Daily House Calendar

Thursday, April 13, 2023



********** MAJOR STATE CALENDAR **********

HB 2                Meyer / Bonnen / Burrows / Thierry / Raymond / et al.

Relating to providing property tax relief through the public school finance system and property tax appraisal and administration.

HB 1550             Goldman

Relating to the continuation and functions of the Office of State-Federal Relations.

HB 1515             Clardy / Holland / Canales / Goldman / Bell, Keith

Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office.


HJR 1               Meyer / Bonnen / Burrows / Thierry / Raymond / et al.

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes and to except certain appropriations to pay for ad valorem tax relief from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations.

********** GENERAL STATE CALENDAR **********

HB 513              Metcalf / Cook / Johnson, Ann / Canales / Vasut / et al.

Relating to the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance or marihuana causing death or serious bodily injury; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 1910             Anchía

Relating to the prosecution of the offense of forgery.

HB 2484             Guillen / Thompson, Ed

Relating to the safety of a referee, judge, or other official at certain public school extracurricular activities and prohibiting certain conduct by a spectator related to those officials' safety.

HB 861              Lozano / Orr

Relating to the processing and sale of kratom and kratom products; providing civil penalties; creating a criminal offense.

HB 591              Capriglione

Relating to an exemption from the severance tax for gas produced from certain wells that is consumed on site and would otherwise have been lawfully vented or flared.

HB 53               Thompson, Ed / Shine / Ashby / et al.

Relating to the exemption from registration fees of certain vehicles used by nonprofit disaster relief organizations.

HB 540              Longoria

Relating to the award of library construction grants by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

HB 2037             Johnson, Ann

Relating to certain proceedings in juvenile court for children with mental illness and intellectual disabilities.

HB 279              Jetton / Bhojani

Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the offense of trafficking of persons.

HB 113              Ortega / Klick / Allison

Relating to the use of community health workers in Medicaid managed care.

HB 3013             Slawson

Relating to exempting certain contracts from procurement notice requirements.




H.B. 2


SECTION 1.  This rule for floor consideration of H.B. 2 is proposed by the Committee on Calendars, pursuant to House Rule 3, Section 4(2).  The rule will be effective if it is approved by the house, in accordance with House Rule 6, Section 16(f).

SECTION 2.  All original amendments that will be offered during second reading consideration of the bill must be filed with the chief clerk by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12.



H.J.R. 1


SECTION 1.  This rule for floor consideration of H.J.R. 1 is proposed by the Committee on Calendars, pursuant to House Rule 3, Section 4(2).  The rule will be effective if it is approved by the house, in accordance with House Rule 6, Section 16(f).

SECTION 2.  All original amendments that will be offered during second reading consideration of the resolution must be filed with the chief clerk by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12.