COMMITTEE:     Higher Education 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Wednesday, May 15, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Brandon Creighton 



HB 449         Turner, Chris | et al.   SP: Watson
Relating to a requirement that a public or private institution of higher education include a notation on a student's transcript under certain circumstances.

HB 739         Harless | et al.         SP: Menéndez
Relating to tuition and fees for certain military spouses and dependents.

HB 809         Thierry | et al.         SP: West
Relating to measures to assist students enrolled at public institutions of higher education who are homeless or who were formerly in foster care.

HB 1749        Wray | et al.            SP: Birdwell
Relating to the requirements for a junior college district to receive approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer baccalaureate degree programs.

HB 2668        Turner, Chris            SP: Paxton
Relating to the dissolution of a direct-support organization established by the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board and the transfer of funds related to prepaid higher education tuition scholarships to the Texas Match the Promise Foundation or a successor entity.

HB 2718        Turner, Chris            SP: West
Relating to authorizing an increase in the student union fee at The University of Texas at Arlington.

HB 3011        Turner, Chris | et al.   SP: Powell
Relating to requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to provide to a school district certain information used in determining academic accountability ratings for the district.

HB 3124        Wilson                  SP: Flores
Relating to tuition and fees charged by The Texas A&M University System for certain national laboratory or national laboratory operator employees and dependents.

HB 3652        Turner, Chris | et al.   SP: Creighton
Relating to the creation of a state repository for open educational resources by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

HB 4165        Pacheco | et al.         SP: Menéndez
Relating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs.

HB 4182        Sherman, Sr.             SP: West
Relating to an intercollegiate athletics fee at the University of North Texas at Dallas.

Those wishing to give public testimony, please limit prepared remarks to 3

minutes. If submitting written testimony, please submit 20 copies, with

your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing.