1-1 AN ACT
1-2 relating to a study of binational health care plan coverage.
1-4 SECTION 1. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. (a) The legislature finds
1-5 that it is in the best interest of the state to find a
1-6 cost-effective manner of delivering health care services through
1-7 affordable health care plans to citizens residing on both sides of
1-8 the Texas-Mexico border.
1-9 (b) The legislature further finds that the provision of
1-10 health care coverage in the border area is not conducive to
1-11 preventive care or prenatal care, or to the provision of a medical
1-12 home for binational families.
1-13 SECTION 2. INTERIM COMMITTEE. (a) An interim committee is
1-14 established to study the provision of binational health benefit
1-15 plan coverage. The interim committee is composed of seven members
1-16 as follows:
1-17 (1) the commissioner of insurance;
1-18 (2) the commissioner of health and human services;
1-19 (3) one member of the Texas House of Representatives
1-20 from a border community, appointed by the speaker of the house;
1-21 (4) one member of the Texas Senate from a border
1-22 community, appointed by the lieutenant governor;
1-23 (5) one member who represents health maintenance
1-24 organizations, appointed by the governor;
2-1 (6) one member who represents hospitals, appointed by
2-2 the governor; and
2-3 (7) one member who is a medical practitioner,
2-4 appointed by the governor.
2-5 (b) The committee members shall be appointed not later than
2-6 August 1, 2001. The members of the house and senate who serve on
2-7 the committee shall act as joint presiding officers of the
2-8 committee.
2-9 SECTION 3. COMMITTEE DUTIES. The interim committee
2-10 appointed under this Act shall hold hearings in the border areas of
2-11 the state to:
2-12 (1) determine the need for binational health benefit
2-13 plan coverage;
2-14 (2) assess the health care needs of the border area
2-15 and how those needs can be served by various types of providers;
2-16 and
2-17 (3) assess the affordability, cost-effectiveness,
2-18 economic impact, and improved health status achievable through
2-19 binational health benefit plan coverage.
2-20 SECTION 4. COMMITTEE REPORT. Not later than October 1,
2-21 2002, the interim committee appointed under this Act shall issue a
2-22 report of findings and recommendations for administrative action
2-23 and legislation during [][]the next session of the legislature. The
2-24 report shall be filed with the governor, lieutenant governor, and
2-25 the speaker of the house of representatives.
2-26 SECTION 5. EXPIRATION. This Act expires December 31, 2002.
2-27 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect
3-1 immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members
3-2 elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III,
3-3 Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote
3-4 necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1,
3-5 2001.
_______________________________ _______________________________
President of the Senate Speaker of the House
I certify that H.B. No. 2498 was passed by the House on
May 4, 2001, by a non-record vote; and that the House concurred in
Senate amendments to H.B. No. 2498 on May 25, 2001, by a non-record
Chief Clerk of the House
I certify that H.B. No. 2498 was passed by the Senate, with
amendments, on May 22, 2001, by a viva-voce vote.
Secretary of the Senate
APPROVED: __________________________