COMMITTEE:    Defense & Veterans' Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Wednesday, August 24, 2016 

PLACE:        Wichita Falls, TX (see below) 
CHAIR:        Rep. Susan Lewis King 


Hearing Location:

Midwestern State University

Dillard College of Business Building

Room 121

3410 Taft Boulevard

Wichita Falls, TX 76308


The Committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony regarding the following Topic, with an emphasis on the relationship between military installations and wind energy development:


Maintaining Military Value of Defense Installations and Communities


Under this topic, issues related to the following Interim Charges will be discussed:

Interim Charge #1

Explore how encroachment (environmental, technological, and architectural) impacts the vital missions of our military bases in Texas and which policies can be put into place while retaining respect for private property rights, economic growth, and the operation of military facilities.

Interim Charge #2

Explore adding notifications to the Texas Real Estate Commission Seller Disclosure Form, as well as a notification to buyers of new home construction, in order to inform buyers that a property may be located near a military installation or a military airport and could be affected by high noise or its air installation compatible use zones, or other operations.

Interim Charge #4

Assess ways the State of Texas can further aid our federal military installations and their communities in order to minimize the negative consequences of a potential forthcoming BRAC round by the federal government.

Interim Charge #5

Assess the continuing effect and the impact of sequestration and federal defense spending on Texas military bases, soldiers and their families, base communities, and Texas defense contractors. Identify solutions to address issues raised by federal policy.


Questions regarding the hearing, please email The Dillard parking garage entrance is located on Hampstead Lane which intersects with Taft Boulevard, and will have available parking. The Committee will hear both invited and public testimony, with public testimony being limited to 3 minutes.





Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.