Election Security, Select

            February 22, 2018 10:00 AM

            Elections security and integrity


                                 Barnes, James  Retired  (Self), Mission, TX

                                 Edmonds, Shannon  Director of Governmental Relations (TDCAA (TX District & County

                                 Attorneys Assn.)), Austin, TX

                                 Escobar, Omar  229th Judicial District Attorney (229th D.A.'s Office/self), RGC, TX

                                 Hall, Jennifer  Member of the Election Integrity Committee, RPT (Republican Party of

                                 Texas), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Hawthorne, Heather  Chambers County Clerk (CDCAT), Anahuac, TX

                                 Ingram, Keith  Director, Elections Division (Texas Secretary of State), Austin, TX

                                 Maxey, Glen  Legislative Director (Texas Democratic Party), Austin, TX

                                 Oldham, John  Elections Administrator  (also providing written testimony)  (Self),

                                 Rosenberg, TX

                                 Pressley, Laura  Chair, Election Integrity Committee of Travis County Rep. Party  (also

                                 providing written testimony)  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Stanko, Marian  Elector '16, Chairman, Election Integrity Committee (RPT) (Republican

                                 Party of Texas), San Antonio, TX

                                 Starr, Brantley  Deputy First Assistant Attorney General (Office of the Attorney General),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Underhill, Wendy  Program Director - Elections & Redistricting  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (National Conference of State Legislatures), Boulder, CO

                                 Vera, Alan  Chairman  (also providing written testimony) (Harris County Republican Party

                                 Ballot Security Com.), Houston, TX

                                 Wallach, Dan  Professor, Rice University  (also providing written testimony)  (Self),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 White, Jonathan  Assistant Attorney General, Public Integrity Section (Office of the

                                 Attorney General), Austin, TX


                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Jackson, Jennifer  Legislative Counsel (Texas Legislative Council), Austin, TX

                                 Peters, Anne  Attorney (Texas Legislative Council), Austin, TX


                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Pearson, Steve  Sr. Vice President, Certification (Elections Systems & Software), Omaha,
