Notice of Intent for 5/9/2019



May 9, 2019

HJR 12 Zerwas/ Davis, Sarah/ Thompson, Senfronia/ Morrison/ Coleman/ et al. SP: Nelson/ Watson/ et al.

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to increase the maximum bond amount authorized for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:15 PM, 05/07/19

HB 71 Martinez/ Guillen SP: Lucio

Relating to the creation of regional transit authorities; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds and charge fees; creating a criminal offense.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:18 AM, 04/24/19

HB 303 (CS) (LC)Paul SP: Taylor

Relating to entities eligible to authorize the creation of spaceport development corporations and to the powers of those corporations.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:15 PM, 05/06/19

HB 337 Larson SP: Campbell

Relating to the use of emergency engine cutoff switches on motorboats.

Committee report printed and distributed 06:49 PM, 04/25/19

HB 380 Geren/ et al. SP: Hancock

Relating to the authority of a district court to hear and determine certain ad valorem tax appeals.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:34 PM, 05/06/19

HB 389 (LC)Bailes SP: Nichols

Relating to the regulation of game rooms in certain counties.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:20 AM, 05/06/19

HB 403 (LC)Thompson, Senfronia SP: Huffman

Relating to training requirements for a member of the board of trustees and the superintendent of an independent school district regarding sexual abuse, human trafficking, and other maltreatment of children.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:08 PM, 05/07/19

HB 558 Thompson, Senfronia SP: Rodríguez

Relating to court-ordered support for a child with a disability.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:33 PM, 05/08/19

HB 638 (LC)Capriglione/ Bonnen, Greg/ VanDeaver/ Patterson SP: Powell

Relating to the issuance of posthumous high school diplomas to certain students.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:42 PM, 05/07/19

HB 693 (LC)Harris SP: Schwertner

Relating to the designation of the portion of U.S. Highway 84 in Freestone County as the Trooper Damon Allen Memorial Highway.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:40 PM, 05/08/19

HB 791 (LC)Huberty/ Springer/ Ashby/ King, Ken/ Guillen SP: Flores

Relating to the definition of volunteer fire department for purposes of certain motor fuel tax exemptions.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:40 PM, 05/07/19

HB 853 (LC)Moody/ González, Mary/ Blanco/ Ortega/ Fierro/ et al. SP: Rodríguez

Relating to the deployment of advanced metering and meter information networks in certain areas outside of ERCOT.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:53 AM, 04/29/19

HB 917 (LC)Craddick SP: Flores/ et al.

Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities and counties.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:17 PM, 05/01/19

HB 1064 (LC)Ashby/ Bell, Cecil/ Martinez/ Springer/ Lambert/ et al. SP: Birdwell

Relating to designating May 4 as Texas Firefighters Day.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:25 PM, 05/03/19

HB 1142 (LC)Lambert SP: Buckingham

Relating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in certain counties.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:20 AM, 05/06/19

HB 1249 (LC)Kacal SP: Schwertner

Relating to the designation of the portion of U.S. Highway 84 in Limestone County as the Trooper Damon Allen Memorial Highway.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:46 PM, 05/08/19

HB 1476 (LC)Anderson, Charles "Doc" SP: Birdwell

Relating to the regulation of game rooms in certain counties.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:16 AM, 05/06/19

HB 1506 Perez/ González, Jessica SP: Johnson

Relating to authorizing a regulatory authority to establish reduced water and sewer utility rates funded by donations for the benefit of certain low-income customers.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:01 PM, 04/30/19

HB 1540 (LC)Thompson, Senfronia/ Flynn/ Lambert/ Paddie/ Nevárez/ et al. SP: Hall

Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Funeral Service Commission; authorizing fees.

Committee report printed and distributed 08:23 PM, 05/07/19

HB 1655 (LC)Hunter/ Rodriguez SP: Johnson

Relating to the availability of dates of birth under the public information law.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:29 PM, 05/06/19

HB 1656 (LC)Kacal SP: Birdwell

Relating to the issuance of 173rd Airborne Brigade specialty license plates.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:21 PM, 05/08/19

HB 1665 (LC)Patterson SP: Paxton

Relating to certain workers' compensation reporting requirements.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:55 PM, 05/03/19

HB 1667 (LC)Goldman SP: Hancock

Relating to the regulation of salvage vehicle dealers.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:20 PM, 05/06/19

HB 1828 (CS) (LC)Martinez SP: Fallon

Relating to prohibiting the sale and purchase of certain aquatic products; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:21 PM, 05/01/19

HB 1900 (LC)Bonnen, Greg SP: Taylor

Relating to replacement cost coverage in policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:16 PM, 05/06/19

HB 1960 (CS) (LC)Price/ Anderson, Charles "Doc"/ Cyrier/ González, Mary/ et al. SP: Perry

Relating to the creation of the governor's broadband development council.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:34 PM, 05/03/19

HB 1997 (CS) (LC)Geren SP: Hancock/ et al.

Relating to the sampling of distilled spirits provided by the manufacturer to a retailer of distilled spirits.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:16 PM, 05/06/19

HB 2048 Zerwas/ Darby/ Krause/ Davis, Sarah/ Howard/ et al. SP: Huffman

Relating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; eliminating program surcharges; authorizing and increasing criminal fines; increasing a fee.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:27 AM, 05/08/19

HB 2105 (LC)Shine/ Buckley/ Sheffield SP: Buckingham

Relating to the territory and board of directors of the Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:14 AM, 05/06/19

HB 2127 (LC)Harris/ Bailes/ Cain SP: Birdwell

Relating to the licensure and registration of persons engaged in certain activities pertaining to compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas containers and systems.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:27 PM, 05/03/19

HB 2196 (CS) (LC)Harris/ Clardy/ Guillen SP: Nichols

Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages on certain property owned or leased by the Texas State Railroad Authority.

Committee report printed and distributed 06:39 PM, 05/06/19

HB 2243 (LC)Oliverson/ Bowers SP: Buckingham

Relating to the use of prescription asthma medicine on public and private school campuses.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:06 PM, 05/07/19

HB 2338 (LC)Noble SP: Hughes

Relating to the exemption from the taxes imposed on the sale, use, or rental of a motor vehicle for certain motor vehicles used for religious purposes.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:46 PM, 05/07/19

HB 2425 Kacal SP: Schwertner

Relating to the authority of physicians to delegate to certain pharmacists the implementation and modification of a patient's drug therapy.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:40 PM, 05/08/19

HB 2458 (LC)Capriglione/ Parker SP: Fallon

Relating to the operation and administration of the Texas Bullion Depository.

Committee report printed and distributed 08:03 PM, 05/07/19

HB 2551 (LC)Bucy SP: Watson

Relating to cosigners on driver's license applications of minors.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:21 PM, 05/08/19

HB 2570 Zerwas SP: Nelson/ Watson/ et al.

Relating to the award of grants by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee and to the payment of claims related to those grants by the comptroller of public accounts.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:11 PM, 05/07/19

HB 2615 (LC)Kacal/ Anderson, Charles "Doc" SP: Birdwell

Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 84 in McLennan County as the Waco Police Sgt. Bobby Vicha Memorial Highway.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:17 PM, 05/08/19

HB 2697 (LC)Meyer/ et al. SP: Zaffirini

Relating to the prosecution of the offense of fraudulent use or possession of identifying information.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:34 PM, 05/06/19

HB 2790 (LC)Goldman SP: Johnson

Relating to prima facie evidence of the intent to sell certain alcoholic beverages.

Committee report printed and distributed 08:03 PM, 05/07/19

HB 2867 (CS)Metcalf/ Oliverson SP: Creighton/ et al.

Relating to the creation of the Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Committee report printed and distributed 09:02 PM, 04/16/19

HB 3459 (LC)Coleman/ Rosenthal/ Huberty/ Zerwas/ Walle SP: Miles

Relating to the creation and operations of a health care provider participation program by the Harris County Hospital District.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:15 PM, 05/03/19

HCR 42 (LC)Wu/ Davis, Sarah/ Zerwas/ Turner, Chris/ Morrison SP: Alvarado

Designating February 26 as Bone Marrow, Blood, and Organ Donation Registry Day for a 10-year period beginning in 2019.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:19 PM, 05/03/19

HCR 59 (LC)Guillen SP: Powell

Designating the second week of November as School Psychologist Appreciation Week for a 10-year period beginning in 2019.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:25 PM, 05/03/19

SJR 74 Creighton

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation real property leased to certain schools organized and operated primarily for the purpose of engaging in educational functions.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:20 PM, 04/29/19

SJR 79 (CS)Lucio/ Hinojosa/ Perry/ et al.

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:36 PM, 04/23/19

(On Third Reading)

SB 139 (CS)Rodríguez

Relating to a notice of educational rights for certain student evaluations.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:28 PM, 05/07/19

SB 185 (CS) (LC)Miles

Relating to the response to certain oil or gas well accidents by state agencies and responsible parties.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:16 PM, 05/06/19

SB 293 (CS)Lucio

Relating to improving training and staff development for primary and secondary educators to enable them to more effectively serve all students.

Committee report printed and distributed 06:38 PM, 04/30/19

SB 351 Powell

Relating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:21 PM, 04/23/19

SB 694 (CS) (LC)Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the regulation of aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; increasing a fee; increasing administrative penalties.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:12 PM, 05/06/19

SB 740 (CS)Hughes

Relating to the creation of a state financing program administered by the Texas Public Finance Authority to assist school districts with certain expenses; granting authority to issue bonds or other obligations.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:42 PM, 04/29/19

SB 764 (LC)Menéndez

Relating to the authority of a code enforcement officer performing official duties to possess or carry an instrument used for deterring an animal bite.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:48 PM, 05/01/19

SB 792 (CS)Perry/ et al.

Relating to the practice of dentistry and the provision of teledentistry dental services.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:23 PM, 04/26/19

SB 869 (CS)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to guidelines for policies of school districts and open-enrollment charter schools for the care of certain students at risk for anaphylaxis.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:46 PM, 04/30/19

SB 947 Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the ability of certain students to enroll full-time in courses provided through the state virtual school network.

Committee report printed and distributed 12:41 PM, 05/07/19

SB 1021 (CS)Seliger/ et al.

Relating to the operations of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:14 PM, 04/08/19

SB 1070 (CS)Watson

Relating to local initiatives programs under the Texas Clean Air Act and the repeal of the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program; authorizing a fee.

Committee report printed and distributed 04:32 PM, 05/06/19

SB 1090 (CS)Campbell

Relating to the vote required to authorize the issuance of certain bonds.

Corrected Comm. report printed and distributed 02:31 PM, 05/07/19

SB 1132 West

Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to annex an enclave.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:21 AM, 04/15/19

SB 1145 (CS) (LC)Johnson/ West

Relating to reports on the prevalence of eating disorders and eating disorder-related deaths in this state.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:41 PM, 05/08/19

SB 1294 Powell

Relating to water-related exemptions from sales and use taxes.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:30 PM, 05/07/19

SB 1428 (CS)Hancock

Relating to the authority of a property owner to bring suit to compel an appraisal district, chief appraiser, or appraisal review board to comply with a procedural requirement applicable to an ad valorem tax protest.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:16 PM, 05/06/19

SB 1458 (LC)Johnson/ et al.

Relating to compliance with federal coding guidelines for certain divisions and offices within the Health and Human Services Commission.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:44 PM, 05/08/19

SB 1463 (CS) (LC)Hughes

Relating to the availability of financial information of nonprofit corporations for public inspection.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:15 PM, 05/06/19

SB 1543 (CS) (LC)Menéndez

Relating to notice requirements regarding the right to record certain interviews conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:40 PM, 05/01/19

SB 1553 (CS)Lucio/ et al.

Relating to the process for establishing speed limits on roads near certain schools.

Committee report printed and distributed 01:54 PM, 04/23/19

SB 1613 (CS)Hall

Relating to turnout requirements for certain elections authorizing the issuance of bonds or an increase in taxes by a political subdivision.

Committee report printed and distributed 02:25 PM, 05/06/19

SB 1623 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to nonprofit legal services corporations.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:37 PM, 05/07/19

SB 1637 (CS) (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses.

Committee report printed and distributed 12:08 PM, 05/06/19

SB 1689 (CS)West

Relating to the creation and use of public facilities corporations.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:08 PM, 04/26/19

SB 1738 Menéndez

Relating to an education and training program on interacting with and supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for certain public transportation vehicle operators.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:27 PM, 05/08/19

SB 1758 (CS)Creighton

Relating to the application of certain occupation-related postsecondary educational financial aid and student loan repayment programs.

Corrected Comm. report printed and distributed 01:15 PM, 04/30/19

SB 1987 Creighton

Relating to the selection and administration of an appraisal review board in certain counties; authorizing a fee.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:47 PM, 05/03/19

SB 2002 (CS)Alvarado

Relating to the inclusion of affordable housing as a qualifying project for public-private partnerships.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:35 PM, 04/25/19

SB 2083 (LC)Hinojosa

Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem taxes imposed on property for the year in which the property is acquired by a governmental entity.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:50 PM, 05/03/19

SB 2089 Hughes/ et al.

Relating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:23 AM, 05/01/19

SB 2248 (CS) (LC)Rodríguez

Relating to the development and operation of an aerial cable car or aerial tramway by a regional mobility authority created by a municipality.

Committee report printed and distributed 12:41 PM, 05/02/19

SB 2300 (CS)Powell

Relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain nurses employed by a long-term care facility.

Committee report printed and distributed 07:17 PM, 04/25/19

SB 2345 (CS)Creighton

Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property leased to and used by certain schools.

Committee report printed and distributed 11:41 AM, 04/30/19

SB 2452 (CS)Lucio/ Hinojosa/ Perry

Relating to the provision by the Texas Water Development Board of financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.

Committee report printed and distributed 05:21 PM, 04/23/19

SB 2558 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the creation of the Lone Oak Farm Municipal Utility District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

Committee report printed and distributed 03:15 PM, 05/06/19