relating to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the |
creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory |
Committee. |
SECTION 1. The heading to Chapter 95, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Section 95.001, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivisions (1-a) and (1-b) and amending |
Subdivision (3) to read as follows: |
(1-a) "Advisory committee" means the Type 2 Diabetes |
Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee established under |
Section 95.006. |
(1-b) "Council" means the Texas Diabetes Council. |
(3) "Office" means [the Texas-Mexico Border Health
Coordination Office of] The University of Texas-Pan American Border |
Health Office. |
SECTION 3. Sections 95.002, 95.003, and 95.004, Health and |
Safety Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The office shall administer a risk assessment program for Type |
2 diabetes [an acanthosis nigricans screening program] in |
accordance with this chapter. |
(b) The office, after reviewing recommendations made by the |
advisory committee, [executive council] by rule shall coordinate |
the risk assessment for Type 2 diabetes [screening] of individuals |
who attend public or private schools located in Texas Education |
Agency Regional Education Service Centers 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, |
15, 18, 19, and 20 and, by using existing funding as efficiently as |
possible or by using other available funding, in additional |
regional education service centers. |
(c) The rules must include procedures necessary to |
administer the risk assessment program, including procedures that |
require each school to record and report risk assessment |
[screening] activities using: |
(1) an existing database used to administer and track |
risk assessment data; or |
(2) widely accepted surveillance software selected by |
the office. |
(d) The office shall require a risk assessment for Type 2 |
diabetes [acanthosis nigricans screening] to be performed at the |
same time hearing and vision screening is performed under Chapter |
36 or spinal screening is performed under Chapter 37. The risk |
assessment for Type 2 diabetes should: |
(1) identify students with acanthosis nigricans; and |
(2) further assess students identified under |
Subdivision (1) to determine the students': |
(A) body mass index; and |
(B) blood pressure. |
(e) The office may: |
(1) coordinate the risk assessment for Type 2 diabetes |
[acanthosis nigricans screening] activities of school districts, |
private schools, state agencies, volunteer organizations, |
universities, and other entities so that the efforts of each entity |
are complementary and not fragmented and duplicative; and |
(2) [. The office may] provide technical assistance |
to those entities in developing risk assessment [screening] |
programs. |
(f) The office shall: |
(1) [and may] provide educational and other material |
to assist local risk assessment [screening] activities; |
(2) [. (f) The office shall] monitor the quality of |
risk assessment [screening] activities provided under this |
chapter; and |
(3) consult with the Board of Nurse Examiners to |
determine the training requirements necessary for a nurse or other |
person to conduct risk assessment activities under this chapter. |
(g) The office shall provide on the office's Internet |
website information on obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and related |
conditions to health care providers and update the information at |
least annually. |
REQUIREMENTS. (a) Each individual required by rules adopted under |
this chapter to be assessed [screened] shall undergo approved risk |
assessment [screening] for Type 2 diabetes [acanthosis nigricans]. |
The individual shall comply with the requirements as soon as |
possible after the individual's admission to a school and as |
required by rule. The individual or, if the individual is a minor, |
the minor's parent, managing conservator, or guardian may |
substitute a professional examination for the risk assessment |
[screening]. |
(b) An individual is exempt from risk assessment |
[screening] if risk assessment [screening] conflicts with the |
tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious |
denomination of which the individual is an adherent or a member. To |
qualify for the exemption, the individual or, if the individual is a |
minor, the individual's parent, managing conservator, or guardian |
must submit to the chief administrator of the school on or before |
the day of the risk assessment process [screening procedure] an |
affidavit stating the objections to the risk assessment |
[screening]. |
(c) The chief administrator of each school shall ensure that |
each individual admitted to the school complies with the risk |
assessment [screening] requirements set by the office [executive
council] or submits an affidavit of exemption. |
Sec. 95.004. RECORDS; REPORTS. (a) The chief |
administrator of each school shall maintain, on a form prescribed |
by the office, risk assessment [executive council, screening] |
records for each individual in attendance[,] and enter the risk |
assessment information for each individual on the surveillance |
software selected by the office. The risk assessment [the] records |
are open for inspection by the office or the local health |
department. |
(b) The office may, directly or through local health |
departments, enter a school and inspect records maintained by the |
school relating to risk assessment [screening] for Type 2 diabetes |
[acanthosis nigricans]. |
(c) An individual's risk assessment [screening] records may |
be transferred among schools without the consent of the individual |
or, if the individual is a minor, the minor's parent, managing |
conservator, or guardian. |
(d) The person performing the risk assessment [screening] |
shall send a report indicating that an individual may be at risk for |
developing Type 2 diabetes [have acanthosis nigricans] to the |
individual or, if the individual is a minor, the minor's parent, |
managing conservator, or guardian. The report must include: |
(1) an explanation of: |
(A) the process for assessing risk for developing |
Type 2 diabetes; |
(B) the reasons the individual was identified in |
the risk assessment process as being at risk for developing Type 2 |
diabetes; |
(C) the risk factors associated with developing |
Type 2 diabetes; and |
(D) the individual's body mass index [acanthosis
nigricans and related conditions]; |
(2) a statement concerning an individual's or family's |
need for further evaluation for Type 2 diabetes and related [of] |
conditions [related to acanthosis nigricans]; [and] |
(3) instructions to help the individual or family |
receive evaluation by a physician or other health care provider; |
and |
(4) information on procedures for applying for the |
state child health plan program and the state Medicaid program [and
intervention by the school district]. |
(e) Each school shall submit to the office an annual report |
on the risk assessment [screening] status of the individuals in |
attendance during the reporting year and shall include in the |
report any other information required by the office. |
(f) The report required under Subsection (e) must: |
(1) be compiled from the information entered into the |
surveillance software; |
(2) be on a form prescribed by the office; [executive
council] and |
(3) [must] be submitted according to the timetable |
established by the office's [executive council's] rules. |
(g) After the end of the reporting period under Subsection |
(e), the office shall: |
(1) analyze and compile a summary of the reports |
submitted by schools during that reporting period; |
(2) file a copy of the summary with the advisory |
committee; and |
(3) post on an Internet website accessible to each |
school required to submit a report under Subsection (e): |
(A) the number of students and the percentage of |
the student population identified by each of those schools during |
the reporting period as at risk for Type 2 diabetes; and |
(B) comparison data and analyses regarding the |
information required to be reported under that subsection. |
(h) The office shall deliver to the chief administrator of |
each school and the school nurse or other person responsible for |
conducting risk assessment activities for the school under this |
chapter an annual summary compilation of the reports submitted by |
schools under Subsection (e). |
(i) [(f)] Not later than January 15 of each odd-numbered |
year, the office shall submit to the governor and the legislature a |
report relating to [concerning] the implementation and |
effectiveness of the Type 2 diabetes risk assessment [acanthosis
nigricans screening] program established by this chapter that |
includes a detailed description of the expenses related to the |
program. |
SECTION 4. Chapter 95, Health and Safety Code, is amended by |
adding Sections 95.005 and 95.006 to read as follows: |
Sec. 95.005. GIFTS AND GRANTS. The office may accept gifts, |
grants, and donations to support the Type 2 diabetes risk |
assessment program conducted under this chapter. |
Sec. 95.006. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) The Type 2 Diabetes |
Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee is established to advise |
the office on the Type 2 diabetes risk assessment program conducted |
under this chapter. |
(b) The advisory committee is composed of: |
(1) the following representatives appointed by the |
executive director of the office: |
(A) one representative of the office; |
(B) one representative of the Texas Education |
Agency; |
(C) one representative of the Texas Pediatric |
Society; |
(D) one representative of the American Diabetes |
Association; |
(E) one representative who is a member of the |
board of regents of The University of Texas--Pan American; |
(F) one school nurse representative from an urban |
school located within the boundaries of a regional education |
service center; |
(G) one parent or guardian of a child who resides |
within the boundaries of a regional education service center; and |
(H) one person with knowledge and experience in |
health care in school settings; and |
(2) the following representatives appointed by the |
chairman of the council: |
(A) one representative of the council; |
(B) one representative of the Texas Medical |
Association; |
(C) one school district administrator |
representative from a school district located within the boundaries |
of a regional education service center; |
(D) one school principal representative from a |
school district located within the boundaries of a regional |
education service center; and |
(E) one school nurse representative from a rural |
school located within the boundaries of a regional education |
service center. |
(c) A person may not be a member of the advisory committee if |
the person is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, |
Government Code, because of the person's activities for |
compensation on behalf of a health care profession or related |
business or another profession related to the operation of the |
council. |
(d) The representative of the office appointed under |
Subsection (b)(1)(A) shall serve as the presiding officer of the |
advisory committee. |
(e) The advisory committee shall meet at least twice a year |
and at other times at the call of the presiding officer. The |
advisory committee may meet by teleconference if an in-person |
meeting of all the members is not practicable. |
(f) Members of the advisory committee may not receive |
compensation for service on the committee. An advisory committee |
member is entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by |
the member while conducting the business of the advisory committee |
to the extent that funds are available to the office for that |
purpose. |
(g) Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the |
size, composition, or duration of the advisory committee. |
(h) The advisory committee shall: |
(1) recommend the person who should be responsible for |
conducting risk assessment activities under this chapter for |
schools that do not employ a school nurse; |
(2) advise the office on the age groups that would |
benefit most from the risk assessment activities under this |
chapter; |
(3) recommend a method to record and report the number |
of children who are identified in the risk assessment process as |
being at risk for having or developing Type 2 diabetes and who |
qualify for the national free or reduced-price lunch program |
established under 42 U.S.C. Section 1751 et seq.; |
(4) recommend a deadline, which may not be later than |
the first anniversary of the date the advisory committee submits a |
recommendation to the office under this section, by which the |
office shall implement the advisory committee's recommended risk |
assessment activities, surveillance methods, reports, and quality |
improvements; |
(5) contribute to the state plan for diabetes |
treatment developed by the council under Section 103.013 by |
providing statistics and information on the risk assessment |
activities conducted under this chapter and recommendations for |
assisting children in this state at risk for developing Type 2 |
diabetes; and |
(6) recommend any additional information to be |
included in the report required by Section 95.004. |
(i) The advisory committee shall submit to the office a |
report of the recommendations developed under Subsection (h) not |
later than September 1 of each even-numbered year. The office, |
subject to the availability of funds, shall implement each advisory |
committee recommendation concerning the Type 2 diabetes risk |
assessment program. |
(j) In this section, "regional education service center" |
means a Texas Education Agency Regional Education Service Center |
listed in Section 95.002(b). |
SECTION 5. Subsection (h), Section 110.15, Education Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(h) In conducting its activities under this section, the |
center shall consult with [the Texas-Mexico Border Health
Coordination Office of] The University of Texas-Pan American Border |
Health Office that administers the Type 2 Diabetes risk assessment |
[an acanthosis nigricans screening] program under Chapter 95, |
Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 6. Subdivisions (2) and (6), Section 95.001, Health |
and Safety Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 7. (a) As soon as practicable after the effective |
date of this Act, the executive director of The University of |
Texas--Pan American Border Health Office shall appoint eight of the |
initial members of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program |
Advisory Committee in accordance with Subdivision (1), Subsection |
(b), Section 95.006, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. |
(b) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this |
Act, the chairman of the Texas Diabetes Council shall appoint five |
of the initial members of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment |
Program Advisory Committee in accordance with Subdivision (2), |
Subsection (b), Section 95.006, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 415 passed the Senate on |
May 1, 2007, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 415 passed the House on |
May 23, 2007, by the following vote: Yeas 144, Nays 0, two
present not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |