empowerment Network), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Sheri   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Stephen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Orozco, David   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Pankl, Grace   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pate, Tre   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Paul, Nicole   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Pollack, Jordyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pritchett, William   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pruett, Kay   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Puente, Jaime  Dir. of Economic Opportunity (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                 Pyke, Cody  Dr.  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Ray, Truitt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regalado, Ronan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Reyburn, Beth   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Reynolds, David  (Texas Chapter American College of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Richter, Amanda  Dr.  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Rivera, Marialena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Ryan, Kathryn  The Right Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Nathan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Tim   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 S, Rox   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Salinas, Michelle   (Self), Austin/TX, TX

                                 Sanchez, Joslynn   (Self; Deeds Not Words), Kyle, TX

                                 Schelling, Emmett   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Schilt, Paige  Lmsw  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Segovia, Andrea   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Shelley, Adrian  Director (Public Citizen), Austin, TX

                                 Skidmore, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Slaymaker, Erika   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smedlund, Jessica   (Self), Austn, TX

                                 Smith, Evelyn  Social Work Student  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Waco, TX

                                 Smith, Mark   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Snell, Tamra   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Somes, Carolyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soorholtz, Kaiya   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Darien  Mrs.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Francesco  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steffes, Hannah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steiner, S. Mackenzie  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stoddart, Mindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tan, Matthew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Teinert, Carl   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tendler, Stuart   (Self; Texas unitarian universalist justice ministry), Austin, TX

                                 Thompson, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Travis, Clayton  Director of Advocacy (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX

                                 Valente-Johnson, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valenzuela-Wood, Veronica   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 VanKoughnett, Paul  Dr.  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 W, Jodie   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Welch, Diana   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Williamson, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Williamson, Roxy   (Self; New Endeavor Texas - The Texas Grassroots Alliance - GIVERS

                                 Texas), Galveston, TX

                                 Williamson, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Willis, D'Andra   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Wilson, Blue   (Self), Canyon Lake, TX

                                 Wilson, Mary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Witt, Emily  (Texas freedom network), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, John   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Maxwell   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Worthington, Matt  Mr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yang, Drew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yin, Darlena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yoon, Lydia   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Young, Korey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ziegelman, Julie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zwiener, Jessica  Physician  (Self), Houston, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas Medical Association), Austin, TX

            SB 500


                                 Fairbanks, Kathy  Area Executive Dir (ALSAC - St Jude Childrens Research Hospital),

                                 Mansfield, TX

                                 Stadlar, Deron  Builder (Evolutionary Homes), San Antonio, TX

                                 Stadler, Deron   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer  Executive Director (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops), Austin,


                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Brown, Sabrina  (Texas Association of Builders), Austin, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lee, Randy  (St Jude Children's and Research Hospital), Austin, TX

                                 Meyer, Richard   (Self), Austin, TX


                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

            SB 885


                                 Bresnen, Steve  (Texas Family Law Foundation), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM


                                 Hall Lecuona, Shawn   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Lecuona Law, PLLC dba

                                 Lecuona Life Ministries, BFQ), Austin, TX

                                 Munoz, Melissa  (TAFDA), San antonio, TX

                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX


                                 Bellino, Heather  CEO  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Advocacy Project,

                                 Inc.), Austin, TX

                                 Kozikojekian, Vicki  General Counsel (Dept of Family and Protective Services), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Bates, Georgia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Fuentes, Gabriella  Policy Coordinator  (Self; Texas Council on Family Violence), Austin,


                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX


                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Fedrick, Karole   (Self; Texas eagle forum), Austin, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Hatcher, Julia  Attorney  (Self; TAFDA), Galveston, TX

                                 Hicks, Britt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Sthanu, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Cecilia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Woodeshick, Pamela   (Self), The Hills, TX

            SB 959


                                 Ayala, Caryl  Director  (Self; Concerned Parents of Texas), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Castle, Mary Elizabeth  Director of Government Relations (Texas Values Action), Austin,


                                 Covey, Jonathan  Director of Policy (Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                 Pojman PhD, Joe  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Alliance

                                 for Life), Austin, TX

                                 Seibert, Denise  Self  (Self), Belton, TX

                                 Wilson, Jake   (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM


                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian  Ms.  (Self), Tolar, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer  Executive Director (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops), Austin,


                                 Beckmeyer, John  ED  (Self; RPT), Loraine, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Eller, Andrew   (Self; State Republican Executive Committeeman SD24, Republican Party

                                 of Texas, Self), Temple, TX

                                 Fedrick, Karole   (Self; Texas eagle forum), Austin, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Garner, Donald  Executive Director (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition), Austin, TX

                                 Green, Robert L.   (Self), TX, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 O'Donnell, Amy  Communications Director (Texas Alliance for Life), Austin, TX

                                 Parma, Rebecca  Legislative Director (Texas Right to Life), Bellaire, TX

                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Saenz, Jonathan  Attorney  (Self; Texas Values Action), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Trainor, Lucy   (Self), Driftwood, TX

                                 Woodeshick, Pamela   (Self), The Hills, TX


                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bier, Marti   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Bovik, Kai   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bowers, Blaise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Bunker, Phil   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Burkholder, Kayla   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Caballero, Darcy  (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 Cabrera, Adrian   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlson, Lindsay  Dr.  (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Carranza, Susana  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castillo, Alycia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Barbara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Richard  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cuevas, Avital   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cummins, Jonathan   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Dallorso, Giselle   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Davis, Wendy   (Self; Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fairlee, Katrina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fierro-Perez, Rocio   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Freeman, Noel   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hamilton, Christopher  CEO (Texas Health Action), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Britt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hunt, Kyla   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Lauren  (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Konstantine, Sara   (Self), Cedar park, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kraft, Cassandra   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis arnold, Qiana   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Lopez, Carisa  Political Director  (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Markus, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Marques, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin, Emily   (Self; Avow), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLean, Gentry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Merfish, Brett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Michelle, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Cyral   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Finch   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Nico   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Amber   (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund), Austin, TX

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Montes, Adrian   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Ortega, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pankl, Grace   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Paul, Nicole   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Pritchett, William   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Puente, Jaime  Dir. of Economic Opportunity (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Rubin, Miriam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Nathan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Saval, Maureen   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Schilt, Paige  Lmsw  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Shelley, Adrian  Director (Public Citizen), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Mark   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Darien  Mrs.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Francesco  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Sthanu, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valdez, Victor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valente-Johnson, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 VanKoughnett, Paul  Dr.  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 W, Jodie   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Williamson, Roxy   (Self; New Endeavor Texas - The Texas Grassroots Alliance - GIVERS

                                 Texas), Galveston, TX

                                 Willis, D'Andra   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Witt, Emily  (Texas freedom network), Austin, TX

                                 Ziegelman, Julie   (Self), Austin, TX

            SB 1029


                                 Hale, Paul   (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Hotze, MD, Steven  Doctor  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Shannon, Tracy   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Mass Resistance Texas),

                                 Kingwood, TX

                                 Whitt, Kevin   (Self; Mass Resistance Texas), Allen, TX

                                 Wilson, Jake   (Self), Fort Worth, TX


                                 Buchert, Sasha  Senior Attorney  (Self; Lambda Legal), Washington, DC

                                 Butcher, Callie   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Canciglia, J   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carranza, Susana  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Goodman, Chloe   (Self; Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hall, Ash   (Self; ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Hamilton, Christopher  Chief Executive Officer (Texas Health Action), Austin, TX

                                 Murphy, Jacqueline   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pyke, Cody  Dr.  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX

                                 Sugg, Johanna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tamayo, Elisa M.  Governmental Affairs Manager  (Self; El Paso County), El Paso, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Asmussen, Cindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Beckmeyer, John  ED  (Self; RPT), Loraine, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Castle, Mary Elizabeth  Director of Government Relations (Texas Values Action), Austin,


                                 Cheshire, Cary   (Self), Benbrook, TX

                                 Eller, Andrew   (Self; State Republican Executive Committeeman SD24, Republican Party

                                 of Texas, Self), Temple, TX

                                 Evans, Michelle   (Self; Partners for Ethical Care), Round Rock, TX

                                 Fedrick, Karole   (Self; Texas eagle forum), Austin, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Garner, Donald  Executive Director (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition), Austin, TX

                                 Glass, Tom   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Glover, Jill  SREC SD 12  (Self; Texas Republican Party Legislative Priorities Chair),

                                 Double Oak, TX

                                 Gossett, William   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property (TFP)), Humble, TX

                                 Hale, Paul   (Self), Queen City, TX

                                 Hopper, Chris  Mr  (Self; Texas Family Project), Weatherford, TX

                                 Hotze, Dr. Steven  Doctor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Long, Matt   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Macias, Luke   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 Macias, Luke   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 McCravey, Nathan   (Self), Abilene, TX, TX

                                 McMullen, Stuart  Mr.  (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Perez, Susan   (Self; Citizens for Education Reform), Lubbock, TX

                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Saenz, Jonathan  Attorney  (Self; Texas Values Action), Austin, TX

                                 Schatzline, Nate  Representative  (Self), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Seibert, Denise  Self  (Self), Belton, TX

                                 Shoultz, Martha  Partners for Ethical Care  (Self; PEC), Dallas, TX

                                 Slaton, Bryan  Rep  (Self), Royse city, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 Sullivan, Michael   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Tomba, John   (Self; The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and

                                 Property), Humble, TX

                                 Trainor, Lucy   (Self), Driftwood, TX

                                 Woodeshick, Pamela   (Self), The Hills, TX

                                 Woodeshick, Pamela   (Self), The Hills, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM


                                 Adams, Edy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Adams-Hernandez, Theo   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Alter, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Arias, Jordan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Atkinson, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Babbitt, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baker, Alice  Graphic Designer  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Baloutine, Reese   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Banning, Thomas  Ceo (Texas Academy of Family Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Barron, Alexandra  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Barsalou, Denee   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Bastian, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bates, Georgia  (Vivent Health), Austin, TX

                                 Beas, Lorenzo   (Self), San antonio, TX

                                 Bier, Marti   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Bolte, Rachel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bovik, Kai   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bowers, Blaise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Briner, Susan  Bishop  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA), NEW BRAUNFELS, AL

                                 Brodell, Sherry   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Brookins, Kaybee   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bunker, Phil   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Burkholder, Kayla   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Caballero, Darcy  (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 Cabrera, Adrian   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Caffee, Sarah   (Self), Hockley, TX

                                 Cain, Jessica  The Rev  (Self), San Marcos, TX

                                 Campa, Kerren   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlisle, Geoffrey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carlson, Lindsay  Dr.  (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Castillo, Alycia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chavez, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Barbara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Chiarello, Richard  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Collier, Randy   (Self), Round rock, TX

                                 Coussoulis, Nicholas   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cruz, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Cuevas, Avital   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cummins, Jonathan   (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Currens, Kelsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dallorso, Giselle   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Dancy, Allison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dancy, Blair   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Davis, Wendy   (Self; Planned Parenthood Texas Votes), Austin, TX

                                 De Lygh, Jynx   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Dean, Alyssa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeCaprio, Ellie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DiPasquale, Leila   (Self), Austin, Texas, TX

                                 Dryden, Sara  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dunn, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Elliott, Megan  The Rev  (Self), Seguin, TX

                                 F, Linzy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fairlee, Katrina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fierro-Perez, Rocio   (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Figueroa, Marilyse   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Flores, Gilbert   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Francis, Will  Executive Director  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Austin, TX

                                 Freeman, Noel   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 G, Amy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Juliana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gooch, Johnathan   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Goodman, Clarke   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Gorczynski, Christina   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Grant, Milo  Rev.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hanks, Louise   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hargett, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Chris   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hauschild, Johanna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Britt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hilgers, Madison   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Jessica  MD  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hill, Rachel  Government Relations Director  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Everett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hiller, Meghen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hime, Lilli   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hines, Emily   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Horstman, Max   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Houser, Amelia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Hunt, Kyla   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Jackman, Beatrix   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jacobson, Meghan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Hanna   (Self), AP0, TX

                                 Johnson, Remington  Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kay, Cicely  Intergovernmental Relations (Travis County Commissioners Court), Austin,


                                 Keenan, Mary  Rev.  (Self; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX), Austin, TX

                                 Kincaid, Jeannette   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Knight, Anita   (Self; TX Impact, LWV, AAUW, Equality TX), West Lake Hills, TX, TX

                                 Koebele, Steve  Consultant (American Property Casualty Insurance Association), Austin,


                                 Kolb, Egan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Konstantine, Sara   (Self), Cedar park, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kraft, Cassandra   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Krueger-Inabnit, Mikhaela  N/A  (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Kundanmal, Naveen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Leist, Alexander   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis arnold, Qiana   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Link, Beth   (Self), Denton, TX

                                 Locasio, Ann   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lopez, Carisa  Political Director  (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                 Lyons, James   (Self), Bastrop, TX

                                 Machamer, Lindsey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Maines, Wayne   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Markus, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Marques, Rebecca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin Benitez, Paulina Gabrielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martinez, Em   (Self), Baytown, TX

                                 Martinez, Rae   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Martinez, Ricardo   (Self; EQTX Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Matula, Michelle   (Self; Texas uUnitarian Universalist Justice Ministry), Austin, TX

                                 McDonald, Megan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McGarity, Kristin   (Self), Kyle, TX

                                 McJunkins, Phillip   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McKeon, Isadora   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLean, Gentry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 McLeland, Susan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 McManus, J.   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Melendrez, Eli   (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                 Merfish, Brett   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Michelle, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Milburn, Lais   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miles-Wallace, Katy  Rev.  (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod), Seguin, TX

                                 Miller, Cyral   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Finch   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Laura   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Nico   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mills, Amber   (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund), Austin, TX

                                 Minnigerode, Laura  Parent  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mitterhoff, Tessa   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Molnar, Eve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Montes, Adrian   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Mooney, Megan  Dr  (Self; Texas Psychological Association), Houston, TX

                                 Morales, Elsa   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Moree, Francesca   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Moreno, Lidia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Morrison, Alex   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mudge, Jennifer   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Mullins, Thomas   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Murray, Hilary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Katherine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Lesley   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Murray, Timothy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Narvaez, Tammy  Deputy Director Intergovernmental Affairs (Harris County

                                 Commissioners Court), Houston, TX

                                 Nguyen, Anna   (Self; PFLAG Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Sheri   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Olander-Waters, Stephen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Orozco, David   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Ortega, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pankl, Grace   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pate, Tre   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Paul, Nicole   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Perez, Adriano   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Pollack, Jordyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pritchett, William   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Pruett, Kay   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Puente, Jaime  Dir. of Economic Opportunity (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Ray, Isabel   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ray, Truitt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regalado, Ronan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Richter, Amanda  Dr.  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Rivas, Luis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Rivera, Marialena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Rubin, Miriam   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Kathryn  The Right Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Nathan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ryan, Tim   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 S, Rox   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Salinas, Michelle   (Self), Austin/TX, TX

                                 Saval, Maureen   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Schelling, Emmett   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Schilt, Paige  Lmsw  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Schruben, Korin   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Segovia, Andrea   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Shelley, Adrian  Director (Public Citizen), Austin, TX

                                 Skidmore, Danielle   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Slaymaker, Erika   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Smedlund, Jessica   (Self), Austn, TX

                                 Smith, Evelyn  Social Work Student  (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas

                                 Chapter), Waco, TX

                                 Smith, Mark   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Snell, Tamra   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Somes, Carolyn   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soorholtz, Kaiya   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Soto, Charles   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Darien  Mrs.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stefani, Francesco  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steffes, Hannah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Steiner, S. Mackenzie  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stern, Maggie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas medical association), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX

                                 Stoddart, Mindy   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tan, Matthew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tendler, Stuart   (Self; Texas unitarian universalist justice ministry), Austin, TX

                                 Thompson, Stephanie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Thornton, Bis   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Travis, Clayton  Director of Advocacy (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Valdez, Victor   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valente-Johnson, Arianna   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Valenzuela-Wood, Veronica   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 VanKoughnett, Paul  Dr.  (Self), College Station, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 W, Jodie   (Self), Leander, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Welch, Diana   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Williamson, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Williamson, Roxy   (Self; New Endeavor Texas - The Texas Grassroots Alliance - GIVERS

                                 Texas), Galveston, TX

                                 Williamson, Sarah   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Willis, D'Andra   (Self), Cedar hill, TX

                                 Wilson, Blue   (Self), Canyon Lake, TX

                                 Wilson, Mary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Withrow, Sophie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Witt, Emily  (Texas freedom network), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, John   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Lorelei   (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Wood, Maxwell   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Worthington, Matt  Mr  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yang, Drew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yeary, Margaret   (Self), Austin, TX, TX

                                 Yin, Darlena   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Yoon, Lydia   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Young, Korey   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zaner, Dylan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ziegelman, Julie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Zwiener, Jessica  Physician  (Self), Houston, TX


                                 Sthanu, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Knight, Preston   (Self; Human Rights Campaign "HRC"), Washington, DC

            SB 1089


                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Phillips, Lawrence   (Self), Whitney, TX

                                 Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Stewart, Susan   (Self), Pflugerville, TX


                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Brandt, Andrew   (Self), AUSTIN, TX

                                 Butcher, Michelle   (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hicks, Britt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kosobud, Terry   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Sthanu, Radhika  Dr.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Van Maanen, Cynthia  Exevutive Director  (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austim,


                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX


                                 Adkins, Christian  Acting Director of Elections (Texas Secretary of State), Austin, TX

            SB 1269


                                 Hall Lecuona, Shawn   (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Lecuona Law, PLLC dba

                                 Lecuona Life Ministries, BFQ), Austin, TX

                                 Hatcher, Julia C.  President  (Self; Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys

                                 (TAFDA)), Galveston, TX

                                 Munoz, Melissa   (also providing written testimony) (TAFDA), San antonio, TX

                                 Wood, Cecilia   (Self; Family Freedom Project), Austin, TX


                                 Spencer Morrison, Mirian   (Self), Tolar, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Castilla, Cindi   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                 Flower, Linda  Family Pysician  (Self), Tomball, TX

                                 Green, Robert L.   (Self), TX, TX

                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX

                                 McMullen, Stuart  Mr.  (Self), Leander, TX


                                 Allsup, Ashlea   (Self), New Braunfels, TX

                                 Borchardt, Lindy  Assistant Criminal District Attorney (Phil Sorrells Tarrant County

                                 Criminal District Attorney), Fort Worth Texas, TX

                                 Carlson, Lindsay  Dr.  (Self), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Gooch, Johnathan   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Griffith, Idona   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Remington  Reverend  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Kay, Cicely  Intergovernmental Relations (Travis County Commissioners Court), Austin,


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            March 16, 2023 9:30 AM

                                 Mitchell, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Pham, Gin   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Regis, Katherine   (Self), Wimberley, TX

                                 Ruben, Eliana   (Self), Tx, TX

                                 Vaughan, Chelsea   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Williams, M Paige  Dallas County Assistant District Attorney (Dallas Criminal District

                                 Attorney John Creuzot), Dallas, TX


                                 Kozikojekian, Vicki  General Counsel (Dept of Family and Protective Services), Austin, TX

            SB 1300


                                 McIver, Meredith  Attorney (Texas Real Estate and Probate Institute (T-REP)), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Lux, Carolyn   (Self), Fredericksburg, TX


                                 Jarmon, Heather   (Self), Austin, TX