The following bills have been certified for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar to be held Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 8:00 AM. |
Relating to persons authorized to control the disposition of the remains of certain members of the United States armed forces. |
Relating to the criminal penalty for failure of a trustee to pay the beneficiaries of the trust the purchase price for timber sold by the trustee. |
Relating to the unauthorized harvesting of standing timber; providing for the imposition of a criminal penalty. |
Relating to the use by insurers of certain standard insurance policy forms for residential property insurance. |
Relating to requiring dental support for a child subject to a child support order. |
Relating to rules adopted and reporting required under the school district college credit program. |
Relating to procedures related to the placement of a voter on the suspense list. |
Relating to procedures relating to the issuance and renewal of, and certain notice requirements associated with, certain deer permits. |
Relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities. |
Relating to certain information provided by local workforce development boards regarding certain child-care providers. |
Relating to training for employees and operators of certain child-care facilities. |
Relating to the sale or delivery of salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A to a child; providing a penalty. |
Relating to categories of information presumed to be public and certain exceptions from required disclosure under the public information law. |
Relating to the date by which a pest management zone or cotton grower may request an extension of the cotton stalk destruction deadline. |
Relating to a study of the fiscal impact of adjusting the amount of the ad valorem tax exemption to which disabled veterans and the surviving spouses and children of disabled veterans and certain members of the armed forces are entitled. |
Relating to allowing a governmental body to redact certain personal information under the public information law without the necessity of requesting a decision from the attorney general and the calculation of certain deadlines under the public information law. |
Relating to the exemption of certain property from municipal drainage service charges and from related ordinances, resolutions, and rules. |
Relating to educational requirements for licensing as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist. |
Relating to the creation of the Rio de Vida Municipal Utility District No. 1; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. |
Relating to the boundaries of the Ingleside Cove Wildlife Sanctuary. |
Relating to the authority of the El Paso County Hospital District to appoint, contract for, or employ physicians, dentists, and other health care providers. |
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates to certain family members of a person who dies while serving in the United States armed forces. |
Relating to the transmission of records regarding over-the-counter sales of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine and a person's civil liability for certain acts arising from the sale of those products. |
Relating to energy efficiency reports by municipally owned utilities and electric cooperatives. |
Relating to the creation and financing of the Lakeway Regional Medical Center Defined Area in Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 17; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. |
Relating to the classification, use, and regulation of electric energy storage equipment or facilities. |
Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals. |
Relating to the imposition and use of the municipal hotel occupancy tax by certain eligible central municipalities. |
Relating to the authority of the Public Utility Commission of Texas in relation to extended service areas and toll-free local calling areas. |
Relating to the elimination of certain tariff filing requirements for telecommunications providers. |
Relating to the regulation of Voice over Internet Protocol service. |
Relating to deregulation of certain telecommunications markets and companies. |
Relating to certain arrangements to provide care for a child during an investigation of abuse or neglect. |
Relating to the designation of program costs for providing bill payment assistance to certain military veterans as a necessary operating expense that is a first lien against revenue of certain electric and gas utilities' revenue securing certain public securities or obligations. |
Relating to the powers and duties of an attorney ad litem appointed for a parent or an alleged father in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship. |
Relating to the criminal penalty for the discarding of certain burning materials. |
Relating to information regarding deceased registered voters. |
Relating to notice of acceptance or rejection of an insurance claim. |
Relating to reports concerning and the reporting of the use of certain funds by community supervision and corrections departments and to the preparation of commitment reduction plans by those departments. |
Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Department of Aging and Disability Services to the Angelina and Neches River Authority. |
Relating to the dispensing of pharmaceuticals with an aesthetic purpose by physicians and therapeutic optometrists. |
Relating to the operation by the Department of Agriculture of programs for rural economic development and the marketing and promotion of agricultural and other products grown, processed, or produced in this state. |
Relating to the designation of State Highway 20 as a historic highway. |
Relating to smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in residential rental units. |
Relating to the designation of the Irving Diamond Interchange. |
Relating to the venue for prosecution of certain theft offenses. |
Relating to energy efficiency goals and programs and the participation of loads in certain energy markets. |
Relating to the exception from required public disclosure of certain records of an appraisal district. |
Relating to the water rights permits issued to the Texas Water Development Board for the Allens Creek Reservoir. |
Relating to the repeal of the certification process for personnel service owners and the regulation of personnel services. |
Relating to the regulation of providers, administrators, and sellers of service contracts and identity recovery service contracts; providing penalties. |
Relating to the regulation of certain shelter day-care facilities, child-care facilities, and individuals providing child-care services, and access to certain criminal history record information; providing an administrative penalty. |
Relating to an excavator's duty to notify a notification center before excavating; providing civil and criminal penalties. |
Relating to the registration with the Texas Department of Insurance of certain contract examiners. |
Relating to the promotion of efficiencies in and the administration of certain county services and functions. |
Relating to the use of a county risk management pool by certain county and district officers instead of the execution of bonds and to the authority of certain counties and intergovernmental pools to require reimbursement for punitive damage coverage. |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of air conditioning and refrigeration contractors and contracting companies; providing penalties. |
Relating to the employment of physicians by certain municipal hospital authorities. |
Relating to transportation, lodging, and meals offered to and accepted by public servants. |
Relating to alternative dispute resolution systems established by counties. |
Relating to certain violations of and offenses under The Securities Act; providing penalties. |
Relating to the mining and reclamation of certain land previously affected by surface coal mining operations. |
Relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 81st Legislature to other Acts of that legislature. |
Relating to the designation of certain highways as part of the Purple Heart Trail. |
Relating to the regulation of certain private security companies and occupations. |
Relating to reporting student enrollment in tech-prep programs and evaluating tech-prep consortia. |
Relating to the authority of certain counties to impose a county hotel occupancy tax and to the rate of the tax. |
Relating to insurer receivership. |
Relating to the application requirements for a local project permit. |
Relating to differential pay and benefits for certain officers and employees of emergency services districts who are members of the armed forces. |
Relating to the regulation of exotic aquatic species by the Parks and Wildlife Department; providing penalties. |
Relating to reporting to the Texas Judicial Council the election or appointment of certain municipal officers. |
Relating to the scope and validity of correction instruments in the conveyance of real property. |
Relating to the distribution of money appropriated from a municipal court building security fund. |
Relating to the inspection of portable fire extinguishers. |
Relating to the registration of peace officers as private security officers. |
Relating to the exception of certain personal information from required disclosure under the public information law. |
Relating to transparency and propagation of information regarding personal automobile and residential property insurance rates, policies, and complaints. |
Relating to certain unclaimed property of veterans and veterans' families. |
Relating to municipal and county budgets on the Internet. |
Relating to authorizing the adjutant general to operate post exchanges on state military property. |
Relating to the occupational licensing of spouses of members of the military. |
Relating to the establishment of the College Credit for Heroes program. |
Relating to the certification of a certified capital company. |
Relating to confidentiality of certain Class C misdemeanor records related to the conviction of a child. |
Relating to the development of a model individualized education program form by the Texas Education Agency. |
Relating to the exemption of certain retirement accounts from access by creditors. |
Relating to the designation of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail as a historic highway. |
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