The House
Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
82nd Legislature
February 8, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Pursuant to a notice posted on January 25, 2012, the
House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence met in a public hearing
and was called to order by the chair, Representative Jackson, Jim, at 10:10
The initial quorum call was answered as follows:
Representatives Jackson, Jim; Lewis; Bohac; Davis, Sarah; Raymond; and Scott.
A quorum was present.
Interim Asbestos Charges
The chair brought forth
two interim charges to be heard:
Charge Number 4: Study the degree of transparency in asbestos bankruptcy trusts
and how it affects litigation of asbestos exposure claims in Texas courts.
Interim Charge
Number 6: Study whether asbestos and silica multi district litigation courts
should be allowed to dismiss, without prejudice, claims on the courts' inactive
dockets for want of prosecution under certain circumstances.
(Representative Thompson now present.)
(Representative Castro now present.)
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
The Chair created the Asbestos subcommittee to study
the two interim charges.
The members of the subcommittee are:
Judge Lewis, Chair
Sarah Davis
Connie Scott
Richard Raymond
Jim Jackson
At 12:50 p.m., on the motion of the chair and
without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.
Rep. Jackson, Jim, Chair
Kari King, Clerk