relating to the establishment and operation of the Texas Women |
Veterans Program. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 434, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subchapter E to read as follows: |
Sec. 434.201. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Commission" means the Texas Veterans Commission. |
(2) "Executive director" means the executive director |
of the commission. |
(3) "Program" means the Texas Women Veterans Program. |
(4) "Woman veteran" means a woman who: |
(A) served on active duty in the armed forces of |
the United States or in the Texas National Guard on federal active |
duty under Title 10, United States Code; and |
(B) was discharged or released from that service |
under conditions other than dishonorable. |
(a) The Texas Women Veterans Program is established in the |
commission. The program is attached to the office of the executive |
director for administrative purposes. |
(b) The mission of the program is to ensure that the women |
veterans of this state have equitable access to federal and state |
veterans' benefits and services. |
Sec. 434.203. COORDINATOR. The executive director shall |
designate a women veterans coordinator for this state. |
Sec. 434.204. GENERAL PROGRAM DUTIES. The program shall: |
(1) provide assistance to the women veterans of this |
state as provided by this subchapter; |
(2) perform outreach functions to improve the |
awareness of women veterans of their eligibility for federal and |
state veterans' benefits and services; |
(3) assess the needs of women veterans with respect to |
benefits and services; |
(4) review programs, research projects, and other |
initiatives designed to address the needs of the women veterans of |
this state; |
(5) make recommendations to the executive director |
regarding the improvement of benefits and services to women |
veterans; and |
(6) incorporate issues concerning women veterans in |
commission planning regarding veterans' benefits and services. |
program shall advocate for women veterans and work to increase |
public awareness about the gender-specific needs of women veterans. |
(b) The program shall recommend legislative initiatives and |
the development of policies on the local, state, and national |
levels to address the issues affecting women veterans. |
Sec. 434.206. COLLABORATION. The program shall collaborate |
with federal, state, county, municipal, and private agencies that |
provide services to women veterans. |
The program shall monitor and research issues relating to women |
veterans. |
(b) The program shall disseminate information regarding |
opportunities for women veterans throughout the network of entities |
with which the program collaborates. |
Sec. 434.208. EDUCATION. Through conferences, seminars, |
and training workshops with federal, state, county, municipal, and |
private agencies, the program shall provide guidance and direction |
to a woman veteran who is applying for grants, benefits, or |
services. |
Sec. 434.209. HONOR AND RECOGNITION. The program shall |
promote events and activities that recognize and honor the women |
veterans of this state and women who serve in the military. |
Sec. 434.210. FACILITIES. To the extent funding is |
available for that purpose, the program shall provide facilities as |
appropriate in support of the program. |
Sec. 434.211. FUNDING; GRANTS. On behalf of the program, |
the commission may: |
(1) accept and spend funds: |
(A) appropriated to the commission for the |
operation of the program; and |
(B) received from other sources, including |
donations and grants; and |
(2) provide matching grants to assist in the |
implementation of the program's goals and objectives. |
SECTION 2. Section 434.017(e), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(e) To carry out any purpose of this chapter, the commission |
may solicit, accept, or refuse a gift, grant, devise, bequest of |
money, security, service, or property, including money raised or a |
service provided by a volunteer or volunteer group, to promote the |
work of the commission for any purpose related to the fund for |
veterans' assistance. The commission may participate in the |
establishment and operation of an affiliated nonprofit |
organization that is established for the purpose of raising money |
for or providing services or other benefits to the commission or a |
program established in the commission, including the Texas Women |
Veterans Program. A gift, grant, devise, or bequest to the fund may |
be appropriated in the same manner as other money in the fund, |
subject to the purposes provided by Subsection (c) and any |
limitation or requirement placed on the gift, grant, devise, or |
bequest by the donor or granting entity. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.B. No. 867 was passed by the House on May 13, |
2015, by the following vote: Yeas 122, Nays 24, 2 present, not |
voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
I certify that H.B. No. 867 was passed by the Senate on May |
28, 2015, by the following vote: Yeas 29, Nays 1. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
APPROVED: _____________________ |
Date |
_____________________ |
Governor |