Amend CSSB 1420 (house committee printing) by striking SECTION 25 of the bill (page 33, line 18, through page 34, line 12) and substituting the following:
SECTION 25.  Chapter 223, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
Sec. 223.241.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
(1)  "Design-build contractor" means a partnership, corporation, or other legal entity or team that includes an engineering firm and a construction contractor qualified to engage in the construction of highway projects in this state.
(2)  "Design-build method" means a project delivery method by which an entity contracts with a single entity to provide both design and construction services for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a facility.
Sec. 223.242.  SCOPE OF AND LIMITATIONS ON CONTRACTS. (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subchapter A and Chapter 2254, Government Code, the department may use the design-build method for the design, construction, expansion, extension, related capital maintenance, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a highway project.
(b)  A design-build contract under this subchapter may not grant to a private entity:
(1)  a leasehold interest in the highway project; or
(2)  the right to operate or retain revenue from the operation of a toll project.
(c)  In using the design-build method and in entering into a contract for the services of a design-build contractor, the department and the design-build contractor shall follow the procedures and requirements of this subchapter.
(d)  The department may enter into not more than three design-build contracts for highway projects, each of which has a construction cost estimate of $50 million or more to the department, in any fiscal year.
(e)  Money disbursed by the department to pay engineering costs for the design of a project incurred by the design-build contractor under a design-build contract may not be included in the amounts under Section 223.041:
(1)  required to be spent in a state fiscal biennium for engineering-related services; or
(2)  appropriated in Strategy A.1.1, Plan/Design/Manage or Strategy A.1.2, Contracted Planning and Design of the General Appropriations Act.
Sec. 223.243.  USE OF ENGINEER OR ENGINEERING FIRM. (a) To act as the department's representative, independent of a design-build contractor, for the procurement process and for the duration of the work on a highway project, the department shall select or designate:
(1)  an engineer;
(2)  a qualified firm, selected in accordance with Section 2254.004, Government Code, who is independent of the design-build contractor; or
(3)  a general engineering consultant that was previously selected by the department and is selected or designated in accordance with Section 2254.004, Government Code.
(b)  The selected or designated engineer or firm has full responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001, Occupations Code.
Sec. 223.244.  OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. (a) The department shall provide or contract for, independently of the design-build contractor, the following services as necessary for the acceptance of the highway project by the department:
(1)  inspection services;
(2)  construction materials engineering and testing; and
(3)  verification testing services.
(b)  The department shall ensure that the engineering services contracted for under this section are selected based on demonstrated competence and qualifications.
(c)  This section does not preclude a design-build contractor from providing construction quality assurance and quality control under a design-build contract.
Sec. 223.245.  REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS. (a) For any highway project to be delivered through the design-build method, the department must prepare and issue a request for qualifications. A request for qualifications must include:
(1)  information regarding the proposed project's location, scope, and limits;
(2)  information regarding funding that may be available for the project;
(3)  criteria that will be used to evaluate the qualifications statements, which must include a proposer's qualifications, experience, technical competence, and ability to develop the project;
(4)  the relative weight to be given to the criteria; and
(5)  the deadline by which qualifications statements must be received by the department.
(b)  The department shall publish notice advertising the issuance of a request for qualifications in the Texas Register and on the department's Internet website.
(c)  The department shall evaluate each qualifications statement received in response to a request for qualifications based on the criteria identified in the request. The department may interview responding proposers. Based on the department's evaluation of qualifications statements and interviews, if any, the department shall qualify or short-list proposers to submit proposals.
(d)  The department shall qualify or short-list at least two private entities to submit proposals under Section 223.246, but may not qualify or short-list more private entities than the number of private entities designated on the request for qualifications. If the department receives only one responsive qualifications statement, the department shall terminate the procurement.
(e)  The department may withdraw a request for qualifications or request for proposals at any time.
Sec. 223.246.  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. (a) The department shall issue a request for proposals to proposers short-listed under Section 223.245.  A request for proposals must include:
(1)  information on the overall project goals;
(2)  publicly available cost estimates for the design-build portion of the project;
(3)  materials specifications;
(4)  special material requirements;
(5)  a schematic design approximately 30 percent complete;
(6)  known utilities, provided that the department is not required to undertake an effort to locate utilities;
(7)  quality assurance and quality control requirements;
(8)  the location of relevant structures;
(9)  notice of any rules or goals adopted by the department relating to awarding contracts to disadvantaged business enterprises or small business enterprises;
(10)  available geotechnical or other information related to the project;
(11)  the status of any environmental review of the project;
(12)  detailed instructions for preparing the technical proposal required under Subsection (d), including a description of the form and level of completeness of drawings expected;
(13)  the relative weighting of the technical and cost proposals required under Subsection (d) and the formula by which the proposals will be evaluated and ranked; and
(14)  the criteria to be used in evaluating the technical proposals, and the relative weighting of those criteria.
(b)  The formula used to evaluate proposals under Subsection (a)(13) must allocate at least 70 percent of the weighting to the cost proposal.
(c)  A request for proposals must also include a general form of the design-build contract that the department proposes and that may be modified as a result of negotiations prior to contract execution.
(d)  Each response to a request for proposals must include a sealed technical proposal and a separate sealed cost proposal submitted to the department by the date specified in the request for proposals.
(e)  The technical proposal must address:
(1)  the proposer's qualifications and demonstrated technical competence, unless that information was submitted to the department and evaluated by the department under Section 223.245;
(2)  the feasibility of developing the project as proposed, including identification of anticipated problems;
(3)  the proposed solutions to anticipated problems;
(4)  the ability of the proposer to meet schedules;
(5)  the conceptual engineering design proposed; and
(6)  any other information requested by the department.
(f)  The department may provide for the submission of alternative technical concepts by a proposer. If the department provides for the submission of alternative technical concepts, the department must prescribe a process for notifying a proposer whether the proposer's alternative technical concepts are approved for inclusion in a technical proposal.
(g)  The cost proposal must include:
(1)  the cost of delivering the project; and
(2)  the estimated number of days required to complete the project.
(h)  A response to a request for proposals shall be due not later than the 180th day after the final request for proposals is issued by the department. This subsection does not preclude the release by the department of a draft request for proposals for purposes of receiving input from short-listed proposers.
(i)  The department shall first open, evaluate, and score each responsive technical proposal submitted on the basis of the criteria described in the request for proposals and assign points on the basis of the weighting specified in the request for proposals. The department may reject as nonresponsive any proposer that makes a significant change to the composition of its design-build team as initially submitted that was not approved by the department as provided in the request for proposals. The department shall subsequently open, evaluate, and score the cost proposals from proposers that submitted a responsive technical proposal and assign points on the basis of the weighting specified in the request for proposals. The department shall rank the proposers in accordance with the formula provided in the request for proposals.
Sec. 223.247.  NEGOTIATION. (a) After ranking the proposers under Section 223.246(i), the department shall first attempt to negotiate a contract with the highest ranked proposer. The department may include in the negotiations alternative technical concepts proposed by other proposers, subject to Section 223.249.
(b)  If the department is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the highest ranked proposer, the department shall, formally and in writing, end all negotiations with that proposer and proceed to negotiate with the next proposer in the order of the selection ranking until a contract is reached or negotiations with all ranked proposers end.
Sec. 223.248.  ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND COSTS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the department shall assume:
(1)  all risks and costs associated with:
(A)  changes and modifications to the scope of the project requested by the department;
(B)  unknown or differing conditions at the site of the project;
(C)  applicable environmental clearance and other regulatory permitting necessary for the project; and
(D)  natural disasters and other force majeure events; and
(2)  all costs associated with property acquisition, other than costs associated with acquiring a temporary easement or work area used for staging or constructing the project.
(b)  A design-build contractor may assume some or all of the risks or costs described by Subsection (a) if the terms of the assumption are reflected in the final request for proposals, including all supplements to the request.
Sec. 223.249.  STIPEND AMOUNT FOR UNSUCCESSFUL PROPOSERS. (a) The department shall pay an unsuccessful proposer that submits a responsive proposal a stipend for the work product contained in the proposal that the department determines can be used by the department in the performance of the department's functions. The stipend must be a minimum of twenty-five hundredths of one percent of the contract amount and must be specified in the initial request for proposals, but may not exceed the value of the work product contained in the proposal that the department determines can be used by the department in the performance of the department's functions. If the department determines that the value of the work product is less than the stipend amount, the department shall provide the proposer with a detailed explanation of the valuation, including the methodology and assumptions used by the department in determining the value of the work product. After payment of the stipend, the department may make use of any work product contained in the unsuccessful proposal, including the techniques, methods, processes, and information contained in the proposal. The use by the department of any design element contained in an unsuccessful proposal is at the sole risk and discretion of the department and does not confer liability on the recipient of the stipend under this subsection.
(b)  In a request for proposals, the department shall provide for the payment of a partial stipend in the event that a procurement is terminated before the execution of a design-build contract.
Sec. 223.250.  PERFORMANCE OR PAYMENT BOND. (a) The department shall require a design-build contractor to provide:
(1)  a performance and payment bond;
(2)  an alternative form of security; or
(3)  a combination of the forms of security described by Subdivisions (1) and (2).
(b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a performance and payment bond, alternative form of security, or combination of the forms shall be in an amount equal to the cost of constructing or maintaining the project.
(c)  If the department determines that it is impracticable for a private entity to provide security in the amount described by Subsection (b), the department shall set the amount of the security.
(d)  A performance and payment bond is not required for the portion of a design-build contract under this section that includes design services only.
(e)  The department may require one or more of the following alternative forms of security:
(1)  a cashier's check drawn on a financial entity specified by the department;
(2)  a United States bond or note;
(3)  an irrevocable bank letter of credit provided by a bank meeting the requirements specified in the request for proposals; or
(4)  any other form of security determined suitable by the department.
(f)  Section 223.006 of this code and Chapter 2253, Government Code, do not apply to a bond or alternative form of security required under this section.