The House Committee on Insurance

80th Legislature

April 16, 2007

2:00 p.m. or upon final adjourn./recess







On April 23, 2007, the House Committee on Insurance authorized the correction of the  minutes for the meeting of the House Committee on Insurance held on April 16, 2007. The following are the corrected minutes for that meeting:




Pursuant to a notice posted on April 11, 2007, a revised notice posted on April 13, 2007, and a  suspension of the five day posting rule on HB3850, SB471, and SB1153 on the House floor on April 16, 2007, the House Committee on Insurance met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Smithee, at 6:45 p.m.


The roll was answered as follows:


Present:              Representatives Smithee; Smith, Todd; Eiland; Hancock; Thompson (5).


Absent:              Representatives Taylor; Martinez, "Mando"; Vo; Woolley (4).


A quorum was present.




The chair laid out HB2065.


The chair recognized Representative Geren to explain the measure.


(Representative Martinez, "Mando" now present.)


(Representative Vo now present.)


(Representative Taylor now present.)


The bill was left pending without objection.





The chair laid out HB3470.


The chair recognized Representative Delisi to explain the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2467.


The chair recognized Representative Solomons to explain the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1372.


The chair recognized Representative Smith, Wayne to explain the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2584.


The chair recognized Representative Noriega, Rick to explain the measure.


Representative Taylor offered a complete committee substitute.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out SB1153.


The chair recognized Representative Deshotel to explain the measure.


Representative Taylor offered a complete committee substitute.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2718.


The chair recognized Representative Paxton to explain the measure.


Representative Taylor offered a complete committee substitute.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2665.


The chair recognized Representative Truitt to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Truitt to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3626.


The chair recognized Representative Lucio III to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Lucio III to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2483.


The chair recognized Representative Menendez to explain the measure.


(Representative Smith, Todd in chair.)


Representative Smith, Todd offered amendment 1 to the measure.


Representative Smith, Todd offered amendment 2 to the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Amendment 1 was withdrawn without objection.


Amendment 2 was withdrawn without objection.


The chair recognized Representative Menendez to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2065 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Smith, Todd closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3933.


The chair recognized Representative Vo to explain the measure.


Representative Thompson offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Vo to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2467 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Smith, Todd closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1372 as pending business.


Representative Smith, Todd closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2584 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The bill was left pending without objection.


(Representative Smithee in chair.)




The chair laid out HB3271.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Representative Martinez, "Mando" offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB634.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


(Representative Smith, Todd in chair.)


(Representative Smithee in chair.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out SB1153 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2718 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2759.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out SB471.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1847.


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to explain the measure.


Representative Eiland offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2765.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2191.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


(Representative Woolley now present.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3850.


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3252.


The chair recognized Representative Woolley to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Woolley to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1977.


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1978.


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Taylor to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1849.


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3470 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2135.


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Hancock to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3265.


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Eiland to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3626 as pending business.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out SB611.


The chair recognized Representative Martinez, "Mando" to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Martinez, "Mando" to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3358.


Representative Smithee explained the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Smithee closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB1227.


Representative Smithee explained the measure.


Representative Smithee offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Smithee closed on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB3568.


The chair recognized Representative Rose to explain the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


(Representative Smith, Todd in chair.)


(Representative Smithee in chair.)


The chair recognized Representative Rose to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.




The chair laid out HB2706.


Representative Smithee explained the measure.


Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Smithee closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


At 12:27 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Smithee, Chair




LyAnna Johnson, Clerk