COMMITTEE:    Economic Development 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Wednesday, March 27, 2013 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Bob Deuell 



SB 844        Ellis
Relating to unemployment compensation eligibility and chargebacks regarding certain persons who leave work to attend training.

SB 997        Deuell
Relating to the sales and use tax consequences of economic development agreements in certain municipalities.

SB 1391       Davis                  
Relating to a requirement that the comptroller perform a study of the Texas Economic Development Act.

SB 1537       Deuell                 
Relating to certain required notices under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act, including employer liability arising from failure to provide the notice.

SB 1647       Deuell                 
Relating to the Texas Economic Development Act.

SB 1833       Uresti                 
Relating to the rate of the hotel occupancy tax in certain counties.

Subcommittee Reports:


SB 507        Watson | et al.        
Relating to public and private facilities and infrastructure.

SB 894        Whitmire | et al.      
Relating to exempting qualifying projects within the Capitol Complex from the public and private facilities and infrastructure contracting requirements.



Bills added after last posting:

SB 844


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **