82R7422 NC-F
  By: Martinez H.B. No. 2569
  relating to county contracts with private entities for jail
  facilities; providing a penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Section 351.101, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 351.101.  AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT.  (a)  The
  commissioners court of a county, with the approval of the sheriff of
  the county, may contract with a private organization to place
  inmates in a detention facility operated by the organization.
         (b)  The commissioners court may not contract with a private
  organization in which a member of the court or an elected or
  appointed peace officer who serves in the county has a financial
  interest or in which an employee or commissioner of the Commission
  on Jail Standards has a financial interest.
         (c)  Before entering into a contract under this section, the
  commissioners court shall hold a public hearing in each
  commissioners precinct to allow the public to make comments
  regarding the proposed contract. Not later than the 30th day before
  the date of a hearing, the commissioners court shall publish notice
  of the time and place of the hearing in a newspaper of general
  circulation in the county.
         (d)  A contract made in violation of this section is void.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter F, Chapter 351, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 351.105 and 351.106 to read as
         Sec. 351.105.  PERSONAL BENEFIT PROHIBITED. (a)  In this
  section, "benefit" has the meaning assigned by Section 36.01, Penal
         (b)  A person who is an employee or officer of a county
  commits an offense if the person accepts a benefit from a private
  entity that contracts with the county under this subchapter.
         (c)  An offense under this section is a state jail felony.
         Sec. 351.106.  OPEN RECORDS.  Information collected,
  assembled, or maintained by a private entity that is not a
  governmental body in connection with the operation, maintenance,
  repair, or construction of a detention facility or related facility
  operated under contract with the county under this subchapter is
  subject to Chapter 552, Government Code, in the same manner as
  information collected, assembled, or maintained by a governmental
  body, but only if the information is related to the operation,
  maintenance, repair, or construction of the facility.
         SECTION 3.  Section 351.106, Local Government Code, as added
  by this Act, applies in relation to information collected,
  assembled, or maintained before, on, or after the effective date of
  this Act.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.