1:00 PM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Senate Chamber
Senator Mike Jackson
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
Steven Wroe Jackson      Appointed 05-07-08 for a        Watson
                         term to expire 01-31-11
Richard M. Rhodes        Appointed 02-27-09 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 01-31-15
Michael J. Savoie        Appointed 05-07-08 for a        Nelson
Denton County            term to expire 01-31-11
Dora Ann Verde           Appointed 02-27-09 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-15
Welcome W. Wilson        Appointed 02-27-09 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-15
University of Houston System Board of Regents
Nelda Luce Blair         Appointed 01-25-08 for a        Williams
Montgomery County        term to expire 08-31-13
Jacob M. Monty           Appointed 01-25-08 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 08-31-13
Michele Mosbacher        Appointed 01-25-08 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 08-31-13
Carroll Robertson Ray    Appointed 01-25-08 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 08-31-11
Texas Veterans Commission
Eliseo Cantu             Appointed 04-04-08 for a        Hinojosa
Nueces County            term to expire 12-31-13

John B. McKinney         Appointed 04-04-08 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 12-31-13
The following nominees will not appear:
Midwestern State University Board of Regents
Charles Edward           Appointed 04-09-08 for a        Estes
Engelman                 term to expire 02-25-14
Wichita County
Fenton Lynwood Givens    Appointed 04-09-08 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 02-25-12
Shawn G. Hessing         Appointed 04-09-08 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-25-14
Jane W. Spears           Appointed 04-09-08 for a        Estes
Wichita County           term to expire 02-25-14
Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents
Carlos Z. Amaral         Appointed 06-14-07 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 01-31-13
Scott Harvey Coleman     Appointed 01-31-09 for a        Patrick
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-15
James Hinton Dickerson   Appointed 06-14-07 for a        Wentworth
Comal County             term to expire 01-31-13
Valerie E. Ertz          Appointed 01-31-09 for a        Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 01-31-15
John R. Garrett          Appointed 06-14-07 for a        Eltife
Smith County             term to expire 01-31-13
Steve D. McCarty         Appointed 01-31-09 for a        Nichols
Cherokee County          term to expire 01-31-15
Texas State University System Board of Regents
Charles E. Amato         Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-13

Ron Blatchley            Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 02-01-11
Kevin J. Lilly           Appointed 02-10-09 for a        Huffman
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-15
Ron Lynn Mitchell        Appointed 02-10-09 for a        Fraser
Llano County             term to expire 02-01-15
James David Montagne     Appointed 02-10-09 for a        Williams
Jefferson County         term to expire 02-01-15
Michael Joseph           Appointed 09-14-07 for a        Williams
Truncale                 term to expire 02-01-13
Jefferson County
Donna N. Williams        Appointed 09-09-08 for a        Harris
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-11
Texas Woman's University Board of Regents
Sue Schrier Bancroft     Appointed 02-03-09 for a        Nelson
Denton County            term to expire 02-01-15
Lola Chriss              Appointed 02-03-09 for a        Deuell
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-15
Harry L. Crumpacker      Appointed 12-17-08 for a        Estes
Collin County            term to expire 02-01-11
Ann Scanlon McGinity     Appointed 02-03-09 for a        Jackson
Brazoria County          term to expire 02-01-15
University of North Texas System Board of Regents
Don A. Buchholz          Appointed 11-09-07 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 05-22-13
Gwyn Shea                Appointed 11-09-07 for a        Harris
Dallas County            term to expire 05-22-13
Jack A. Wall             Appointed 11-09-07 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 05-22-13
Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board

Joe Colonnetta           Appointed 11-07-08 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-11
Stephen Nations          Appointed 02-03-09 for a        Patrick
Mueller                  term to expire 02-01-15
Harris County
School Land Board
Todd F. Barth            Appointed 05-15-08 for a        Ellis
Harris County            term to expire 08-29-09