78S40983 DS-D

By:  Hughes                                                       H.R. No. 109

WHEREAS, Kevin Engle marked the 10th anniversary of his tenure as executive director of Stewards Foundation on April 25, 2004; and WHEREAS, Before accepting the position at the helm of Stewards Foundation, Mr. Engle had a career in sales and marketing for several years; he had also served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS White Plains and the USS Sperry; after a brief time in the U.S. Naval Reserve in Kansas, he received an honorable discharge and later enrolled in The University of Texas at Dallas to complete a degree in psychology; and WHEREAS, His work at Stewards Foundation has had a great impact in many parts of the nation; founded in 1945, the not-for-profit corporation provides the necessary funding for Plymouth Brethren Christian congregations in the construction, improvement, or purchase of church buildings and facilities throughout the country; the organization was originally established in Chicago, Illinois, and, under the leadership of Mr. Engle, recently relocated to Texas; and WHEREAS, The son of missionaries, Mr. Engle grew up in the Lord's work and has a desire to serve the Lord and the Lord's people; through his decade-long work at Stewards Foundation, he has hewed to his parents' tenets and has been of invaluable service to countless many; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby pay tribute to Kevin Engle on the occasion of his 10th anniversary as executive director of Stewards Foundation and extend to him sincere appreciation for his exemplary dedication to his work; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Engle as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.