NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Corrections

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Tuesday, February 20, 2001

PLACE: E2.026

CHAIR: Rep. Pat Haggerty


HB 223            Wise
Relating to procedural requirements applicable to the release on
parole of certain sex offenders.

HB 598            Goodman / et al.
Relating to fees and funds used in the operation of community
supervision and corrections departments.

HB 908            Solomons
Relating to the detention of an inmate or person pending a hearing
on ineligible release or a charge of violating a condition of
parole or release to mandatory supervision.

HB 778            Uher
Relating to the responsibility for payment of costs incurred in
providing certain medical, dental, or health-related services to a
state prisoner held in county jail.

In addition to discussion on the bills listed, the Committee will hear
testimony from the following:

Mrs. Jayne Hawkins
Dr. Tony Fabelo, Criminal Justice Policy Council
Mr. Wayne Scott, Executive Director, TDCJ
Mr. Gerald Garrett, Chairman, Board of Pardons and Paroles
Mr. Victor Rodriguez, Director, TDCJ Parole Division
Ms. Dee Kifowit, Director, Tx. Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments
Ms. Bonita White, Director, TDCJ Community Justice Assitance Division
Mr. Steve Robinson, Director, Texas Youth Commission
