1:00 PM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Senate Chamber
Senator Mike Jackson
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Bryan Webb Shaw          Appointed 11-01-07 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 08-31-13
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Charlotte                Appointed 02-27-08 for a        Duncan
Renee Masters            term to expire 08-31-13
Scurry County
Robert Paul Gauntt       Appointed 02-27-08 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 08-31-13
R. David Kelly           Appointed 11-02-07 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 08-31-11
Eric Craig McDonald      Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 08-31-13
Texas Water Development Board
Joe Crutcher             Appointed 02-12-08 for a        Nichols
Anderson County          term to expire 12-31-13
Lewis Hill McMahan       Appointed 03-13-08 for a        Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 12-31-11
Edward Gibson Vaughan    Appointed 02-19-08 for a        Wentworth
Comal County             term to expire 12-31-13
The following nominees will not appear:
Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

Joseph Anderson          Appointed 03-13-09 for a        Nichols
Angelina County          term to expire 09-05-13
Alfred Chavira           Appointed 05-16-08 for a        Nichols
Cherokee County          term to expire 09-05-13
Julie Dowell             Appointed 05-16-08 for a        Nichols
Smith County             term to expire 09-05-11
David M. King            Appointed 05-16-08 for a        Nichols
Nacogdoches County       term to expire 09-05-13
Brazos River Authority Board of Directors
Richard L. Ball          Appointed 03-13-08 for a        Estes
Palo Pinto County        term to expire 02-01-13
Grady Barr               Appointed 01-18-08 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 02-01-13
F. LeRoy Bell            Appointed 01-18-08 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 02-01-13
Kari Belt                Appointed 04-06-09 for a        Averitt
Coryell County           term to expire 02-01-15
Peter G. Bennis          Appointed 02-01-08 for a        Averitt
Johnson County           term to expire 02-01-13
John A. Brieden          Appointed 03-21-08 for a        Hegar
Washington County        term to expire 02-01-13
James F. Landtroop       Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Hale County              term to expire 02-01-15
Sara Lowrey Mackie       Appointed 04-06-09 for a        Fraser
Bell County              term to expire 02-01-15
Nancy Kay Porter         Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Huffman
Fort Bend County         term to expire 02-01-15
G. Dave Scott            Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Hegar
Fort Bend County         term to expire 02-01-13
Jon E. Sloan             Appointed 03-13-08 for a        Ogden

Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-11
John D. Steinmetz        Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 02-01-15
Robert E. Tesch          Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-15
Mary Ward                Appointed 05-30-08 for a        Averitt
Hood County              term to expire 02-01-11
Salvatore A.             Appointed 01-18-08 for a        Ogden
Zaccagnino               term to expire 02-01-13
Burleson County
Coastal Coordination Council
George W. Deshotels      Appointed 05-28-08 for a        Hegar
Matagorda County         term to expire 05-31-10
Robert Elliott Jones     Appointed 05-28-08 for a        Hinojosa
Nueces County            term to expire 05-31-10
James R. Matz            Appointed 07-24-08 for a        Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 05-31-09
Bob McCan                Appointed 07-24-08 for a        Hegar
Victoria County          term to expire 05-31-09
Coastal Water Authority
Zebulun Nash             Appointed 04-01-09 for a        Patrick
Harris County            term to expire 04-01-11
Alan Russell Senac       Appointed 04-01-09 for a        Williams
Chambers County          term to expire 04-01-11
Ray Stoesser             Appointed 06-17-08 for a        Williams
Liberty County           term to expire 04-01-10
Upper Colorado River Authority
Ronny Alexander          Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Concho County            term to expire 02-01-15

William S. Holland       Appointed 02-29-08 for a        Duncan
Tom Green County         term to expire 02-01-13
William Hood             Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Coke County              term to expire 02-01-15
Hope Wilson Huffman      Appointed 03-27-09 for a        Duncan
Tom Green County         term to expire 02-01-15
Andrew Jackson Jones     Appointed 02-29-08 for a        Duncan
Tom Green County         term to expire 02-01-11
Martin Needham Lee       Appointed 02-29-08 for a        Duncan
Coke County              term to expire 02-01-13
John Nikolauk            Appointed 02-29-08 for a        Duncan
Schleicher County        term to expire 02-01-13
Guadalupe and Blanco River Authority
Oscar H. Fogle           Appointed 02-27-08 for a        Hegar
Caldwell County          term to expire 02-01-11
Grace G. Kunde           Appointed 02-06-09 for a        Wentworth
Guadalupe County         term to expire 02-01-15
Arlene N. Marshall       Appointed 01-10-08 for a        Hegar
Calhoun County           term to expire 02-01-11
Myrna Patterson          Appointed 08-15-08 for a        Hegar
McLeroy                  term to expire 02-01-13
Gonzales County
Frank J. Pagel           Appointed 01-10-08 for a        Hegar
Refugio County           term to expire 02-01-13
James L. Powers          Appointed 01-10-08 for a        Wentworth
Hays County              term to expire 02-01-13
Michael D. Schultz       Appointed 02-06-09 for a        Wentworth
Kendall County           term to expire 02-01-15
Clifton Leo Thomas       Appointed 02-06-09 for a        Hegar
Victoria County          term to expire 02-01-15

Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority
Jesse D. Hickman         Appointed 02-03-09 for a        Nichols
Anderson County          term to expire 02-01-15
William James            Appointed 02-29-08 for a        Nichols
Anderson County          term to expire 02-01-13
Red River Compact Commission
William A. Abney         Appointed 11-02-07 for a        Eltife
Harrison County          term to expire 02-01-11
Rio Grande Compact Commission
Patrick R. Gordon        Appointed 05-15-08 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 06-09-13
Sabine River Compact Administration
Gary E. Gagnon           Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Williams
Orange County            term to expire 07-12-13
Jerry F. Gipson          Appointed 02-27-09 for a        Eltife
Gregg County             term to expire 07-12-10
San Antonio River Authority
John Jerome Flieller     Appointed 05-06-08 for a        Zaffirini
Wilson County            term to expire 11-03-09
Jeffrey Stephen          Appointed 05-15-08 for a        Wentworth
Neathery                 term to expire 11-03-09
Bexar County
Trinity River Authority
Harold L. Barnard        Appointed 03-27-08 for a        Averitt
Ellis County             term to expire 03-15-11
Herschel Sampson         Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Ogden
Brannen                  term to expire 03-15-11
Trinity County
Karl Richard Butler      Appointed 10-31-08 for a        Carona

Dallas County            term to expire 03-15-11
Pat Carlson              Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 03-15-13
Michael Cronin           Appointed 03-27-08 for a        Deuell
Kaufman County           term to expire 03-15-11
Steve Cronin             Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Nichols
San Jacinto County       term to expire 03-15-11
Amanda Davis             Appointed 10-31-08 for a        Ogden
Leon County              term to expire 03-15-11
Ronald J. Goldman        Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Davis
Tarrant County           term to expire 03-15-15
Martha A. Hernandez      Appointed 12-30-08 for a        Davis
Tarrant County           term to expire 03-15-11
John Jenkins             Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Williams
Chambers County          term to expire 03-15-15
Keith W. Kidd            Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 03-15-15
Jess Laird               Appointed 06-30-08 for a        Nichols
Henderson County         term to expire 03-15-13
Nancy E. Lavinski        Appointed 05-07-08 for a        Nichols
Anderson County          term to expire 03-15-13
David Blake Leonard      Appointed 07-03-08 for a        Williams
Liberty County           term to expire 03-15-13
Andrew Martinez          Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Ogden
Walker County            term to expire 03-15-13
Kevin Maxwell            Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Ogden
Houston County           term to expire 03-15-15
Barbara Nash             Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Harris
Tarrant County           term to expire 03-15-15
James Wyatt Neale        Appointed 05-07-08 for a        West

Dallas County            term to expire 03-15-13
Manny Rachal             Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Nichols
Polk County              term to expire 03-15-15
Amir Rupani              Appointed 10-31-08 for a        Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 03-15-13
Ana Laura Saucedo        Appointed 12-21-07 for a        Deuell
Dallas County            term to expire 03-15-13
Shirley K. Seale         Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Williams
Chambers County          term to expire 03-15-15
Carol Spillars           Appointed 05-07-08 for a        Ogden
Madison County           term to expire 03-15-11
Linda D. Timmerman       Appointed 03-27-08 for a        Ogden
Freestone County         term to expire 03-15-13
Kimberly Chris Wyatt     Appointed 03-17-09 for a        Averitt
Navarro County           term to expire 03-15-15