H.B. No. 2066
  relating to the rescission of nonjudicial foreclosure sales.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 51, Property Code, is amended by adding
  Section 51.016 to read as follows:
  (a) This section applies only to a nonjudicial foreclosure sale of
  residential real property conducted under Section 51.002. In this
  subsection, "residential real property" means:
               (1)  a single family home, duplex, triplex, or
  quadraplex; or
               (2)  a unit in a multiunit residential structure in
  which title to an individual unit is transferred to the owner of the
  unit under a condominium or cooperative system.
         (b)  Not later than the 15th calendar day after the date of a
  foreclosure sale, a mortgagee, trustee, or substitute trustee may
  rescind the sale under this section if:
               (1)  the statutory requirements for the sale were not
               (2)  the default leading to the sale was cured before
  the sale;
               (3)  a receivership or dependent probate
  administration involving the property was pending at the time of
               (4)  a condition specified in the conditions of sale
  prescribed by the trustee or substitute trustee before the sale and
  made available in writing to prospective bidders at the sale was not
               (5)  the mortgagee or mortgage servicer and the debtor
  agreed before the sale to cancel the sale based on an enforceable
  written agreement by the debtor to cure the default; or
               (6)  at the time of the sale, a court-ordered or
  automatic stay of the sale imposed in a bankruptcy case filed by a
  person with an interest in the property was in effect.
         (c)  On or before the 15th calendar day after the date of the
  sale, the party rescinding the sale shall:
               (1)  serve a written notice of rescission that
  describes the reason for the rescission and includes recording
  information for any affected trustee's or substitute trustee's deed
  that was recorded on:
                     (A)  the purchaser, if the mortgagee is not the
  purchaser; and
                     (B)  each debtor who, according to the records of
  the mortgage servicer of the debt, is obligated to pay the debt; and
               (2)  file each notice for recording in the real
  property records of the county in which all or a part of the
  property is located.
         (d)  A notice required by Subsection (c) must be served by
  certified mail.  Service of the notice is complete when the notice
  is deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid and
  addressed to the purchaser or debtor, as applicable, at the
  purchaser's or debtor's last known address, as applicable.  The
  affidavit of a person knowledgeable of the facts to the effect that
  service was completed is prima facie evidence of service.
         (e)  Not later than the fifth calendar day after the date a
  foreclosure sale is rescinded under this section, the mortgagee
  shall return to the purchaser by certified mail, electronic or wire
  transfer, or courier service with delivery tracking the amount of
  the bid paid by the purchaser for the property at the sale.  The
  debtor shall return to the trustee the amount of any excess proceeds
  received by the debtor from the sale. The return of the bid amount
  is considered made on the date:
               (1)  the bid amount is deposited postage prepaid in the
  United States mail or with the courier service addressed to the
  purchaser at the purchaser's last known address; or
               (2)  the electronic or wire transfer is ordered.
         (f)  The rescinding mortgagee, trustee, or substitute
  trustee shall cause to be filed for recording in the real property
  records of the county where the notice required under Subsection
  (c) was recorded an affidavit stating the date the bid amount was
  returned together with the certified mail, electronic or wire
  transfer, or courier service delivery tracking information.
         (g)  An affidavit executed and filed in accordance with
  Subsection (f) is prima facie evidence of the return of the bid
  amount and of the authority of the maker of the affidavit. A bona
  fide purchaser, lender, or other person acquiring an interest in
  the property or an insurer of title is entitled to rely conclusively
  on the record of the filed affidavit and notice, and any subsequent
  purchaser in good faith and for value is entitled to bona fide
  purchaser protection.
         (h)  The rescission of a foreclosure sale under this section
  restores the mortgagee and the debtor to their respective title,
  rights, and obligations under any instrument relating to the
  foreclosed property that existed immediately prior to the sale.
         (i)  A rescission of a foreclosure sale under this section is
  void as to a creditor or to a subsequent purchaser for a valuable
  consideration without notice unless notice of the rescission has
  been acknowledged, sworn to, or proved and filed for recording as
  required by law. A rescission of a foreclosure sale under this
  section evidenced by an unrecorded instrument is binding on a party
  to the instrument, on the party's heirs, and on a subsequent
  purchaser who does not pay a valuable consideration or who has
  notice of the instrument.
         (j)  No action challenging the effectiveness of a rescission
  under this section may be commenced unless the action is filed on or
  before the 30th calendar day after the date the notices of
  rescission required by Subsection (c) are filed for recording. A
  lis pendens notice based on the rescission not recorded within that
  period has no effect. This subsection does not affect the
  limitations period for an action claiming damages resulting from
  the rescission.
         (k)  If the foreclosure sale is rescinded under this section
  for a reason listed in Subsection (b), other than a stay described
  by Subsection (b)(6), the court in a civil action filed by the
  purchaser challenging the effectiveness of the rescission or
  claiming damages resulting from the rescission may only award as
  damages to the purchaser the amount of the bid paid for the property
  by the purchaser at the sale that has not been refunded to the
  purchaser, plus interest on that amount at the rate of 10 percent
  per year.  Notwithstanding any other law, the court may not order
  specific performance of the sale as a remedy for the purchaser.  
  Interest awarded under this subsection ceases to accrue on the
  fourth day after the date the mortgagee deposits the amount of the
  damages awarded in the United States mail or with a courier for
  delivery to the purchaser.
         (l)  If a foreclosure sale is rescinded under this section
  for a reason provided by Subsection (b)(6), the court in a civil
  action filed by the purchaser challenging the effectiveness of the
  rescission or claiming damages resulting from the rescission may
  only award as damages to the purchaser the amount of the bid paid
  for the property by the purchaser at the sale that has not been
  refunded to the purchaser.
         (m)  Nothing in this section prohibits the rescission of a
  sale by agreement of the affected parties on other terms or a suit
  to rescind a sale not rescinded under this section.
         SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a foreclosure sale that occurs on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A foreclosure sale that occurred before the effective
  date of this Act is governed by the law applicable to the
  foreclosure sale immediately before the effective date of this Act,
  and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 2066 was passed by the House on April
  22, 2015, by the following vote:  Yeas 142, Nays 0, 2 present, not
  voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.
  No. 2066 on May 23, 2015, by the following vote:  Yeas 130, Nays 0,
  2 present, not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 2066 was passed by the Senate, with
  amendments, on May 22, 2015, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays
  Secretary of the Senate   
  APPROVED: __________________