Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee
April  18, 2007 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
HB  949
Green, Jr., Robert L. (Bob)  (Self and Texas Parents Alliance/ Health Physicist, Texas Dept. of State Health Services, PSQA Unit, Radiation Group)
Martin, Tom (Texas Parents Alliance)
Registering, but not testifying:
Ausley, Tom (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Hodges, Charles (Texas Family Law Foundation)
HB  1993
Engelking, Beth (Department of Family and Protective Services)
HB  3537
Clark, Jeffrey (Military Child Education Coalition)
Cox, Heidi Bruegel  (Self and The Gladney Center/ Attorney)
Registering, but not testifying:
Ausley, Tom (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Hodges, Charles (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Engelking, Beth (Department of Family and Protective Services)
HB  3593
Registering, but not testifying:
Wolf, Laura (Texas Council on Family Violence)
Engelking, Beth (Department of Family and Protective Services)
HB  3997
Cox, Heidi Bruegel  (Self and The Gladney Center)
Martin, Tom (Texas Parents Alliance)
Sprinkle, G.K. (Daily Court Review)
Registering, but not testifying:
Ausley, Tom (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Hodges, Charles (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Tindall, Harry  (Self)
HB  4030
Green, Jr., Robert L. (Bob)  (Self and Texas Parents Alliance/ Health Physicist, Texas Dept. of State Health Services, PSQA Unit, Radiation Group)
Registering, but not testifying:
Hodges, Charles (Texas Family Law Foundation)
Martin, Tom (Texas Parents Alliance)