NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Wednesday, March 2, 2005

PLACE: E2.014

CHAIR: Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr.


HB 202            Goodman
Relating to certain marital property agreements.

HB 248            Goodman
Relating to the amendment of certain qualified domestic relations

HB 261            Goodman
Relating to possession of or access to a grandchild.

HB 410            Goodman
Relating to the property interests of spouses in connection with
certain separate and community property.

HB 440            Dutton
Relating to the modification of a child support order during the
obligor's confinement in jail or prison.

HB 999            Hughes
Relating to the duration of a lien for the enforcement of child
support arrearages.

HB 1128            Uresti
Relating to the requirement that the parties in a suit affecting
the parent child relationship attend parenting classes.

HB 1174            Dutton
Relating to attorney's fees and costs in a proceeding to enforce an
order for the possession of or access to a child.

HB 1179            Dutton
Relating to the authority of an associate judge in certain family
law cases.

HB 1182            Dutton
Relating to the issuance of an administrative writ of withholding
for the enforcement of a child support obligation.
