NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Wednesday, March 30, 2005

PLACE: E2.014

CHAIR: Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr.


The committee will consider the following house bills as previously posted:

HB 78            Riddle
Relating to the authority of a peace officer to make a warrantless arrest
for the commission of family violence.

HB 401            Villarreal
Relating to creation of a volunteer income tax assistance pilot
program for persons who owe delinquent child support.

HB 437            Dutton
Relating to determinations of paternity in a suit affecting the
parent-child relationship.

HB 706            Haggerty
Relating to the adoption of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles.

HB 1082            Driver
Relating to a fee to cover the costs of expunging a minor's
alcohol- or tobacco-related conviction records.

HB 1685            Dukes
Relating to the establishment of an interagency coordinating
council for the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

HB 1836            Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the establishment of the paternity of a child;
providing a criminal penalty.

HB 2099            Dutton
Relating to investigations of reports of child abuse and neglect.

HB 2231            Reyna
Relating to the payment of child support to an individual with
actual primary possession of the child.
