COMMITTEE:   Ways & Means 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM, Monday, April 25, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Harvey Hilderbran 








HB 231        Phillips
Relating to the eligibility of property used in connection with certain computer centers for economic benefits authorized by the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 269        Hilderbran             
Relating to the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 1532       Eiland                 
Relating to the expiration of certain parts of the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 2652       Pitts                  
Relating to the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 3015       Oliveira               
Relating to the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 3097       Kolkhorst              
Relating to the responsibilities of the comptroller and school districts in the implementation of the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 3626       Kolkhorst              
Relating to the Texas Economic Development Act.

HB 98         Paxton                 
Relating to the E-Z computation and rate of the franchise tax.

HB 817        Hughes | et al.        
Relating to the computation of taxable margin for purposes of the franchise tax by certain taxable entities.

HB 429        Fletcher | et al.      
Relating to the classification of automotive repair shops as primarily engaged in retail trade for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 932        Paxton                 
Relating to the franchise tax liability of certain taxable entities.

HB 1170       Madden | et al.        
Relating to the computation of the franchise tax by certain taxable entities that rent or lease equipment.

HB 1358       Howard, Charlie        
Relating to the exclusion of certain flow-through funds by qualified courier and logistics companies in determining total revenue for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 1439       Berman                 
Relating to the franchise tax liability of certain taxable entities.

HB 1865       Anderson, Rodney       
Relating to a franchise tax exclusion for contractual flow-through funds paid to certain performing artists.

HB 2171       Torres                 
Relating to a franchise tax credit for the employment of persons with a disability or veterans of the United States armed forces.

HB 2383       Geren                  
Relating to a study regarding the reenactment of the franchise tax credit for research and development expenditures.

HB 3326       Woolley                
Relating to the classification of certain entities as primarily engaged in retail trade for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 3608       Kuempel                
Relating to a franchise tax credit for contributions to programs for at-risk youth.

HB 1308       Villarreal             
Relating to a periodic review of state and local tax preferences.

HB 2049       Lavender | et al.      
Relating to the eligibility of land used to raise or keep bees for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land.

HB 2782       Callegari              
Relating to exemptions from the sales tax for certain firearms, hunting equipment, ammunition, and firearm or hunting accessories for a limited period.

HB 3201       Davis, Yvonne          
Relating to the periodic evaluation of certain exemptions from property taxes and state taxes and the application of the sunset review process to those exemptions.

HB 3216       Otto                   
Relating to electronic communication between property owners and chief appraisers, appraisal districts, appraisal review boards, or any combination of those persons.

HB 3479       Christian              
Relating to the rate and amount of the sales and use taxes imposed on certain equipment sold, leased, or used by certain data centers.

HB 3488       Menendez | et al.      
Relating to the requirements for demonstrating eligibility for an ad valorem tax exemption for the residence homestead of an elderly or disabled person.

HB 3703       Raymond                
Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related tax proceeds for aviation facilities development.



Bills added after last posting:

HB 3479


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **