COMMITTEE:     State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Thursday, March 21, 2019 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Joan Huffman 








To consider the following:


SB 24          Lucio | et al.          
Relating to the provision of informational materials and certain other information to a pregnant woman before an abortion.

SB 27          Hughes                 
Relating to recovery of damages, attorney's fees, and costs related to frivolous claims and regulatory actions by state agencies.

SB 370         Watson                 
Relating to employment protections for jury service.

SB 440         Hughes                 
Relating to a suit against The University of Texas at Tyler.

SB 1189        Buckingham | et al.     
Relating to certain deceptive advertising of legal services; imposing civil penalties.

SB 1491        Perry                  
Relating to civil liability of a nursing facility resident's responsible payor for misappropriation of the resident's funds.

SB 1675        West                   
Relating to the duties of the Title IV-D agency regarding the collection, modification, and enforcement of child support.

SB 1676        West                   
Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship and the enforcement of child support.

SB 1774        Bettencourt            
Relating to the maintenance of information entered into a fee record.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If submitting written

testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name

on each.




** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **