Human Services Committee
March  19, 2009 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
HB  67
Best, Douglas  (Self)
Carriker, Terri  (Self)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Obledo, Carla  (Self)
Yost, Violeta  (Self)
Zarate, Dolores  (Self)
Horton, Colleen (TX. Center for Disability Studies)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Chancellor, Hilton  (Self)
Choate, Dawn (The ARC of Texas)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Kafka, Bob (ADAPT of TX)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio Non Profit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Miller, Jeff (Advocacy Incorporated)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Payne, Susan (PART (Parent Assn for the Retarded of Texas))
Payntor, Susan (Suzii) (Christian Life Commission Basptist General Convention of TX)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)

Wohlgemuth, Arlene (Texas Association for Home Care)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  584
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Assoc. of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Orand, Kirsten  (Self)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  647
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)

Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Phillips, Mike (Cops & Metro Alliance, Texas IAF Network)
Zapata, Ofelia (Texas IAF Network- Austin Interfaith)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Veatch, John (Texas IAF Network)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  676
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)

Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Hunt, Lisa  (Self and The Metropolitan Organization, IAF Network)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Assoc. of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  743
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)

Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  744
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hawkins, John (Texas Hospital Assn.)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Roberts, Bride (Williamson County and Cities Health District)
Registering, but not testifying:
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Wohlgemuth, Arlene  (Self)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  745
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)

Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Kitchen, Ann (Integrated Care Collaboration)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  802
Besteiro, Ollie (AARP)
Campbell, Gary (MS Society)
Coker, Linda (MS Society)
Norden, Ilene  (Self)
Suiter, Kim (National Multiple Sclerosis Society)
Registering, but not testifying:
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)
Caborde, Blanca (Adult Day Care Association of Texas)
Campbell, Kimberly  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Chancellor, Hilton (Texas Advocates)
Choate, Dawn (The Arc of Texas)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Davis, Helen (Texas Medical Assn.)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Huemmer, Marla (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)

Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio Non Profit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Miller, Jeff (Advocacy Incorporated)
Rodas, Claudia (American Cancer Society)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
HB  843
Benitez, Patricia (TX IAF Network/ Border Interfaith)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Leyva, Javier (Texas IAF Network)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)

Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  862
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Assoc. of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Miller, Jeff (Advocacy, Incorporated)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
Zapata, Ofelia (Texas IAF Network- Austin Interfaith)
HB  1080
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)

Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
Manross, Lee (Texas Association of Health Underwriters)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1200
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Assoc. of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))

Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1329
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund + Texas Finish Line)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Atherton, Beth  (Self)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Goldstein, Michael (Meals on Wheels and More)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Assoc. of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
McNabb, John (Austin Area Human Services Association)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Neavel, Nancy  (Self)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Rogoff, Regina (People's Community Clinic)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)

Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Willmann, James (Texas Nurses Association)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1541
Bible, Elizabeth (Parent, Student, restaurant manager)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund & Texas Finish Line)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Altobelli, Joan (Austin Health & Human Services Assoc.)
Atherton, Beth  (Self)
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Tx. Association of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
McNabb, John (Austin Area Human Services Association)
Miller, Jeff (Advocacy, Incorporated)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Neavel, Nancy  (Self)
Orand, Kirsten  (Self)
Osobase, Derrick (Texas State Employees Union)
Payntor, Susan (Suzii) (Christian Life Commission Baptist General Convention of TX)
Pruett, Dan (Meals on Wheels and More)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Rogoff, Regina (Austin Area Human Services Assoc.)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)

Woollard, Sam  (Self)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1625
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Hagert, Celia (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cooper, Lanetta (Texas Legal Services Center)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Goddard, Lisa (Capital Area Food Bank of Texas)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Miller, Jeff (Advocacy, Incorporated)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
HB  1699
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr)
Benitez, Patricia (TX IAF Network/ Border Interfaith)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)

Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1769
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  1903
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
HB  1938
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dieter, Alison  (Self and Texas Gray Panthers)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hagert, Celia (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Kroll, Carrie (Texas Medical Assn. Texas Academy Family Physicians Texas Pediatric Society)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Paynter, Susan (Suzii) (Christian Life Commission Baptist General Convention of TX)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of TX)
HB  2199
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McAninch, Scott (San Antonio NonProfit Council)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)

Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  2200
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  2204
Benitez, Patricia (TX IAF Network/ Border Interfaith)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)

Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  2206
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr.)
Benitez, Patricia (TX IAF Network/ Border Interfaith)
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (CHRISTUS Health Texas Border Coalition)

Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  2376
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Ctr)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Fredriksen, Amanda (AARP)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of Family Physicians & Texas Pediatric Society)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Hunt, Lisa  (Self and TMO)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
Williams, Janice (League of Women Voters of Texas)
HB  2388
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Apodaca, Michelle (Tx. Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Codina, Edward (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Henry, Tricia (AARP)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Little, Alison (Texans Care For Children)
Maxwell, Barbara (Texas Association of Health Plans)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
HB  2962
Bible, Elizabeth  (Self)
Carter, Kelleigh  (Self)
Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Garcia- Matthews, Eileen (Texans Care For Children)
Guerra- Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund)
Holcomb, John (Texas Medical Association, Texas Pediatric Society & Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Molina, JoAnne (TX Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)
Barker, Conni (De Pelchin Children's Center)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Coburn, Katie (Tx Assn of Community Health Centers)
Cubria, Melissa (Tex PIRG)
Dwyer, JT (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Ellis, Randall (One Voice)
Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)
Hebert, Kyla  (Self)
Huemmer, Maria (The Texas Catholic Conference, The Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas)
Hunt, Lisa  (Self and The Metropolitan Organization, Tx IAF Network)
Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL- CIO)
Lopez, Mary (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
McClelen, Michelle (Texas ACORN)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Shores, Misty  (Self)
Spikes, Candise (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of Texas)
Yanas, Christine (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)