1:00 PM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Senate Chamber
Senator Mike Jackson
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas Residential Construction Commission
Ross A. Benline          Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Wentworth
Guadalupe County         term to expire 02-01-15
Gerardo M. Garcia        Appointed 07-31-07 for a        Hinojosa
Nueces County            term to expire 02-01-13
Don Illingworth          Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Harris
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-15
Steven R. Leipsner       Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-15
Glenda Mariott           Appointed 07-31-07 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 02-01-13
Mickey Randall Redwine   Appointed 07-31-07 for a        Deuell
Van Zandt County         term to expire 02-01-13
Parks and Wildlife Commission
Ralph H. Duggins         Appointed 02-19-08 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-13
Antonio Falcon           Appointed 08-14-07 for a        Zaffirini
Starr County             term to expire 02-01-13
Karen J. Hixon           Appointed 08-14-07 for a        Van de Putte
Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-13
Margaret Martin          Appointed 02-05-09 for a        Wentworth
Kendall County           term to expire 02-01-15
S. Reed Morian           Appointed 02-05-09 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-15

Texas Transportation Commission, Texas Department of Transportation
Deirdre Delisi           Appointed 04-30-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-13
Edward C. Houghton       Appointed 02-20-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 02-01-15
William W. Meadows       Appointed 04-30-08 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-13
Fred A. Underwood        Appointed 02-20-09 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 02-01-15
The following nominees will not appear:
Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
A. Carlos Barrera        Appointed 09-12-07 for a        Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 01-31-13
Everett Ray Ferguson     Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 01-31-15
James Calvin Flagg       Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 01-31-15
Jon Reed Keeney          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Jackson
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-15
David Lambert King       Appointed 09-12-07 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-13
Maribess Lehmann         Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Carona
Miller                   term to expire 01-31-15
Dallas County
Steve D. Pena            Appointed 03-04-08 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 01-31-13
Thomas Green Prothro     Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Eltife
Smith County             term to expire 01-31-15
Catherine J. Rodewald    Appointed 09-12-07 for a        Shapiro

Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-11
John W. Steinberg        Appointed 09-12-07 for a        Wentworth
Guadalupe County         term to expire 01-31-13
Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners
Suehing Woo Yee Chiang   Appointed 02-24-09 for a        Huffman
Fort Bend County         term to expire 01-31-15
Allen D. Cline           Appointed 04-01-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-13
Linda Wynn Drain         Appointed 02-24-09 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 01-31-15
Terry Glenn Rascoe       Appointed 06-30-08 for a        Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 01-31-13
Karen Siegel             Appointed 04-01-08 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-11
Rachelle L. Webb         Appointed 06-30-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-13
Rey Ximenes              Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-15
Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors
Patricia E. Dickey       Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ogden
Houston County           term to expire 09-05-11
Brazos River Authority Board of Directors
Trent McKnight           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Estes
Throckmorton County      term to expire 02-01-15
Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Ray Allen Wilkerson      Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-11
Department of Information Resources

Ramon F. Baez            Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Davis
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-15
Robert E. Pickering      Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Patrick
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-15
Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf
Beatrice Maestas Burke   Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 01-31-13
Walter Camenisch         Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-15
Nancy Mumme Carrizales   Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-13
Eric Hogue               Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Estes
Collin County            term to expire 01-31-15
Susan K. Ridley          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Huffman
Fort Bend County         term to expire 01-31-13
Angie Wolf               Appointed 05-05-09 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-15
Health and Human Services Council
Sharon J. Barnes         Appointed 06-19-08 for a        Hegar
Calhoun County           term to expire 02-01-13
Manson B. Johnson        Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-15
Jerry Kane               Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Hinojosa
Nueces County            term to expire 02-01-15
Leon J. Leach            Appointed 06-19-08 for a        Hegar
Colorado County          term to expire 02-01-13
Ronald Thomas Luke       Appointed 06-19-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-13
Teresa Wilkinson         Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Seliger
Midland County           term to expire 02-01-15

Commission on Human Rights
Thomas M. Anderson       Appointed 12-22-08 for a        Hegar
Fort Bend County         term to expire 02-01-13
Michelle H. Diggs        Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-15
Travis A. Morris         Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-15
Danny L. Osterhout       Appointed 12-22-08 for a        Seliger
Andrews County           term to expire 02-01-13
Veronica Vargas          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Watson
Stidvent                 term to expire 02-01-15
Travis County
Texas Industrialized Building Code Council
Jesse Rider              Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Deuell
Smith County             term to expire 02-01-10
Texas Emancipation Juneteenth Cultural and Historical Commission
Vicki D. Blanton         Appointed 12-30-08 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-11
Willie Belle Boone       Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-15
Carmen Francis           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-11
Clarence E. Glover       Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-13
William H. Watson        Appointed 12-30-08 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 02-01-13
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Court of Appeals District
Robert M. Fillmore       Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 11-02-10

Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying
James Allen Childress    Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Fraser
San Saba County          term to expire 01-31-15
Nedra J. Foster          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Nichols
Hardin County            term to expire 01-31-15
Robert H. Price          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-15
Lavaca-Navidad River Authority
John Alcus Cotten        Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Hegar
Jackson County           term to expire 05-01-15
Ronald Edwin Kubecka     Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Hegar
Jackson County           term to expire 05-01-15
Nils P. Mauritz          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Hegar
Jackson County           term to expire 05-01-15
Texas Board of Licensure for Professional Medical Physicists
Philip D. Bourland       Appointed 09-29-08 for a        Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 02-01-11
Shannon D. Cox           Appointed 09-29-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09
Valerie Foreman          Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Nelson
Denton County            term to expire 02-01-15
Kumar Krishen            Appointed 09-29-08 for a        Jackson
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-11
John Raymond Leahy       Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-13
Rebecca C. Middleton     Appointed 09-29-08 for a        West
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-11
Pamela M. Otto           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Van de Putte
Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-15

Richard E. Wendt         Appointed 09-29-08 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-13
Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Dora G. Alcala           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Uresti
Val Verde County         term to expire 02-01-15
Ralph C. Gauer           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 02-01-15
Alvin W. Jones           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 02-01-15
Paul F. Paine            Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Estes
Parker County            term to expire 02-01-15
Thomas A. Whaylen        Appointed 08-14-07 for a        Estes
Wichita County           term to expire 02-01-13
Texas Board of Nursing
Kristin K. Benton        Appointed 01-10-08 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-13
Patricia Clapp           Appointed 05-06-08 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-13
Tamara Jean Parrish      Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Lucio
Cowen                    term to expire 01-31-15
Cameron County
Sheri Crosby             Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Deuell
Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-15
Marilyn J. Davis         Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Huffman
Fort Bend County         term to expire 01-31-13
Richard Robert Gibbs     Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Deuell
Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-13
Kathy Lynette            Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Averitt
Leader-Horn              term to expire 01-31-15
Hood County

Josefina Lujan           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 01-31-15
Mary Jane Salgado        Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Uresti
Maverick County          term to expire 01-31-15
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
Catherine Benavidez      Appointed 05-05-09 for a        Harris
Denton County            term to expire 02-01-15
Judith Ann Chambers      Appointed 08-20-07 for a        Wentworth
Hays County              term to expire 02-01-13
Kathleen Hill            Appointed 09-24-08 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-13
Stephanie Johnston       Appointed 08-20-07 for a        Nichols
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-11
Pamela D. Nelon          Appointed 08-20-07 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-11
Todd Matthew Novosad     Appointed 05-05-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-13
Angela Sieffert          Appointed 05-05-09 for a        West
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-15
Bobby James Vasquez      Appointed 08-20-07 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 02-01-11
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
Leah F. Esparza          Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-15
Roy D. McCoy             Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-15
Miguel N. Mojica         Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Harris
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-15
State Pension Review Board

Paul A. Braden           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-15
Andrew Winston Cable     Appointed 02-12-09 for a        Wentworth
Hays County              term to expire 01-31-13
Jerry Robert             Appointed 06-19-08 for a        Duncan
Massengale               term to expire 01-31-11
Lubbock County
Richard Earl McElreath   Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Seliger
Randall County           term to expire 01-31-13
Norman W. Parrish        Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Williams
Montgomery County        term to expire 01-31-13
Wayne R. Roberts         Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-15
Scott D. Smith           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 01-31-15
Texas Physician Assistant Board
Ronald W. Bryce          Appointed 05-05-09 for a        Averitt
Ellis County             term to expire 02-01-15
Teralea Davis Jones      Appointed 08-08-07 for a        Zaffirini
Bee County               term to expire 02-01-13
Felix Koo                Appointed 08-08-07 for a        Hinojosa
Hidalgo County           term to expire 02-01-11
M. A. Mitchell           Appointed 08-08-07 for a        Estes
Clay County              term to expire 02-01-13
Abelino Reyna            Appointed 08-08-07 for a        Averitt
Mclennan County          term to expire 02-01-13
Edward W. Zwanziger      Appointed 05-05-09 for a        Nichols
Henderson County         term to expire 02-01-15
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

Brenda Buckner           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Estes
Parker County            term to expire 02-01-15
Karen R. Burke           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-15
Steven Douglas           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Jackson
Christopherson           term to expire 02-01-13
Harris County
Brenda S. Compagnone     Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Zaffirini
Dimmit County            term to expire 02-01-15
Glynda Beth Corley       Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-11
Michelle Alcon           Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Seliger
Eggleston                term to expire 02-01-11
Potter County
Leslie Fischer Pohl      Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-13
Jaa Akili St. Julien     Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-11
Maria Francisca Teran    Appointed 05-01-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 02-01-13
Texas Real Estate Commission
Adrian A. Arriaga        Appointed 08-14-07 for a        Hinojosa
Hidalgo County           term to expire 01-31-13
Robert Christopher Day   Appointed 08-14-07 for a        Nichols
Cherokee County          term to expire 01-31-13
Jaime Blevins Hensley    Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Nichols
Angelina County          term to expire 01-31-15
Joanne Justice           Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Davis
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-15
Dona Scurry              Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 01-31-15

Avis Geer Wukasch        Appointed 03-13-08 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 01-31-13
State Board for Educator Certification
Bradley Wayne Allard     Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Averitt
Johnson County           term to expire 02-01-15
Bonny L. Cain            Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Jackson
Brazoria County          term to expire 02-01-15
Benny W. Morris          Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Averitt
Johnson County           term to expire 02-01-15
Judy Robison             Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 02-01-15
Sulphur River Basin Authority
Kirby Hollingsworth      Appointed 05-06-09 for a        Eltife
Franklin County          term to expire 02-01-15