
Saturday, May 25, 2019




********** CONFERENCE COMMITTEE **********

Conference Committee Reports:

ELIGIBLE AT 6:50 PM MAY 24, 2019:

SB 621              Nichols / et al.

SP: Lambert

Relating to the transfer of the regulation of plumbing to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; requiring an occupational license; authorizing a fee.

ELIGIBLE AT 10:00 AM MAY 25, 2019:

HB 2402             Geren / Goldman / Krause

Relating to the eligibility of certain events to receive funding through the Major Events Reimbursement Program.

ELIGIBLE AT 10:30 AM MAY 25, 2019:

SB 18               Huffman / et al.

SP: Geren / Cain / Goldman / Oliverson / Phelan / et al.

Relating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education.

SB 1511             Nichols / et al.

SP: Cyrier / Toth / Martinez / Holland / Bucy / et al.

Relating to the operation of the Battleship "Texas."

ELIGIBLE AT 1:20 PM MAY 25, 2019:

HB 812              White

Relating to the amount of the health care services fee paid by certain inmates.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:00 PM MAY 25, 2019:

SB 568              Huffman

SP: Bonnen, Greg / Collier

Relating to the regulation of child-care facilities and family homes; providing administrative penalties.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:40 PM MAY 25, 2019:

HB 4749             Schaefer

Relating to the creation of the Rose City Municipal Utility District; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments and fees.

ELIGIBLE AT 5:00 PM MAY 25, 2019:

SB 2                Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Burrows / et al.

Relating to ad valorem taxation; authorizing fees.

ELIGIBLE AT 5:30 PM MAY 25, 2019:

SB 583              Hinojosa

SP: Rose

Relating to the appointment of a local public defender's office to represent indigent defendants in criminal cases.

HB 1504             Paddie

Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Medical Board; authorizing a fee.

ELIGIBLE AT 7:00 PM MAY 25, 2019:

SB 355              West / et al.

SP: Klick

Relating to developing a strategic plan regarding implementation of prevention and early intervention services and community-based care.

ELIGIBLE AT 8:50 PM MAY 25, 2019:

HB 3                Huberty / Bernal / Zerwas / King, Ken / Allen / et al.

Relating to public school finance and public education; authorizing the imposition of a fee.


The Senate requests the appointment of a conference committee on:

SB 982              Kolkhorst / et al.

SP: Zerwas

Relating to awareness of and access to health care service programs available during a disaster or emergency.
(Senate Conferees: Kolkhorst, Ch./Campbell/Flores/Miles/Perry)