COMMITTEE:    Transportation 

TIME & DATE:  2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 

PLACE:       E2.030 
CHAIR:       Rep. Terry Canales 


*Public testimony may be limited to three (3) minutes.*


If submitting written documentation, please provide 15 copies (with your name on each) to the committee clerk before or during the hearing.


If you intend to testify, please register using the electronic witness affirmation form, which will be available at any registration kiosk located throughout the Capitol Extension.


Witness registration will open approximately two (2) hours prior to the start of the hearing and must be completed prior to testifying.



HB 113         Minjarez | et al.       
Relating to the registration, operation, and inspection of automated motor vehicles.

HB 642         Raney                  
Relating to authorizing an optional county fee on vehicle registration in certain counties to be used for transportation projects.

HB 771         Davis, Sarah            
Relating to the placement of warning signs in areas where the use of a wireless communication device is prohibited.

HB 899         Israel                 
Relating to bonds issued by certain metropolitan rapid transit authorities.

HB 1548        Springer               
Relating to the operation of golf carts, neighborhood electric vehicles, and off-highway vehicles; authorizing fees.

HB 1666        Martinez               
Relating to the authorization by referendum on an optional county fee on vehicle registration in certain counties.

HB 1711        Paddie | et al.         
Relating to the issuance of digital license plates; authorizing a fee.

HB 1755        Thompson, Ed | et al.   
Relating to the titling, registration, and inspection of assembled vehicles; imposing fees.

HB 1770        Martinez               
Relating to the offense of passing certain vehicles on a highway.

HB 1774        Middleton              
Relating to the use of money in the ship channel improvement revolving fund.

HB 2188        Frullo                 
Relating to the operation of electric and non-electric bicycles.

HB 2310        Vo                     
Relating to the information necessary to appropriately title certain flood damaged vehicles that have been repaired with federal financial assistance.

HB 2708        Thompson, Ed            
Relating to the purchase of food and beverages by the Texas Department of Transportation for certain employees responding to emergencies or disasters.

HB 2775        Krause                 
Relating to the movement of pedestrians in front of, under, between, or through rail cars at a railroad grade crossing.




Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.