Corrections Committee
May 14, 2002-2:00P

Interim Charge No. 4
    On:       Brockman, Cynthia (Self and Son)
              DeLuca, Stuart M. (Texas Inmate Families Assn. (TIFA))
              Fabelo, PhD., Dr. Tony (Criminal Justice Policy Council)
              Gonzalez, M.D., Dr. William E. (Texas Tech Health
                   Science Center-Managed Health Care)
              Linthicum, M.D., Dr. Lannette (Texas Department of
                   Criminal Justice)
              Murray, Dr. Owen (UTMB Correctional Managed Care)
              Raimer, M.D., Dr. Ben (Correctional Managed Health Care
              Savoy, Terry A. (Self)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    On:       Hill, Ray (Self)
              Jackson, Larry (Self)