S.B. No. 819
relating to the fees charged for filing an inventory and
appraisement in probate actions.
       SECTION 1.  Section 118.052, Local Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 118.052.  FEE SCHEDULE.  Each clerk of a county court
shall collect the following fees for services rendered to any
             (1)  CIVIL COURT ACTIONS
                   (A)  Filing of Original Action (Sec. 118.053):
                         (i)  Garnishment after judgment . . . $15.00
                         (ii)  All others . . . $40.00
                   (B)  Filing of Action Other than Original (Sec.
118.054) . . . $30.00
                   (C)  Services Rendered After Judgment in Original
Action (Sec. 118.0545):
                         (i)  Abstract of judgment . . . $5.00
                         (ii)  Execution, order of sale, writ, or
other process . . . $5.00
             (2)  PROBATE COURT ACTIONS
                   (A)  Probate Original Action (Sec. 118.055):
                         (i)  Probate of a will with independent
executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
title . . . $40.00
                         (ii)  Community survivors . . . $40.00
                         (iii)  Small estates . . . $40.00
                         (iv)  Declarations of heirship . . . $40.00
                         (v)  Mental health or chemical dependency
services . . . $40.00
                         (vi)  Additional, special fee (Sec.
118.064) . . . $5.00
                   (B)  Services in Pending Probate Action (Sec.
                         (i)  Filing an inventory and appraisement as
provided by Section 118.056(d) [after the 120th day after the date
of the initial filing of the action] . . . $25.00
                         (ii)  Approving and recording
bond . . . $3.00
                         (iii)  Administering oath . . . $2.00
                         (iv)  Filing annual or final account of
estate . . . $25.00
                         (v)  Filing application for sale of real or
personal property . . . $25.00
                         (vi)  Filing annual or final report of
guardian of a person . . . $10.00
                         (vii)  Filing a document not listed under
this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first, if more than
25 pages . . . $25.00
                   (C)  Adverse Probate Action (Sec.
118.057) . . . $40.00
                   (D)  Claim Against Estate (Sec.
118.058) . . . $2.00
             (3)  OTHER FEES
                   (A)  Issuing Document (Sec. 118.059):
                   original document and one copy . . . $4.00
                   each additional set of an original and one
copy . . . $4.00
                   (B)  Certified Papers (Sec. 118.060):
                   for the clerk's certificate . . . $5.00
                   plus a fee per page or part of a page of . . . $1.00
                   (C)  Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0605):
                   for each page or part of a page . . . $1.00
                   (D)  Letters Testamentary, Letter of
Guardianship, Letter of Administration, or Abstract of Judgment
(Sec. 118.061) . . . $2.00
                   (E)  Safekeeping of Wills (Sec.
118.062) . . . $5.00
                   (F)  Mail Service of Process (Sec.
118.063) . . . same as sheriff
                   (G)  Records Management and Preservation
Fee . . . $5.00
       SECTION 2.  Section 118.056, Local Government Code, as
amended by Chapter 66, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1999, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding
Subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the [The] fees for
"Services in Pending Probate Action" under Section 118.052(2) are
for services in an action in an open probate docket rendered after
the filing of an order approving the inventory and appraisement or
after the 120th day after the date of the initial filing of the
action, whichever occurs first.
       (d)  The fee for filing an inventory and appraisement under
Section 118.052(2)(B)(i) applies only if the instrument is filed
after the 90th day after the date the personal representative has
qualified to serve or, if the court grants an extension under
Section 250, Texas Probate Code, after the date of the extended
deadline specified by the court.
       SECTION 3.  Section 101.081, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
clerk of a statutory county court shall collect fees and costs as
             (1)  court cost in certain civil cases to establish and
maintain an alternative dispute resolution system, if authorized by
the county commissioners court (Sec. 152.004, Civil Practice and
Remedies Code) . . . not to exceed $10;
             (2)  appellate judicial system filing fees:
                   (A)  First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals District
(Sec. 22.2021, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (B)  Second Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2031, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (C)  Fourth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2051, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (D)  Fifth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2061, Government Code) . . . not more than $5; and
                   (E)  Thirteenth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2141, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
             (3)  an official court reporter fee, County Court at
Law No. 2 of Bexar County (Sec. 25.0172, Government Code) . . . $3;
             (4)  a court reporter fee when testimony is taken in a
county court at law in McLennan County (Sec. 25.1572, Government
Code) . . . $3;
             (5)  a stenographer fee, if a record or part of a record
is made:
                   (A)  in a county court at law in Hidalgo County
(Sec. 25.1102, Government Code) . . . $20; and
                   (B)  in a county court at law in Nolan County (Sec.
25.1792, Government Code) . . . $25;
             (6)  jury fee (Sec. 51.604, Government Code) . . . $22;
             (7)  an additional filing fee:
                   (A)  for each civil case filed to be used for
court-related purposes for the support of the judiciary, if
authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec. 51.702,
Government Code) . . . $40;
                   (B)  to fund the improvement of Dallas County
civil court facilities, if authorized by the county commissioners
court (Sec. 51.705, Government Code) . . . not more than $15; and
                   (C)  for filing any civil action or proceeding
requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on the filing of
any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention, interpleader, or
third-party action requiring a filing fee, to fund civil legal
services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local Government
Code) . . . $5;
             (8)  for filing an application for registration of
death (Sec. 193.007, Health and Safety Code) . . . $1;
             (9)  fee for judge's services on an application for
court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (10)  fee for prosecutor's services on an application
for court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (11)  for filing a suit in Comal County (Sec. 152.0522,
Human Resources Code) . . . $4;
             (12)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund
for liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
             (13)  civil court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code):
                   (A)  filing of original action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.053, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  garnishment after judgment (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $15; and
                         (ii)  all others (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code) . . . $40;
                   (B)  filing of action other than original (Secs.
118.052 and 118.054, Local Government Code) . . . $30; and
                   (C)  services rendered after judgment in original
action (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0545, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  abstract of judgment (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                         (ii)  execution, order of sale, writ, or
other process (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
             (14)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code):
                   (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.055, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  probate of a will with independent
executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                         (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
[after the 120th day after the date of the initial filing of the
action] (Secs. [Sec.] 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government
Code) . . . $25;
                         (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                         (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                         (iv)  filing annual or final account of
estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (v)  filing application for sale of real or
personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (vi)  filing annual or final report of
guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government
Code) . . . $10; and
                         (vii)  filing a document not listed under
this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25
pages . . . $25;
                   (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                   (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
             (15)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                   (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                         (ii)  each additional set of an original and
one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                   (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                         (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                   (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government
Code) . . . $1;
                   (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
(Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                   (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                   (G)  records management and preservation fee
(Secs. 118.052, 118.0546, and 118.0645, Local Government
Code) . . . $5;
             (16)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
security fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court
(Sec. 291.008, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
             (17)  additional filing fee for filing documents not
subject to certain filing fees to fund the courthouse security
fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec.
291.008, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
             (18)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
security fund in Webb County, if authorized by the county
commissioners court (Sec. 291.009, Local Government Code) . . . not
to exceed $20;
             (19)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
Code) . . . not to exceed $35;
             (20)  fee for deposit of a will with the county clerk
during testator's lifetime (Sec. 71, Texas Probate Code) . . . $3;
             (21)  court cost for each special commissioner in an
eminent domain proceeding (Sec. 21.047, Property Code) . . . as
taxed by the court, $10 or more;
             (22)  fee for county attorney in a suit regarding a
railroad company's failure to keep roadbed and right-of-way in
proper condition (Art. 6327, Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes) . . . $10;
             (23)  court fees and costs, if ordered by the court, for
a suit filed by an inmate in which an affidavit or unsworn
declaration of inability to pay costs is filed by the inmate (Sec.
14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code) . . . the lesser of:
                   (A)  20 percent of the preceding six months'
deposits to the inmate's trust account administered by the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice under Section 501.014, Government
Code; or
                   (B)  the total amount of court fees and costs;
             (24)  monthly payment for remaining court fees and
costs after the initial payment for a suit in which an affidavit or
unsworn declaration of inability to pay costs is filed by the inmate
(Sec. 14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code) . . . the lesser
                   (A)  10 percent of that month's deposit to the
inmate's trust account administered by the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice under Section 501.014, Government Code; or
                   (B)  the total amount of court fees and costs that
remain unpaid;
             (25)  the following costs not otherwise charged to the
inmate under Section 14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, if
the inmate has previously filed an action dismissed as malicious or
frivolous (Sec. 14.007, Civil Practice and Remedies Code):
                   (A)  expenses of service of process;
                   (B)  postage; and
                   (C)  transportation, housing, or medical care
incurred in connection with the appearance of the inmate in the
court for any proceeding;
             (26)  the official court reporter's fee taxed as costs
in civil actions in a statutory county court:
                   (A)  in Bexar County Courts at Law:
                         (i)  Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
(Sec. 25.0172, Government Code) . . . taxed in the same manner as
the fee is taxed in district court; and
                         (ii)  No. 2 (Sec. 25.0172, Government
Code) . . . $3;
                   (B)  in Galveston County (Sec. 25.0862,
Government Code) . . . taxed in the same manner as the fee is taxed
in civil cases in the district courts; and
                   (C)  in Parker County (Sec. 25.1862, Government
Code) . . . taxed in the same manner as the fee is taxed in civil
cases in the district courts;
             (27)  a stenographer's fee as costs in each civil,
criminal, and probate case in which a record is made by the official
court reporter in a statutory county court in Nolan County (Sec.
25.1792, Government Code) . . . $25;
             (28)  in Brazoria County, in matters of concurrent
jurisdiction with the district court, fees (Sec. 25.0222,
Government Code) . . . as prescribed by law for district judges
according to the nature of the matter;
             (29)  in Nueces County, in matters of concurrent
jurisdiction with the district court, with certain exceptions, fees
(Sec. 25.1802, Government Code) . . . equal to those in district
court cases;
             (30)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the personal representative of an estate, an application,
complaint, or opposition in relation to the estate, if required by
the clerk (Sec. 12, Texas Probate Code) . . . probable cost of the
             (31)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the guardian, attorney ad litem, or guardian ad litem, an
application, complaint, or opposition in relation to a guardianship
matter, if required by the clerk (Sec. 622, Texas Probate
Code) . . . probable cost of the guardianship proceeding;
             (32)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Secs. 571.017 and 571.018, Health and Safety
Code) . . . reasonable compensation to the following persons
appointed under the Texas Mental Health Code:
                   (A)  attorneys;
                   (B)  physicians;
                   (C)  language interpreters;
                   (D)  sign interpreters; and
                   (E)  masters;
             (33)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Sec. 571.018, Health and Safety Code):
                   (A)  attorney's fees;
                   (B)  physician examination fees;
                   (C)  expense of transportation to a mental health
facility or to a federal agency not to exceed $50 if transporting
within the same county and not to exceed the reasonable cost of
transportation if transporting between counties;
                   (D)  costs and salary supplements authorized
under Section 574.031, Health and Safety Code; and
                   (E)  prosecutors' fees authorized under Section
574.031, Health and Safety Code;
             (34)  expenses of transporting certain patients from
the county of treatment to a hearing in the county in which the
proceedings originated (Sec. 574.008, Health and Safety
Code) . . . actual expenses unless certain arrangements are made
to hold the hearing in the county in which the patient is receiving
             (35)  expenses for expert witness testimony for an
indigent patient (Sec. 574.010, Health and Safety Code) . . . if
authorized by the court as reimbursement to the attorney ad litem,
court-approved expenses;
             (36)  fee for judge's services for holding a hearing on
an application for court-ordered mental health services (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the judge, not
to exceed $50;
             (37)  expenses to reimburse judge for holding a hearing
in a hospital or location other than the county courthouse (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . reasonable and necessary
expenses as certified;
             (38)  fee for services of a prosecuting attorney,
including costs incurred for preparation of documents related to a
hearing on an application for court-ordered mental health services
(Sec. 574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the
judge, not to exceed $50; and
             (39)  a fee not otherwise listed in this section that is
required to be collected under Section 25.0008, Government Code
(Sec. 25.0008, Government Code), in a county other than Brazos,
Cameron, Ellis, Guadalupe, Harris, Henderson, Liberty, Moore,
Nolan, Panola, Parker, Starr, Victoria, and Williamson . . . as
prescribed by law relating to county judges' fees.
       SECTION 4.  Section 101.101, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
clerk of a statutory probate court shall collect fees and costs as
             (1)  court cost in certain civil cases to establish and
maintain an alternative dispute resolution system, if authorized by
the county commissioners court (Sec. 152.004, Civil Practice and
Remedies Code) . . . not to exceed $10;
             (2)  appellate judicial system filing fees:
                   (A)  First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals District
(Sec. 22.2021, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (B)  Second Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2031, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (C)  Fourth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2051, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (D)  Fifth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2061, Government Code) . . . not more than $5; and
                   (E)  Thirteenth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2141, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
             (3)  additional filing fees as follows:
                   (A)  for certain cases to be used for
court-related purposes for support of the judiciary, if authorized
by the county commissioners court (Sec. 51.704, Government
Code) . . . $40;
                   (B)  to fund the improvement of Dallas County
civil court facilities, if authorized by the county commissioners
court (Sec. 51.705, Government Code) . . . not more than $15; and
                   (C)  for filing any civil action or proceeding
requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on the filing of
any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention, interpleader, or
third-party action requiring a filing fee to fund civil legal
services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local Government
Code) . . . $5;
             (4)  for filing an application for registration of
death (Sec. 193.007, Health and Safety Code) . . . $1;
             (5)  fee for judge's services on an application for
court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (6)  fee for prosecutor's services on an application
for court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (7)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund for
liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
             (8)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code):
                   (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.055, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  probate of a will with independent
executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                         (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
[after the 120th day after the date of the initial filing of the
action] (Secs. [Sec.] 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government
Code) . . . $25;
                         (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                         (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                         (iv)  filing annual or final account of
estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (v)  filing application for sale of real or
personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (vi)  filing annual or final report of
guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government
Code) . . . $10; and
                         (vii)  filing a document not listed under
this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25
pages . . . $25;
                   (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                   (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
             (9)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                   (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                         (ii)  each additional set of an original and
one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                   (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                         (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                   (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government
Code) . . . $1;
                   (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
(Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                   (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                   (G)  records management and preservation fee
(Secs. 118.052 and 118.0645, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
             (10)  fee for deposit of a will with the county clerk
during testator's lifetime (Sec. 71, Texas Probate Code) . . . $3;
             (11)  court costs for each special commissioner in an
eminent domain proceeding (Sec. 21.047, Property Code) . . . as
taxed by the court, $10 or more;
             (12)  jury fee for civil case (Sec. 51.604, Government
Code) . . . $22;
             (13)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
Code) . . . not to exceed $35;
             (14)  the expense of preserving the record as a court
cost, if imposed on a party by the referring court or associate
judge (Sec. 54.612, Government Code) . . . actual cost;
             (15)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the personal representative of an estate, an application,
complaint, or opposition in relation to the estate, if required by
the clerk (Sec. 12, Texas Probate Code) . . . probable cost of the
             (16)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the guardian, attorney ad litem, or guardian ad litem, an
application, complaint, or opposition in relation to a guardianship
matter, if required by the clerk (Sec. 622, Texas Probate
Code) . . . probable cost of the guardianship proceeding;
             (17)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Secs. 571.017 and 571.018, Health and Safety
Code) . . . reasonable compensation to the following persons
appointed under the Texas Mental Health Code:
                   (A)  attorneys;
                   (B)  physicians;
                   (C)  language interpreters;
                   (D)  sign interpreters; and
                   (E)  masters;
             (18)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Sec. 571.018, Health and Safety Code):
                   (A)  attorney's fees;
                   (B)  physician examination fees;
                   (C)  expense of transportation to a mental health
facility or to a federal agency not to exceed $50 if transporting
within the same county and not to exceed the reasonable cost of
transportation if transporting between counties;
                   (D)  costs and salary supplements authorized
under Section 574.031, Health and Safety Code; and
                   (E)  prosecutors' fees authorized under Section
574.031, Health and Safety Code;
             (19)  expenses of transporting certain patients from
the county of treatment to a hearing in the county in which the
proceedings originated (Sec. 574.008, Health and Safety
Code) . . . actual expenses unless certain arrangements are made
to hold the hearing in the county in which the patient is receiving
             (20)  expenses for expert witness testimony for an
indigent patient (Sec. 574.010, Health and Safety Code) . . . if
authorized by the court as reimbursement to the attorney ad litem,
court-approved expenses;
             (21)  fee for judge's services for holding a hearing on
an application for court-ordered mental health services (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the judge, not
to exceed $50;
             (22)  expenses to reimburse judge for holding a hearing
in a hospital or location other than the county courthouse (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . reasonable and necessary
expenses as certified;
             (23)  fee for services of a prosecuting attorney,
including costs incurred for preparation of documents related to a
hearing on an application for court-ordered mental health services
(Sec. 574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the
judge, not to exceed $50; and
             (24)  a fee not otherwise listed in this section that is
required to be collected under Section 25.0029, Government Code
(Sec. 25.0029, Government Code) . . . as prescribed by law relating
to county judges' fees.
       SECTION 5.  Section 101.121, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 101.121.  COUNTY COURT FEES AND COSTS.  The clerk of a
county court shall collect:
             (1)  fee for hearing on application for a license to
manufacture, distribute, store, or sell beer (Sec. 61.31, Alcoholic
Beverage Code) . . . $5;
             (2)  court cost in certain civil cases to establish and
maintain an alternative dispute resolution system, if authorized by
the county commissioners court (Sec. 152.004, Civil Practice and
Remedies Code) . . . not to exceed $10;
             (3)  appellate judicial system filing fees:
                   (A)  First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals District
(Sec. 22.2021, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (B)  Second Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2031, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (C)  Fourth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2051, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
                   (D)  Fifth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2061, Government Code) . . . not more than $5; and
                   (E)  Thirteenth Court of Appeals District (Sec.
22.2141, Government Code) . . . not more than $5;
             (4)  a jury fee (Sec. 51.604, Government
Code) . . . $22;
             (5)  a filing fee in each civil case filed to be used
for court-related purposes for the support of the judiciary (Sec.
51.703, Government Code) . . . $40;
             (6)  for filing an application for registration of
death (Sec. 193.007, Health and Safety Code) . . . $1;
             (7)  fee for judge's services on an application for
court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (8)  fee for prosecutor's services on an application
for court-ordered mental health services (Sec. 574.031, Health and
Safety Code) . . . not to exceed $50;
             (9)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund for
liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
             (10)  civil court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code):
                   (A)  filing of original action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.053, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  garnishment after judgment (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $15; and
                         (ii)  all others (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code) . . . $40;
                   (B)  filing of action other than original (Secs.
118.052 and 118.054, Local Government Code) . . . $30; and
                   (C)  services rendered after judgment in original
action (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0545, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  abstract of judgment (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                         (ii)  execution, order of sale, writ, or
other process (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
             (11)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code):
                   (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.055, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  probate of a will with independent
executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                         (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                         (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                         (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
[after the 120th day after the date of the initial filing of the
action] (Secs. [Sec.] 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government
Code) . . . $25;
                         (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                         (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                         (iv)  filing annual or final account of
estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (v)  filing application for sale of real or
personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                         (vi)  filing annual or final report of
guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government
Code) . . . $10; and
                         (vii)  filing a document not listed under
this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25
pages . . . $25;
                   (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                   (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
             (12)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                   (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                         (ii)  each additional set of an original and
one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                   (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
Local Government Code):
                         (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                         (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                   (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government Code) . . .
                   (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
(Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                   (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                   (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                   (G)  records management and preservation fee
(Secs. 118.052, 118.0546, and 118.0645, Local Government
Code) . . . $5;
             (13)  deposit on filing petition requesting permission
to create a municipal civic center authority (Sec. 281.013, Local
Government Code) . . . $200;
             (14)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
security fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court
(Sec. 291.008, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
             (15)  additional filing fee for filing documents not
subject to certain filing fees to fund the courthouse security
fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec.
291.008, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
             (16)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
security fund in Webb County, if authorized by the county
commissioners court (Sec. 291.009, Local Government Code) . . . not
to exceed $20;
             (17)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
Code) . . . not to exceed $35;
             (18)  fee for deposit of a will with the county clerk
during testator's lifetime (Sec. 71, Texas Probate Code) . . . $3;
             (19)  fee for county attorney in a suit regarding a
railroad company's failure to keep roadbed and right-of-way in
proper condition (Art. 6327, Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes) . . . $10;
             (20)  appeal bond from a petitioner or taxpayer in a
water control and preservation district (Art. 7818, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes) . . . $100;
             (21)  additional filing fee for filing any civil action
or proceeding requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on
the filing of any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention,
interpleader, or third-party action requiring a filing fee, to fund
civil legal services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local
Government Code) . . . $5;
             (22)  court fees and costs, if ordered by the court, for
a suit filed by an inmate in which an affidavit or unsworn
declaration of inability to pay costs is filed by the inmate (Sec.
14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code) . . . the lesser of:
                   (A)  20 percent of the preceding six months'
deposits to the inmate's trust account administered by the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice under Section 501.014, Government
Code; or
                   (B)  the total amount of court fees and costs;
             (23)  monthly payment for remaining court fees and
costs after the initial payment for a suit in which an affidavit or
unsworn declaration of inability to pay costs is filed by the inmate
(Sec. 14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code) . . . the lesser
                   (A)  10 percent of that month's deposit to the
inmate's trust account administered by the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice under Section 501.014, Government Code; or
                   (B)  the total amount of court fees and costs that
remain unpaid;
             (24)  the following costs not otherwise charged to the
inmate under Section 14.006, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, if
the inmate has previously filed an action dismissed as malicious or
frivolous (Sec. 14.007, Civil Practice and Remedies Code):
                   (A)  expenses of service of process;
                   (B)  postage; and
                   (C)  transportation, housing, or medical care
incurred in connection with the appearance of the inmate in the
court for any proceeding;
             (25)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the personal representative of an estate, an application,
complaint, or opposition in relation to the estate, if required by
the clerk (Sec. 12, Texas Probate Code) . . . probable cost of the
             (26)  security deposit on filing, by any person other
than the guardian, attorney ad litem, or guardian ad litem, an
application, complaint, or opposition in relation to a guardianship
matter, if required by the clerk (Sec. 622, Texas Probate Code)
. . . probable cost of the guardianship proceeding;
             (27)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Secs. 571.017 and 571.018, Health and Safety Code) . . .
reasonable compensation to the following persons appointed under
the Texas Mental Health Code:
                   (A)  attorneys;
                   (B)  physicians;
                   (C)  language interpreters;
                   (D)  sign interpreters; and
                   (E)  masters;
             (28)  for a hearing or proceeding under the Texas
Mental Health Code (Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code) as
costs (Sec. 571.018, Health and Safety Code):
                   (A)  attorney's fees;
                   (B)  physician examination fees;
                   (C)  expense of transportation to a mental health
facility or to a federal agency not to exceed $50 if transporting
within the same county and not to exceed the reasonable cost of
transportation if transporting between counties;
                   (D)  costs and salary supplements authorized
under Section 574.031, Health and Safety Code; and
                   (E)  prosecutors' fees authorized under Section
574.031, Health and Safety Code;
             (29)  expenses of transporting certain patients from
the county of treatment to a hearing in the county in which the
proceedings originated (Sec. 574.008, Health and Safety
Code) . . . actual expenses unless certain arrangements are made
to hold the hearing in the county in which the patient is receiving
             (30)  expenses for expert witness testimony for an
indigent patient (Sec. 574.010, Health and Safety Code) . . . if
authorized by the court as reimbursement to the attorney ad litem,
court-approved expenses;
             (31)  fee for judge's services for holding a hearing on
an application for court-ordered mental health services (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the judge, not
to exceed $50;
             (32)  expenses to reimburse judge for holding a hearing
in a hospital or location other than the county courthouse (Sec.
574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . reasonable and necessary
expenses as certified; and
             (33)  fee for services of a prosecuting attorney,
including costs incurred for preparation of documents related to a
hearing on an application for court-ordered mental health services
(Sec. 574.031, Health and Safety Code) . . . as assessed by the
judge, not to exceed $50.
       SECTION 6.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
a document filed on or after the effective date of this Act. A
document filed before the effective date of this Act is governed by
the law in effect on the date the document was filed, and the former
law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
President of the Senate             Speaker of the House
       I hereby certify that S.B. No. 819 passed the Senate on
April 12, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0.
   Secretary of the Senate
       I hereby certify that S.B. No. 819 passed the House on
May 17, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 143, Nays 0, two
present not voting.
   Chief Clerk of the House