Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Committee

            March 22, 2011 - 8:00 AM


            HB 410


                                 Abernathy, Jay (Self)

                                 Allmon, Jennifer (Self; The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of


                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Batson III, Henry (Friendship-West Baptist Church)

                                 Besteiro, Ollie (AARP)

                                 Broadway, Mikael (Self)

                                 Clingman, Teresa (Self)

                                 Davis, Gerald (Baptist General Convention of Texas / Cornerstone Baptist Church)

                                 Davis, Paul (Self)

                                 Garcia-Bassford, Naivi (Self)

                                 Graham, Lloyd (Self)

                                 Hill, Rickey D. (Self; Friendship- West Baptist Church)

                                 Johnson, Jeff (Self)

                                 Kimble, Roy (Self)

                                 Lopez, Stefanie (United Way of Greater Houston)

                                 Madison, Samcon (Friendship West Baptist Church)

                                 McClain, James (Texas Impact)

                                 Ogletree, John (Self)

                                 Parker, Joseph (Self)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Reeves, Stephen (Christian Life Commission- Baptist General Convention of Texas)

                                 Rodriguez, Michael (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Sanchez, Rosa (Self)

                                 Serna, Karen Lyons (Foundation Communities)

                                 Simonds, Richard (Family Services of Greater Houston)

                                 Singleton, Charlie (Self)

                                 Thomas Lee, Dorothy Dean (Self)

                                 Tomlinson, Richard (Self)

                                 Tutt, Timothy (Self)

                                 Werner, Stephanie (United Way of Metropolitan Dallas)

                                 Widrow, Woody (RAISE Texas)


                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)


                                 Lasala, Gustavo (Progress Financial Corporation, dba Progreso Financiero)

                                 Pettijohn, Leslie (Consumer Credit Commissioner)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allen, Jerry (Citizens of Dallas)

                                 Ayers, Danielle (Self)

                                 Britt, Gerald (Citysquare/Anti Poverty Coalition)

                                 Colvin, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Cubria, Melissa (Texas Public Interest Research Group (TEXPIRG))

                                 Daly, Richard (Catholic Charities of Central Texas)

                                 Dawson, Jodyann (Texans Care For Children)

                                 Dwyer, Jean Thomas (Daughters of Charity Advocacy & Social Justice Cmte)

                                 Eckstein, Deece (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health)

                                 Fairfield, Stephan (Covenant Community Capital)

                                 Firth, Sylvia (City of El Paso)

                                 Holmes, Harry (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)

                                 Hrncir, John (City of Austin)

                                 Ladha, Tanya (Self)

                                 Paynter, Suzii (Christian Life Commission, Texas Baptist Convention)

                                 Rendon, Jose (YMCA of Greater Houston)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Liberty Institute)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)

                                 Willis, Nicole (Self)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)


                                 Grimes, Michael (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Hammond, Bill (TX Association of Business)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition For Consumer Choice)

                                 Reyes, Deborah (Advance America)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc.)

            HB 656


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Batson III, Henry (Friendship-West Baptist Church)

                                 Besteiro, Ollie (AARP)

                                 Broadway, Mikael (Self)

                                 Davis, Gerald (Bapt- General Convention / Cornerstone Bapt. Church)

                                 Davis, Paul (Self)

                                 Graham, Lloyd (Self)

                                 Hill, Rickey D. (Self; Friendship- West Baptist Church)

                                 Kimble, Roy (Self)

                                 Lopez, Stefanie (United Way of Greater Houston)

                                 Madison, Dameon (Friendship- West Baptist Church)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 McClain, James (Texas Impact)

                                 Reeves, Stephen (Christian Life Commission-  Baptist General)

                                 Sanchez, Rosa (Self)

                                 Serna, Karen Lyons (Self; Foundation Communities)

                                 Simonds, Richard (Family Services of Greater Houston)

                                 Thomas-Lee, Dorothy Dean (Self)

                                 Tutt, Timothy (Self)

                                 Werner, Stephanie (United Way of Metropolitan Dallas)

                                 Widrow, Woody (RAISE Texas)


                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)


                                 Pena, Kristi (Better Business Bureau  Erin Dufner, VP of Communications/Operations)

                                 Pettijohn, Leslie (OFC of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allen, Jerry (Citizens of Dallas)

                                 Ayers, Danielle (Self)

                                 Britt, Gerald (Citysquare/Anti-Poverty Coalition)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)

                                 Colvin, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Contreras, Carlos (City of San Antonio)

                                 Cubria, Melissa (Texas Public Interest Research Group (TEXPIRG))

                                 Daly, Richard (Catholic Charities of Central Texas)

                                 Dawson, Jodyann (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Dwyer, Jean Thomas (Daughters of Charity Advocacy & Social Justice Cmte)

                                 Eckstein, Deece (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health Services)

                                 Fairfield, Stephan (Covenant Community Capital)

                                 Firth, Sylvia (City of El Paso)

                                 Holmes, Harry (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)

                                 Hrncir, John (City of Austin)

                                 Ladha, Tanya (Self)

                                 Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Rendon, Jose (YMCA of Greater Houston)

                                 Rodriguez, Marc (Bexar County)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Liberty Institute)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)

                                 Willis, Nicole (Self)

                                 Woollard, Sam (One Voice Central Texas)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)


                                 Grimes, Michael (CSAT)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition For Consumer Choice)

                                 Reyes, Deborah (Advance America)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc)

            HB 661


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Batson III, Henry (Friendship-West Baptist)

                                 Besteiro, Ollie (AARP)

                                 Broadway, Mikael (Self)

                                 Davis, Gerald (Bapt. General Conv. of Texas / Cornerstone B.C.)

                                 Davis, Paul (Self)

                                 Graham, Lloyd (Self)

                                 Hill, Rickey D. (Self; Friendship- West Baptist Church)

                                 Kimble, Roy (Self)

                                 Lopez, Stefanie (United Way of Greater Houston)

                                 Madison, Dameon (Friendship West Baptist Church)

                                 McClain, James (Texas Impact)

                                 Reeves, Stephen (Christian Life Commission- Baptist General Convention of Texas)

                                 Serna, Karen Lyons (Foundation Communities)

                                 Simonds, Richard (Family Services of Greater Houston)

                                 Thomas-Lee, Dorothy Dean (Self)

                                 Tutt, Timothy (Self)

                                 Werner, Stephanie (United Way of Metropolitan Dallas)

                                 Widrow, Woody (RAISE Texas)


                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)


                                 Pettijohn, Leslie (OFC of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allen, Jerry (Citizens of Dallas)

                                 Ayers, Danielle (Self)

                                 Britt, Gerald (Citysquare/Anti-Poverty Coalition)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)

                                 Colvin, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Cubria, Melissa (Texas Public Interest Research Group (TEXPIRG))


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Daly, Richard (Catholic Charities of Central Texas)

                                 Dawson, Jodyann (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Doggett, Robert (Texas Housing Justice League)

                                 Dwyer, Jean Thomas (Daughters of Charity Advocacy & Social Justice Cmte)

                                 Eckstein, Deece (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health Services)

                                 Fairfield, Stephan (Covenant Community Capital)

                                 Holmes, Harry (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)

                                 Hrncir, John (City of Austin)

                                 Ladha, Tanya (Self)

                                 Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Rendon, Jose (YMCA of Greater Houston)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Liberty Institute)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)

                                 Willis, Nicole (Self)

                                 Woollard, Sam (One Voice Central Texas)


                                 Grimes, Michael (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition for Consumer Choice)

                                 Reyes, Deborah (Advance America)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc)

            HB 1323


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Batson III, Henry (Friendship-West BC)

                                 Besteiro, Ollie (AARP)

                                 Broadway, Mikael (Self)

                                 Davis, Gerald (Cornerstone Baptist Church and So. Dallas Community So. Dallas, Texas


                                 Davis, Paul (Self)

                                 Graham, Lloyd (Self)

                                 Hill, Rickey D. (Self; Friendship- West Baptist Church)

                                 Kimble, Roy (Self)

                                 Lopez, Stefanie (United Way of Greater Houston)

                                 Madison, Dameon (Friendship West Baptist Church)

                                 McClain, James (Texas Impact)

                                 Reeves, Stephen (Christian Life Commission- Baptist General Convention of Texas)

                                 Serna, Karen Lyons (Foundation Communities)

                                 Simonds, Richard (Family Services of Greater Houston)

                                 Thomas-Lee, Dorothy Dean (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Tutt, Timothy (Self)

                                 Werner, Stephanie (United Way of Metropolitan Dallas)

                                 Widrow, Woody (RAISE Texas)


                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)


                                 Pettijohn, Leslie (OFC of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allen, Jerry (Citizens of Dallas)

                                 Ayers, Danielle (Self)

                                 Colvin, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Cubria, Melissa (Texas Public Interest Research Group (TEXPIRG))

                                 Daly, Richard (Catholic Charities of Central Texas)

                                 Dawson, Jodyann (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Dwyer, Jean Thomas (Daughters of Charity Advocacy & Social Justice Cmte)

                                 Eckstein, Deece (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health Services)

                                 Fairfield, Stephan (Covenant Community Capital)

                                 Firth, Sylvia (City of El Paso)

                                 Holmes, Harry (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)

                                 Hrncir, John (City of Austin)

                                 Ladha, Tanya (Self)

                                 Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Rendon, Jose (YMCA of Greater Houston)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Liberty Institute)

                                 Sanchez, Rosa (Self)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)

                                 Willis, Nicole (Self)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)


                                 Grimes, Michael (CSAT)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition for Consumer Choice)

                                 Reyes, Deborah (Advance America)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc.)

            HB 1606


                                 Bui, Tina (Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority)

                                 Majek, Mark (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Fuelberg, Ann (ERS)

                                 Kukla, Robert (ERS)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Douglas, Aida (Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority)

                                 Gilmore, Scott (Texas Transit Association)

                                 Shields, Chris (Fort Worth Transportation Authority)

                                 Smith, Jason (Texas Public Employees Association (TPEA))


                                 Melecki, Meredith (Legislative Budget Board)

            HB 1766


                                 Wohlgemuth, Arlene (Texas Public Policy Foundation)


                                 Homer, Andrew (Texas Public Employees Association)

                                 Melina Raab, Ted (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

                                 Osobase, Derrick (Texas State Employee Union)


                                 Fuelberg, Ann (ERS)

                                 Kukla, Robert (ERS)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Connett, Brent (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Finley, Marisa (Scott & White Center for Healthcare Policy)

                                 Hammond, Bill (TX Association of Business)

                                 Manross, Lee (Texas Association of Health Underwriters)

                                 Whitehurst, Darren (Texas Medical Association)


                                 Blount, Elizabeth (Retired State Employees Association)

                                 Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)

            HB 2193 - Committee Substitute (Truitt)


                                 Fuelberg, Ann (ERS)

            HB 2592


                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Baylor, Don (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Hammond, Bill (TX Association of Business)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Payntor, Suzii (Christian Life Commission Baptist General Convention of Texas)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Tomlinson, Richard (Self)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)


                                 Grimes, Michael (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Hutchings, Sealy (Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition For Consumer Choice)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc)

            HB 2593


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (Self; The Texas Catholic Conference, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)


                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Baylor, Don (CPPP)

                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Paynter, Suzii (Christian Life Commission Baptist General Convention of Texas)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Tomlinson, Richard (Self)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)


                                 Hutchings, Sealy (Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition For Consumer Choice)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc.)

            HB 2594


                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Baylor, Don (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Brannan, Ryan (Texas Public Policy Foundation)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Hutchings, Sealy (Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner)

                                 Morstad, Tim (AARP)

                                 Payntor, Suzii (Christian Life Commission Baptist General Convention)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Price, Michael (Texas Coalition For Consumer Choice)


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Tomlinson, Richard (Self)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)


                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International Inc.)

            HB 2615

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Morgan, Tom (American Collectors Association of Texas)

                                 Neeley, Karen (Independent Bankers Assn. of Texas)

                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

            HB 3021


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (Self; The Texas Catholic Conference, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Norcross, Rob (Consumer Service Alliance of Texas)

                                 Vaughn, Alex (Cash America International, Inc.)


                                 Baddour, Ann (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Rand, Kelly (Self; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth)

                                 Tomlinson, Richard (Self)

                                 Whitley, Tracey (Self)
