The House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence

85th Legislature

May 8, 2017

Upon final adjourn./recess



Pursuant to a suspension of the 5-day posting rule on May 8, 2017, and permission granted on May 8, 2017, to meet while the House was in session, the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Moody, at 7:28 p.m.


The initial quorum call was answered as follows: Representatives Moody; Hunter; Canales; Gervin-Hawkins; Hefner; and Lang.


A quorum was present.






SB 1242


The chair laid out SB 1242.


The chair recognized Representative Burkett to explain SB 1242.


The chair recognized Representative Burkett to close on SB 1242.


SB 1242 was left pending without objection.






HB 3965


The chair laid out HB 3965.


The chair recognized Representative Faircloth to explain HB 3965.


The chair recognized Representative Faircloth to close on HB 3965.


HB 3965 was left pending without objection.





SB 343


The chair laid out SB 343.


The chair recognized Representative Lang to explain SB 343.


The chair recognized Representative Lang to close on SB 343.


SB 343 was left pending without objection.







At 7:35 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Moody, Chair




Rachel Wetsel, Clerk