Tuesday, August 28, 2018

11:00 AM

Betty King Committee Room




Pursuant to Rule 1, Texas House Rules and pursuant to Rule 11.03, Texas Senate Rules, a public hearing of the Joint Committee on Aging was held on Tuesday, August 28, 2018, in the Betty King Committee Room at Austin, Texas.







Senator Donna Campbell, Chair


Ben Dickerson

Betty Streckfuss


Representative Toni Rose

Representative J. D. Sheffield


Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.




The chair called the meeting to order at 11:02 AM. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:


Chair called the following individuals to provide invited and public testimony on the aging veteran population (see attached witness list).


Chair called the following individuals to provide invited and public testimony on access to care for the aging population (see attached witness list)


The chair moved that the public testimony be closed, without objection, it was so ordered.


There being no further business, at 12:44 PM Senator Campbell moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered.







Senator Donna Campbell, Chair




Brittany Sharkey, Clerk