H.B. No. 2466

relating to recycling market development. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 2155.448(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Each state fiscal year, the commission[, in coordination with the Recycling Market Development Board,] by rule may identify recycled, remanufactured, or environmentally sensitive commodities or services, as those terms are defined by rule of the commission, and designate purchasing goals for the procurement of those commodities and services by state agencies for that fiscal year. SECTION 2. Section 361.423, Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 361.423. RECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT [BOARD AND] IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM. (a) The commission, the Texas Building and Procurement Commission, and other consenting state agencies as appropriate [Recycling Market Development Board consists of the chairman of the commission and the executive director of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission. The members of the Recycling Market Development Board shall, in the order listed in this subsection, rotate as the presiding officer for terms of one year. The Recycling Market Development Board may designate chief executives of additional agencies as members of the board if it identifies the agencies as agencies needed to assist the board in performing its duties as outlined in Subsection (b). The Recycling Market Development Board] shall regularly [provide support to and] coordinate the recycling activities of state [member] agencies and shall each pursue an economic development strategy that focuses on the state's waste management priorities established by Section 361.022 and that includes development of recycling industries and markets as an integrated component. (b) The commission and the Texas Building and Procurement Commission [Recycling Market Development Board], on an ongoing basis, shall jointly: (1) identify existing economic and regulatory incentives and disincentives for creating an optimal market development strategy; (2) analyze or take into consideration the market development implications of: (A) the state's waste management policies and regulations; (B) existing and potential markets for plastic, glass, paper, lead-acid batteries, tires, compost, scrap gypsum, coal combustion by-products, and other recyclable materials; and (C) the state's tax structure and overall economic base; (3) examine and make policy recommendations regarding the need for changes in or the development of: (A) economic policies that affect transportation, such as those embodied in freight rate schedules; (B) tax incentives and disincentives; (C) the availability of financial capital including grants, loans, and venture capital; (D) enterprise zones; (E) managerial and technical assistance; (F) job-training programs; (G) strategies for matching market supply and market demand for recyclable materials, including intrastate and interstate coordination; (H) the state recycling goal; (I) public-private partnerships; (J) research and development; (K) government procurement policies; (L) educational programs for the public, corporate and regulated communities, and government entities; and (M) public health and safety regulatory policies; (4) establish a comprehensive statewide strategy to expand markets for recycled products in Texas; (5) provide information and technical assistance to small and disadvantaged businesses, business development centers, chambers of commerce, educational institutions, and nonprofit associations on market opportunities in the area of recycling; and (6) with the cooperation of the Office of State-Federal Relations, assist communities and private entities in identifying state and federal grants pertaining to recycling and solid waste management. (c) In carrying out this section, the commission and the Texas Building and Procurement Commission [responsible agencies] may obtain research and development and technical assistance from the Hazardous Waste Research Center at Lamar University at Beaumont or other similar institutions. (d) In carrying out this section, the commission and the Texas Building and Procurement Commission shall utilize the pollution prevention advisory committee as set out in Section 361.0215 of the Health and Safety Code. SECTION 3. (a) On the effective date of this Act, the Recycling Market Development Board is dissolved. (b) On the effective date of this Act, all functions and activities of the Recycling Market Development Board are transferred to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Building and Procurement Commission jointly, and those agencies have all duties and rights of the Recycling Market Development Board as provided by law immediately before that date. (c) The validity of an action taken by the Recycling Market Development Board before the effective date of this Act is not affected by the dissolution of the board by this Act. SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005. ______________________________ ______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.B. No. 2466 was passed by the House on April 29, 2005, by a non-record vote; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B. No. 2466 on May 26, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.B. No. 2466 was passed by the Senate, with amendments, on May 24, 2005, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________ Date __________________ Governor