COMMITTEE:   Business & Industry 

TIME & DATE: 11:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, April 07, 2015 

PLACE:       E2.016 
CHAIR:       Rep. René Oliveira 


HB 41         Martinez Fischer
Relating to the minimum wage.

HB 42         Martinez Fischer       
Relating to the minimum wage.

HJR 26        Martinez Fischer       
Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing an increased minimum wage.

HB 2413       Lucio III              
Relating to the minimum wage.

HB 1590       Thompson, Senfronia    
Relating to the minimum wage.

HB 3370       Gutierrez              
Relating to the minimum wage.

HB 396        McClendon | et al.     
Relating to the state minimum wage, including adjustments based on the consumer price index and authorization for a county or municipality to establish a local minimum wage.

HB 860        Rodriguez, Eddie       
Relating to employer retaliation against employees who seek recovery of unpaid wages and procedures in wage claim hearings conducted by the Texas Workforce Commission; providing administrative penalties.

HB 512        Moody                  
Relating to waiver of immunity in certain employment discrimination actions in connection with a workers' compensation claim.

HB 689        Walle | et al.         
Relating to required workers' compensation insurance coverage for building and construction contractors.

HB 690        Walle | et al.         
Relating to injury and occupational disease reporting requirements for employers who do not obtain or otherwise provide workers' compensation insurance coverage; providing an administrative violation.

HB 760        Zedler                 
Relating to the eligibility of certain physicians to provide and receive remuneration for workers' compensation health care services.

HB 2771       Martinez, "Mando"      
Relating to employment activities of certain emergency response personnel for purposes of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act.

HB 1668       Workman | et al.       
Relating to the status of a subcontractor as an employee for the purposes of workers' compensation insurance coverage.

HB 1390       Thompson, Senfronia    
Relating to remedies for discrimination by a public employer against a public employee in connection with a claim for workers' compensation.

HB 2466       Collier                
Relating to the creation of a safety reimbursement program for employers in the Texas workers' compensation system.

HB 1524       Farrar                 
Relating to the languages in which certain labor and employment notices must be provided.

HB 2817       Thompson, Senfronia    
Relating to fees and costs imposed by mortgagees or mortgage servicers for certain legal services performed by an attorney.

HB 1966       Keffer | et al.        
Relating to an account or bond for construction retainage under certain contracts.

HB 1621       Bonnen, Greg           
Relating to notice and appeal of an adverse determination by utilization review agents.

HB 2706       Wray                   
Relating to the value of personal property exempt from seizure by creditors.

HB 180        Zedler                 
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information following the completion of a review conducted by a utilization review agent or an independent review organization.

HB 1736       Villalba               
Relating to building energy efficiency performance standards; establishing the Building Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee.

HB 2076       Oliveira | et al.      
Relating to the sale of a motor vehicle, motorboat, vessel, or outboard motor by a possessory lienholder.

HB 162        González, Mary         
Relating to administrative penalties assessed by the Texas Workforce Commission against certain employers for failure to pay wages.




Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.