relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the |
population data used for redistricting according to the person's |
last residence before incarceration. |
SECTION 1. Section 2058.002, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 2058.002. EXCEPTIONS. (a) The legislature or the |
Legislative Redistricting Board under Article III, Section 28, of |
the Texas Constitution may officially recognize or act on a federal |
decennial census as adjusted under Section 2058.003 before |
September 1 of the year after the calendar year during which the |
census was taken. |
(b) A political subdivision governed by a body elected from |
single-member districts may recognize and act on tabulations of |
population of a federal decennial census as adjusted under Section |
2058.003, for redistricting purposes, as soon as those adjusted |
tabulations become available [on or after the date the governor
receives a report of the basic tabulations of population from the
secretary of commerce under 13 U.S.C. Section 141(c)]. This |
subsection does not apply to a political subdivision that was not |
subject to a statute requiring certain political subdivisions, |
classified by population, to elect their governing bodies from |
single-member districts under the preceding federal census. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 2058, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Sections 2058.003 and 2058.004 to read as follows: |
COUNTS. (a) Not later than the next May 1 following the date on |
which the tract-level population counts for this state from the |
federal decennial census are released by the director of the Bureau |
of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce, the |
comptroller shall prepare and disseminate adjusted population |
counts for each geographic unit included in the census counts as |
provided by this section. |
(b) Not later than June 1 of the year in which the federal |
decennial census is conducted, each state or local governmental |
entity in this state that operates a facility for the incarceration |
of persons convicted of a criminal offense, including a mental |
health institution for those persons, or that places any person |
convicted of a criminal offense in a private facility to be |
incarcerated on behalf of the governmental entity, shall submit a |
report to the comptroller with the following information: |
(1) a unique identifier, not including the name, for |
each person incarcerated in a facility operated by the governmental |
entity or in a private facility on behalf of the governmental entity |
on the date for which the census reports population who completed a |
census form, responded to a census inquiry, or was included in any |
report provided to census officials, if the form, response, or |
report indicated that the person resided at the facility on that |
date; |
(2) the age, gender, and race of each person included |
in the report and whether the person is of Hispanic, Latino, or |
Spanish origin, if known; and |
(3) the last address at which the person resided |
before the person's current incarceration. |
(c) Each governmental entity required to make a report under |
Subsection (b) shall ensure that the entity collects and maintains |
the information required to make the report. The comptroller shall |
prescribe procedures that a governmental entity shall use to permit |
each person included in the report to indicate the person's race and |
ethnicity for purposes of Subsection (b)(2) in a manner similar to |
the manner in which a person not incarcerated would indicate the |
person's race and ethnicity for the federal decennial census. |
(d) The comptroller shall request each agency that operates |
a federal facility in this state that incarcerates persons |
convicted of a criminal offense to provide the comptroller with a |
report including the information listed in Subsection (b) for |
persons convicted of an offense in this state. |
(e) For each person included in a report received under |
Subsection (b) or (d), the comptroller shall determine the |
geographic units for which population counts are reported in the |
federal decennial census that contain the last address at which the |
person resided before the person's incarceration according to the |
report and, if that address is in this state: |
(1) adjust all relevant population counts reported in |
the census, including populations by age, gender, race, and |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, as if the person resided at |
that address on the day for which the census reports population; and |
(2) eliminate the person from all applicable |
population counts reported in the federal decennial census for the |
geographic units that include the facility at which the person was |
incarcerated on the day for which the census reports population. |
(f) The information required to be included in a report |
under Subsection (b) or (d) is confidential and not subject to |
required disclosure under Chapter 552. This subsection does not |
apply to information aggregated by geographic census unit that does |
not disclose the address of or other information that might |
identify an individual. |
REDISTRICTING. (a) Each political subdivision of this state that |
elects any members of a governmental body from election districts, |
wards, or precincts that are subject to the one-person, one-vote |
requirement of the Constitution of the United States shall ensure |
that after redistricting each of those election districts, wards, |
or precincts does not vary from the average population of those |
districts, wards, or precincts according to the most recent |
adjusted population counts prepared by the comptroller under |
Section 2058.003 by more than five percent. |
(b) A state governmental body, including the legislature, |
the Legislative Redistricting Board, or any state court, that |
redistricts any election districts subject to the one-person, |
one-vote requirement of the Constitution of the United States shall |
comply with the restriction provided by Subsection (a). |
(c) A governmental entity to which this section applies may |
exceed the adjusted population restrictions required by this |
section only to the extent necessary to comply with federal law or |
the Texas Constitution. |
(d) This section does not apply to any political subdivision |
or state governmental body before the comptroller makes the initial |
adjustment of census counts for the 2020 federal decennial census. |
This subsection expires January 1, 2022. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |