Wednesday, January 24, 2001 
                           1:30 p.m. or upon adjournment 
                                   Senate Chamber 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate  
         Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on  
         Redistricting was held on Wednesday, January 24, 2001,  
         in the Senate Chamber at Austin, Texas. 
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Jeff Wentworth                  None 
         Senator Mike Jackson 
         Senator Kenneth Armbrister 
         Senator David Cain 
         Senator Robert Duncan 
         Senator Rodney Ellis 
         Senator Florence Shapiro 
         Senator Judith Zaffirini 
         The chair called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.   
         There being a quorum present, the following business  
         was transacted:   
         The following members arrived after the roll was  
         called:  Senator Robert Duncan 
         The chair gave introductory remarks. 
         The chair introduced committee staff, subject to  
         approval of the committee budget by the Senate  
         Committee on Administration.  The chair solicited  
         recommendations from committee members for committee  
         staff positions yet to be filled. 
         The chair asked members to review newly distributed  
         draft committee rules for adoption at the next meeting  
         on January 31, 2001.  Discussion of the draft rules  
         took place.  Senator Armbrister and Senator Zaffirini  
         submitted changes.  Senator Shapiro asked the chair to  
         point out revisions made in the rules distributed prior  
         to the meeting and revisions in the rules distributed  
         at the beginning of the meeting.  Senator Zaffirini  
         requested committee staff send members updated copies  
         of the rules containing revisions made during the  
         committee meeting on January 24, 2001. 
         The chair recognized past committee members and those  
         who attended public outreach hearings.  The chair  
         encouraged committee members to suggest helpful,  
         instructive witnesses for future meetings. 
         The chair announced that the committee will meet every  
         Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. or on adjournment, and public  
         testimony will begin on January 31, 2001. 
         At the request of Senator Zaffirini, committee members'  
         staff were introduced. 
         There being no further business, Senator Ellis moved  
         that the committee stand in recess, subject to the call  
         of the chair.  Without objection, the motion passed. 
         Senator Jeff Wentworth, Chair 
         Erica Sadlon, Clerk