COMMITTEE:    Transportation 

TIME & DATE:  2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 

PLACE:       JHR 120 
CHAIR:       Rep. Terry Canales 


*Public testimony may be limited to two (2) minutes.*


If submitting written documentation, please provide 15 copies (with your name on each) to the committee clerk before or during the hearing.


The order in which bills are heard is at the discretion of the Chair.


If you intend to testify, please register using the electronic witness affirmation form, which will be available at any registration kiosk located throughout the Capitol Extension.


Witness registration will open approximately two (2) hours prior to the start of the hearing and must be completed prior to testifying.



HB 11          Thompson, Ed            
Relating to transfer of the driver licensing program from the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

HB 803         Patterson | et al.      
Relating to financial reporting requirements for toll projects.

HB 901         Hefner                 
Relating to registration of a motor vehicle alleged to have been involved in a violation detected by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system.

HB 1542        Martinez               
Relating to changes made by certain design-build contractors to the design-build team for transportation projects.

HB 1631        Stickland | et al.      
Relating to prohibiting the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems.

HB 1971        King, Ken | et al.      
Relating to imposing an additional fee for the registration of electric and hybrid vehicles.

HB 2262        Thompson, Ed            
Relating to the use of traffic surveillance systems.

HB 2319        Parker | et al.         
Relating to certain coordinated county transportation authorities.

HB 2419        Nevárez                
Relating to a study conducted by the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the transportation needs of the Middle Rio Grande region of this state.

HB 2565        Dominguez              
Relating to the administration, powers, and duties of self-liquidating navigation districts.

HB 2810        Kacal                  
Relating to exempting certain trailers from being equipped with emergency brakes.

HB 2814        Goodwin                
Relating to the designation of highway safety corridors; increasing a fine.

HB 2830        Canales                
Relating to certain requirements for and limitations on design-build contracts for highway projects of the Texas Department of Transportation.

HB 2837        Canales                
Relating to the operation of and equipment for vehicles.

HB 2855        Landgraf               
Relating to a study by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute on the impacts to state and local roads and bridges from increasing maximum weight limits for certain vehicles transporting sand.

HB 2861        Landgraf               
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to provide road services on federal military property.

HB 3059        Holland                
Relating to the requirement that motor vehicle dealers apply for the registration of and title for certain vehicles sold by the dealer.

HB 3171        Krause                 
Relating to the classification and operation of mopeds and certain motorcycles.



Bills deleted after last posting:

HB 2801


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of the schedule, if applicable.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.