S/C on Higher Education Committee
March 30, 2005 - 9:00A

Invited Testimony
      ON:         Faulkner, Larry R. President, UT Austin (University
                         of Texas, Austin)
                  Gardner, David Associate Commissioner (Texas Higher
                         Education Coordinating Board)
                  Gates, Robert President, Texas A&M University (Texas
                         A&M University), College Station, TX
                  Huffines, James R. Chairman, Board of Regents (The
                         University of Texas System), Austin, TX
                  Mintle, Caroline Director, Houston Admissions
                         Center, UT Austin (The University of Texas at
                         Austin), Houston, TX
                  Paredes, Raymund A. Commissioner of Higher Education
                         (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)
                  Phillips, Kasandra TAMU Regional Director (Texas A&M
                  Reinarz, Alice Interim Assistant Provost for
                         Enrollment (Texas A&M University), College
                         Station, TX
                  Taylor, Brian Director, Dallas Admissions Center, UT
                         Austin (The University of Texas at Austin),
                         Dallas, TX
                  Vasquez, Linda A. TAMU Regional Director (Texas A&M
                         University), Corpus Christi, TX
                  Walker, Bruce Director of Admissions (UT Austin)
                  White, John D. Attorney (Texas A&M University Board
                         of Regents), The Woodlands, TX

SB 320
      FOR:        Ballantyne, Stephen P. Oil and Gas Producer (Self),
                         San Antonio, TX
                  Henary Watson, Beth (Young Conservatives of Texas)
                  Moncrief, Lee P. Asset Management (Self), Houston,
                  Oberman, John A. President, D'Hanis Clay Products
                         (Self), San Antonio, TX
                  Scinta, Ashleigh high school student (Self),
                         Houston, TX
                  Tate, Charles W. Healthcare Investor (Commission of
                         125, University of Texas), Houston, TX
      AGAINST:    Figueroa, Luis Legislative Staff Attorney (Mexican
                         American Legal Defense and Education Fund
                         (MALDEF)), San Antonio, TX
                  Knight, Roy High School Principal (Lufkin High
                         School - Region VII), Lufkin, TX
                  Najera, Johjania Assistant Principal (Lufkin ISD),
                         Lufkin, TX
                  Stephens, Kurt Director of Counseling (Lufkin ISD),
                         Lufkin, TX
      ON:         Lariviere, Richard Dean, College of Liberal Arts (UT
                         - Austin)
                  Vick, James Vice President for Student Affairs,
                         Univ. of Texas at Austi (UT Austin), Austin,

  Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn Homemaker (Texas Eagle
                         Forum - Education Liaison), Dallas, TX
      Against:    Acuna, Rebecca student (LULAC), Austin, TX
                  Burns, Joseph Superintendent of Schools (Kirbyville
                         Consolidated ISD), Kirbyville, TX
                  Cambou, Dominique Student, UT - Austin (UT Watch)
                  Cantu, Belinda student at University of Texas at
                         Austin (Self)
                  Cowles, Michael student, part-time caseworker (UT
                         Watch), Austin, TX
                  Diaz, Christopher A. student (LULAC), Austin, TX
                  Fajardo, Erick UT student; (UT student; LULAC
                  Licata, Joseph student (Texas A&M Legislative
                         Relations (SGA))
                  O'Neil, Robin Student at the University of Texas at
                         Austin (UT Watch), Austin, TX
                  Pitts, David Principal, Kirbyville HS (Kirbyville
                         CISD), Kirbyville
                  Puente, Alison student, UT (Self), Austin, TX
                  Shepherd, Katie student, UT Austin (UT Watch)
                  Spangler, Jim student (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX
                  Torres, Stephen A. student, UT Austin (Sigma Lambda
                         Beta - Eta Alpha Chapter), Austin, TX
                  Vela, Amanda student (Self)
                  Ward, Tane student (Self), Austin, TX
                  Yanez Correa, Ana Advocate for non-profit
                         organization, Leg. Liaison for SW (League of
                         United Latin American Citizens (LULAC))
      On:         Blincoe, Reece Superintendent, Stockdale ISD
                         (Stockdale (and samller schools around TX -
                         unofficially)), Stockdale, TX
                  Livingston, Abby student (Self)
                  Romero, Anna Alicia Intercultural Development
                         Research Association (Intercultural
                         Development Research Association), San
                         Antonio, TX

SB 333
      FOR:        Adams, Diosa R. student (Self)
                  Cambou, Dominique Student, UT - Austin (UT Watch)
                  Fajardo, Erick UT student; LULAC member (Self)
                  Geren, Dr. Monte Public School Supt. La Vega ISD (La
                         Vega ISD), Waco, TX
                  Gilliland, Renee Noel University Student (Self)
                  Howard, Bradford J. student at the University of
                         Texas at Austin (Self)
                  Knight, Roy Lufkin H.S. Principal (Lufkin ISD),
                         Lufkin, TX
                  Lara, Rene Legislative Liaison (Texas Federation of
                         Teachers), Austin, TX
                  Licata, Joseph student (Texas A&M Legislative
                         Relations (SGA))
                  Morales, Sammy University student (Self)
                  O'Connor, Diana Librarian (Irma Rangel Young Women's
                         Leadership School)
                  Ratcliff, Tim Principal, Jasper High School
                         (Students in rural areas enrolled in public
                         education), Jasper, TX
                  Routh, Matthew K. student at the University of Texas
                  Sanchez, Sara Administrative Assistant (Self)
                  Spangler, Jim UT Student (UT Watch), Austin, TX
                  Valenzuela, Dr. Angela Professor, UT- Austin;
                         Education Committee Chair, LULAC (LULAC)
                  Vela, Amanda student (Self)
                  Wilcox, Stefani student, University of Texas at
                         Austin (Self), Austin, TX
                  Williams, Bianca (Irma Rangel VWLS)
      ON:         Blincoe, Reece Superintendent, Stockdale ISD
                         (Stockdale (and samller schools around TX -
                         unofficially)), Stockdale, TX
                  Romero, Anna Alicia Education Assistant
                         (Intercultural Development Research
                         Association), San Antonio, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Burns, Joseph Superintendent of Schools (Kirbyville
                         Consolidated ISD), Kirbyville, TX
                  Cowles, Michael student, part-time caseworker (UT
                         Watch, a student advocacy group), Austin, TX
                  Falcon, Emily Student at the University of Texas at
                         Austin (Self)
                  Javidpour, Pegah Student (College) (University of
                         Texas - Austin)
                  Lewis, Ashley University of Texas at Austin student
                  O'Neil, Robin Student at the University of Texas at
                         Austin (UT Watch - UT student organization),
                         Austin, TX
                  Pitts, David Principal, Kirbyville HS (Kirbyville
                  Puente, Alison student, UT (Self), Austin, TX
                  Robinson, Michelle University of Texas student
                  Salgado, Jovanny student at UT Austin (student body
                         of UT Austin)
                  Shepherd, Katie student, UT Austin (UT Watch)
                  Walthall, John (Texas Student Initiative), Austin,
                  Watkins, Sean M. Campus Minister, Intervarsity
                         Christian Fellowship (The University of Texas
                         student body), Austin, TX
                  Zucker, Dr. Charles Executive Director (Texas
                         Faculty Association), Austin, TX
      Against:    Spangler, Jim UT Student (UT Watch), Austin, TX
      On:         Murdock, Steve College Professor, State Demographer
                         (Self), Helotes

  Providing written testimony:
      For:        Perkins, Terrence student at UT Austin; working at
                         the Multicultural Info Cen (Freshman students
                         at UT-Austin)

SB 936

  Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Burns, Joseph Superintendent of Schools (Kirbyville
                         Consolidated ISD), Kirbyville, TX
                  Cambou, Dominique Student, UT - Austin (UT Watch)
                  Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn Homemaker (Texas Eagle
                         Forum - Education Liaison), Dallas, TX
                  Lara, Rene Legislative Liaison (Texas Federation of
                         Teachers), Austin, TX
      Against:    Pitts, David Principal, Kirbyville HS (Kirbyville

SB 1546

  Registering, but not testifying:
      For:        Zucker, Dr. Charles Executive Director (Texas
                         Faculty Association), Austin, TX
      Against:    Burns, Joseph Superintendent of Schools (Kirbyville
                         Consolidated ISD), Kirbyville, TX
                  Pitts, David Principal, Kirbyville HS (Kirbyville