relating to false or misleading packaging, labeling, or advertising |
of certain abusable synthetic substances; providing civil |
penalties; creating a criminal offense. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle C, Title 6, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 484 to read as follows: |
Sec. 484.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Abusable synthetic substance" means a substance |
that: |
(A) is not otherwise regulated under this title |
or under federal law; |
(B) is intended to mimic a controlled substance |
or controlled substance analogue; and |
(C) when inhaled, ingested, or otherwise |
introduced into a person's body: |
(i) produces an effect on the central |
nervous system similar to the effect produced by a controlled |
substance or controlled substance analogue; |
(ii) creates a condition of intoxication, |
hallucination, or elation similar to a condition produced by a |
controlled substance or controlled substance analogue; or |
(iii) changes, distorts, or disturbs the |
person's eyesight, thinking process, balance, or coordination in a |
manner similar to a controlled substance or controlled substance |
analogue. |
(2) "Business" includes trade and commerce and |
advertising, selling, and buying service or property. |
(3) "Mislabeled" means varying from the standard of |
truth or disclosure in labeling prescribed by law or set by |
established commercial usage. |
(4) "Sell" and "sale" include offer for sale, |
advertise for sale, expose for sale, keep for the purpose of sale, |
deliver for or after sale, solicit and offer to buy, and every |
disposition for value. |
Sec. 484.002. PROHIBITED ACTS. (a) A person commits an |
offense if in the course of business the person knowingly produces, |
distributes, sells, or offers for sale a mislabeled abusable |
synthetic substance. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor, |
except that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if it is shown on |
the trial of the offense that the actor has previously been |
convicted of an offense under this section or of an offense under |
Section 32.42(b)(4), Penal Code, and the adulterated or mislabeled |
commodity was an abusable synthetic substance. |
(c) If conduct constituting an offense under this section |
also constitutes an offense under another provision of law, the |
person may be prosecuted under either this section or the other |
provision. |
Sec. 484.003. CIVIL PENALTY. (a) The attorney general or |
a district, county, or city attorney may institute an action in |
district court to collect a civil penalty from a person who in the |
course of business produces, distributes, sells, or offers for sale |
a mislabeled abusable synthetic substance. |
(b) The civil penalty may not exceed $25,000 a day for each |
offense. Each day an offense is committed constitutes a separate |
violation for purposes of the penalty assessment. |
(c) The court shall consider the following in determining |
the amount of the penalty: |
(1) the person's history of any previous offenses |
under Section 484.002 or under Section 32.42(b)(4), Penal Code, |
relating to the sale of a mislabeled abusable synthetic substance; |
(2) the seriousness of the offense; |
(3) any hazard posed to the public health and safety by |
the offense; and |
(4) demonstrations of good faith by the person |
charged. |
(d) Venue for a suit brought under this section is in the |
city or county in which the offense occurred or in Travis County. |
(e) A civil penalty recovered in a suit instituted by a |
local government under this section shall be paid to that local |
government. |
Sec. 484.004. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. It is an affirmative |
defense to prosecution or liability under this chapter that: |
(1) the abusable synthetic substance was approved for |
use, sale, or distribution by the United States Food and Drug |
Administration or other state or federal regulatory agency with |
authority to approve the substance's use, sale, or distribution; |
and |
(2) the abusable synthetic substance was lawfully |
produced, distributed, sold, or offered for sale by the person who |
is the subject of the criminal or civil action. |
Sec. 484.005. NO DEFENSE. In a prosecution or civil action |
under this chapter, the fact that the abusable synthetic substance |
was in packaging labeled with "Not for Human Consumption," or other |
wording indicating the substance is not intended to be ingested, is |
not a defense. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 461 passed the Senate on |
March 24, 2015, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 461 passed the House on |
May 19, 2015, by the following vote: Yeas 145, Nays 0, one |
present not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |