NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, May 14, 2003

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Robert Duncan


HB 729            Goodman / et al.         SP: Shapiro
Relating to the adoption of the Uniform Parentage Act regarding
gestational agreements.

HB 803            Geren                    SP: Duncan
Relating to the assessment of damages in a condemnation proceeding
based on the market value of groundwater rights as property apart
from the land.

HB 913            Goodman                  SP: Harris
Relating to the conservatorship of, and the possession of and
access to, a child.

HB 1391            Hamric                   SP: Gallegos
Relating to the confidentiality of pleadings and protective order
applications in certain proceedings in the Family Code.

HB 1590            Paxton                   SP: Carona
Relating to multiple-party accounts.

HB 1709            Casteel                  SP: Wentworth
Relating to the settlement of the guardianship of the estate of a

HB 1815            Goodman                  SP: Harris
Relating to court-ordered representation in suits affecting the
parent-child relationship.

HB 2189            Rodriguez                SP: Wentworth
Relating to temporary guardianship procedures.

HB 2341            Kolkhorst                SP: Armbrister
Relating to the duties of the district attorney in Washington and
Burleson counties.

HB 3595            Chavez                   SP: Shapleigh
Relating to the statutory county courts in El Paso County.

HB 3603            Smith, Todd              SP: Brimer
Relating to the appointment or election of judges of municipal
courts of record in the City of Bedford.

HB 320            Grusendorf               SP: Fraser
Relating to the refusal to administer or consent to the
administration of certain psychiatric or psychological treatment to
a child.

HB 2188            Rodriguez                SP: Wentworth
Relating to alternate methods of responding to a jury summons.
