Wednesday, April 29, 2009
1:00 p.m. or thirty minutes upon adjournment
Senate Chamber
Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Nominations was held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, in the Senate Chamber.
Senator Mike Jackson Senator Kevin Eltife Senator Glenn Hegar Senator Jane Nelson Senator Robert Nichols Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator Kirk Watson |
None |
The chair called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
The following members arrived after the roll was called: Senator Eltife, Senator Hegar, and Senator Nichols.
Senator Nelson moved adoption of the minutes from the previous hearing held on April 22, 2009; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair recognized Senator Watson to introduce Dr. Richard Box, Bill Jones, and James Schwertner nominated to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents. Senator Watson briefly detailed the careers and accomplishments of all three nominees and recommended them to the committee without reservation.
The chair recognized Senator Watson to introduce Samuel Bryant nominated to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents. Senator Watson briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of Bryant and recommended him to the committee without reservation.
The chair recognized Senator Huffman to introduce James Wilson nominated to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents. Senator Huffman briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of Wilson and recommended him to the committee.
The chair recognized Senator Ellis to introduce Tracye McDaniel nominated to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents. Senator Ellis briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of McDaniel and recommended her to the committee.
Chairman Jackson called to the table Dr. Malcolm Gillis, The Honorable Faith Johnson, and Scott Sanders nominated to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee. Dr. Malcolm Gillis was unable to attend the hearing due to a scheduling conflict. Senator Ellis waived his appearance.
The chair recognized Senator Nelson to introduce The Honorable Faith Johnson on behalf of Senator West. Senator Nelson briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of Johnson and recommended her to the committee.
Chairman Jackson invited Scott Sanders to address the committee.
Chairman Jackson asked the nominees to update the committee with the progress of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute, and to comment on the 50% match requirement.
Sanders responded that the appropriations for the institute have not been settled yet for the year, therefore there has not yet been any activity. Sanders added that he is hopeful that the institute will be fully funded. Sanders continued to say that he believes the 50% match requirement is a good way to increase the effectiveness of the state's dollars.
Chairman Jackson confirmed with the nominees that their board meets quarterly.
Sanders described some of the steps the oversight committee has taken so far in its short existence.
The chair recognized Senator Nelson for questions. Senator Nelson thanked the nominees for their service.
Senator Nelson asked the nominees for a timeline on the reviewing of grant requests.
Sanders answered that notices for grant requests will be going out in August and September. Sanders continued to say that once the appropriations are made the institute has sixteen months to review the grant requests and make decisions on the allocation of the funds.
Senator Nelson asked if there are legitimate concerns about being able to spend the entire $300 million dollars, given the late start of the grant review process.
Sanders responded that there are plenty of grant opportunities on the sidelines, and he does not see any problems in finding excellent projects for the appropriated funds.
Chairman Jackson recognized Senator Shapleigh for questions.
Senator Shapleigh asked the nominees to identify the safeguards in place in the peer review committee that prevent money from being distributed on political bases.
Sanders responded that Dr. Gillman envisions a premier, out-of-state science review committee which will not have any political or monetary ties within the state. Sanders continued to say that he is confident this will remove any potential for bias.
Senator Nelson moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of Dr. Malcolm Gillis, The Honorable Faith Johnson, and Scott Sanders to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee. At 7:17 p.m., by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Chairman Jackson called to the table Phillip Adams, Dr. Richard Box, Morris Foster, Bill Jones, James Schwertner, and James Wilson nominated to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents.
The chair recognized Senator Patrick to introduce Morris Foster. Senator Patrick briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of Foster and recommended him to the committee.
Chairman Jackson invited Phillip Adams to address the committee.
Chairman Jackson asked the nominees to comment on the $50 million grant recently given to the university by the Governor's Office to establish a National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing.
Jones described the project and expressed his concern that it has been cast in a negative light due to controversy over the funding mechanism for it. Jones continued to say that the center will be very beneficial to the university and to the state.
Chairman Jackson asked all the nominees to comment on the possibility of allowing students to carry concealed handguns on campus.
The nominees shared their thoughts on the proposed legislation. Jones mentioned that he would like to see the choice left up to individual campuses.
The chair recognized Senator Hegar for a question. Senator Hegar asked Jones if he thought there was any way to determine whether someone is carrying a gun on campus.
Jones responded that there probably are individuals on campuses that already carry concealed weapons.
The chair recognized Senator Patrick for a comment. Senator Patrick commented on tuition issues.
The chair recognized Senator Nichols for a comment. Senator Nichols thanked the nominees for their responsiveness to his requests.
The chair recognized Senator Shapleigh for questions. Senator Shapleigh thanked the nominees for their responsiveness to all members of the Legislature.
Senator Shapleigh asked the nominees how Texas A&M plans to deal with the lack of minority enrollment at the Bryan College Station Campus.
Adams responded that the board needs to continue to improve minority enrollment.
Jones responded that the issue is very important to him and to the board. Jones mentioned that A&M has numerous scholarship and recruitment programs currently in place to improve minority recruitment. Jones continued to mention some of the problems the university faces with regards to minority recruitment.
Senator Shapleigh mentioned that other state universities face the same problems but maintain better minority enrollment numbers. Senator Shapleigh asked the board to name specific, proven programs they can implement to help improve the numbers.
Jones responded that the university is doing better, citing the highest minority enrollment in the university's history. Jones mentioned new campuses and recruitment efforts that the university has been using to attract minority students.
Senator Shapleigh asked each nominee to rate their own effort with regards to minority recruitment.
The nominees all made comments on the subject of minority recruitment.
Senator Shapleigh commented on the need for universities in the state to have student populations that reflect the communities they serve.
The chair recognized Senator Nelson for a question. Senator Nelson asked the nominees what percentage of the student body is women.
The nominees responded that the University is about 49% women.
The chair recognized Senator Hegar for a comment. Senator Hegar thanked the nominees and emphasized the importance of all the universities in the A&M system.
Senator Eltife moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of Phillip Adams, Dr. Richard Box, Morris Foster, Bill Jones, James Schwertner, and James Wilson to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents. At 8:00 p.m., by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Senator Eltife moved that the committee vote to approve the nomination of Dr. Bryan Shaw as a Commissioner on the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Shaw's nomination was pending before the committee. At 8:04 p.m., by a vote of 5 ayes and 2 nays, Shaw was recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Chairman Jackson called to the table Samuel Bryant, Dionicio Flores, and Tracye McDaniel nominated to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents. Richard Knight and Curtistene McCowan were also nominated but were unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts. Senator West waived their appearances.
The chair recognized Senator Shapleigh to introduce Flores. Senator Shapleigh briefly detailed the career and accomplishments of Flores and highly recommended him to the committee.
Chairman Jackson asked the nominees to comment on the progress of the university since the last legislative session.
McDaniel responded that she believes the university is on the right track in many ways. McDaniel expressed confidence in the new university president.
Chairman Jackson asked if the situation regarding previous university president Dr. Priscilla Slade is concluded.
Bryant responded that the university as a whole has been able to move past the incident and focus on the future.
Flores commented on the importance of Texas Southern to higher education in the state.
Senator Shapleigh moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of Samuel Bryant, Dionicio Flores, Richard Knight, Curtistene McCowan and Tracye McDaniel to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents. At 8:16 p.m., by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Chairman Jackson moved that the members vote on pending business from the April 22, 2009 committee hearing.
Senator Shapleigh asked the chair what action the committee will take on the nomination of Don McLeroy as the Chair of the State Board of Education.
Chairman Jackson responded that the nomination of McLeroy will be left pending before the committee until such time as it is evident that there are enough votes on the Senate floor to confirm his nomination.
Senator Shapleigh moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of the individuals to the following entities that appeared before the committee on April 22, 2009: Lower Colorado River Authority, Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services, Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists, Texas Industrialized Building Code Council, Lavaca-Navidad River Authority, Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission, Lower Neches Valley Authority Board of Directors, Nueces River Authority Board of Directors, Red River Authority of Texas Board of Directors, Rio Grande Regional Water Authority, Sabine River Authority of Texas, and the San Jacinto River Authority Board of Directors. At 8:20 p.m., by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Senator Hegar moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of the individuals to the following entities: Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation, Aging and Disability Services Council, Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Council, Texas Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Central Colorado River Authority, Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, Credit Union Commission, Texas Economic Development Corporation, Texas Facilities Commission, Family and Protective Services Council, State Health Services Council, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Tarrant County Judge of the 141st Judicial District Court, Judicial Compensation Commission, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Manufactured Housing Board, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, Presiding Judge of the Second Administrative Judicial Region, Texas Public Finance Authority, Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, and the Risk Management Board. At 8:21 p.m., by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
Senator Eltife moved that the committee vote to approve the nominees to the Texas Racing Commission, held as pending business before the committee. At 8:21 p.m., by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the nominees were recommended to the full Senate for confirmation.
At 8:23 p.m. Chairman Jackson moved that the committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Mike Jackson, Chair
Brian Carey, Clerk