WITNESS LIST Public Health Committee May 2, 2001-8:30A SB 43 Committee Substitute (Zaffirini/#1) For: Donovan, Jr., James D. (Americaid Community Care) Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities) McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union) Registering, but not testifying: For: Banning, Tom (TX Academy of Family Physicians) Camacho, Jose E. (TX Assn. of Community Health Centers, Inc.) Chatelle, Melody (United Ways of TX (UWT)) Cliett, Chuck (Community First Health Plans) Daly, Richard (TX Catholic Conference) Davis, Helen Kent (TX Medical Association) Douglas, Wanda (TX Nurses Association) Friedholm, DeAnn (TX Chapter - March of Dimes) Hernandez, Leslie (National Association of Social Workers / Texas) Kolodzey, Patricia (TX Hospital Association) Perryman, Kevin (Self and TX Medical Association, TX Pediatric Society, TMAA & TX Academy of Family Physicians) Phipps, Candie (TX Pediatric Society) Ruffing, Therese (TX Association of Public & Not For Profit Hospitals) Rummel, Leah (TX Association of Health Plans) Rushing, Linda (TX Conference of Catholic Health Facilities) Samuels, Marc (TX Academy of Internal Medicine) Stone, Sam (TX Academy of Physician Assistants) SB 144 For: Kanz, Dr. Kevin D. (Self and Texas Chiropractic Association) On: Cain, Dr. Gary K (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hardy, Richard (Accident and Injury Pain Centers Group) On: Vaughn, DC, Cynthia (Self) SB 145 Registering, but not testifying: For: Hardy, Richard (Accident and Injury Pain Centers Group) Kanz, Dr. Kevin D. (Self and Texas Chiropractic Association) On: Cain, Dr. Gary K (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners) Vaughn, DC, Cynthia (Self) SB 152 On: Vaughn, DC, Cynthia (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hardy, Richard (Accident and Injury Pain Centers Group) Kanz, Dr. Kevin D. (Self and Texas Chiropractic Association) On: Cain, Dr. Gary K (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners) SB 171 On: Vaughn, DC, Cynthia (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hardy, Richard (Accident and Injury Pain Centers Group) Kanz, Dr. Kevin D. (Self and Texas Chiropractic Association) On: Cain, Dr. Gary K (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners) SB 285 Committee Substitute (Delisi/#1) Registering, but not testifying: For: Banning, Tom (Texas Academy of Family Physicians) Headrick, Kelly (American Cancer Society) Phipps, Candie (Texas Pediatric Society) Samuels, Marc (Texas Academy of Internal Medicine) Sjoberg, Elizabeth (Texas Hospital Association) Young, Jenny (Texas Medical Association) On: Stanley, M.D., Sharilyn K. (Texas Department of Health) Weiss, PhD, Nancy (Texas Department of Health) Wiegman, Linda (Texas Department of Health) SB 439 Registering, but not testifying: For: Castaneda, Jr., Tristan "Tris" (Texas Association of Addiction Professionals) On: Cole, Kirk (Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse) SB 539 Registering, but not testifying: On: Hill, Jeffry R. (State Board of Dental Examiners) SB 651 On: Vaughn, DC, Cynthia (Self) Registering, but not testifying: For: Hardy, Richard (Accident and Injury Pain Centers Group) Kanz, Dr. Kevin D. (Self and Texas Chiropractic Association) On: Cain, Dr. Gary K (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners) SB 751 Registering, but not testifying: For: Kolodzey, Patricia (Texas Hospital Association) Rushing, Linda (Texas Conference of Catholic Health Facilities) On: Altenhoff, DDS, Linda M. (Texas Health Steps/Texas Department of Health) SB 1156 For: Alikacem, Martha (Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX) Donovan, Jr., James D. (AmeriGroup, Texas, Inc.) Feigel, M.D., Alex (TX Medicaid Association) Moss, Jr., Jesse (Lone Star State Medical Association) Perryman, Kevin (Self and TX Med. Assn., TX Ped. Soc., TX Acd. of Fam. Phys., Primary Ped. Med. Assn. & MIS-QS-LLC) Against: Reagan, Karen (TX Retailers Association & TX Federation of Drug Stores) Rumsey, Louis (Self) On: Cliett, Chuck (Community First Health Plans) Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities) Gallardo, Bertha A. (HCA System in El Paso, Las Palmas Del Sol Regional Healthcare System) Gonzales, David (TX Pharmacy Assn.) McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union) Vasek, Heather (TX Association for Home Care) Wayne, M.D., Richard (Christus Santa Rosa Children's Hospital) Yancey, Shirley A. (TX Health Resources and TX Hospital Association) Registering, but not testifying: For: Banning, Tom (TX Academy of Family Physicians) Courtney, Skip (Self) Daly, Richard (TX Catholic Conference) Mizcles, Amy (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Texas) Phipps, Candie (TX Pediatric Society) Rummel, Leah (TX Assocation of Health Plans) Rushing, Linda (TX Conference of Catholic Health Facilities) On: Gladden, Patricia (TDH)