HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Corrections

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Thursday, March 3, 2005

PLACE: E2.016

CHAIR: Rep. Jerry Madden


HB 93            Riddle
Relating to showing the cause of death on the death certificate of
an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice who is
lawfully executed.

HB 129            Berman / et al.
Relating to the authority to require a convicted person to perform
manual labor for a nonprofit organization.

HB 562            Miller
Relating to the career ladder for certain prison industry workers.

HB 640            Bailey
Relating to peace officers commissioned and employed to perform
duties at correctional facilities.

HB 845            Krusee
Relating to certain standards applicable to the temporary
confinement of certain inmates in holding areas located in county

HB 1095            Menendez
Relating to the offense of harassment by persons in certain
correctional facilities and to creating the offense of harassment
of public servant.

Although written testimony will not be considered a part of the record,
persons wishing to distribute handouts may do so by providing no fewer
than 10 copies to the Committee Clerk when called to testify.



HB 291