Finance Committee
February 18, 1999-8:00A  

SB 148
   For:     Howden, Robert (National Federation of Independent
                        Businesses), Austin

            Starkweather, Annette (Self), San Antonio

            Toudouze, Barbara Jean (Self), San Antonio

   Against: Lavine, Richard (Center for Public Policy Priorities), Austin

   On:      LeBas, James (Office of the Comptroller), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Clark, Jeff (Texas Association of Business and Chambers of
                        Commerce), Austin

            Mintz, David (Texas Apartment Association), Austin

            Pinkus, David (Small Business United of Texas), Austin

   On:      Daugherty, Craig (Office of the Comptroller), Austin

SB 472
   For:     Thamm, Michael (City of Cuero), Cuero

            West, Bill (Guadalupe Blanco River Authority), Seguin

   On:      Archer, William (Department of Health), Austin

            Combs, Susan (Department of Agriculture), Austin

            Fehlis, Chester P. (Texas A&M Agricultural Extension Service),
                        College Station

            Gilchrist, Robin (Texas Education Agency), Austin

            Hiler, Edward A. (Texas A&M Agricultural Extension Service),
                        College Station

            Hine, Jim (Department of Protective and Regulatory Services),

            Hull, James B. (Texas Forest Service), College Station

            Kemp, Dr. Mike (Texas A&M University at Galveston), Galveston

            Moses, Mike (Texas Education Agency), Austin

            Sheridan, Mike (Texas Workforce Commission), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Borden, Sandi (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors
                        Association), Austin

            Nelson, Joe (Self), Anahuac

            Reeves, Michael (Lubbock Chamber of Commerce), Lubbock

            Tucker, Durwood (Texas Farm Bureau), Austin

   On:      Birdwell, Bruce (State Office of Risk Management), Austin

            Bow, Jonathan (State Office of Risk Management), Austin

            Bugen, Claire (Texas School for the Deaf), Austin

            Cargile, Stuart B. (State Office of Risk Management), Austin

            Hatlen, Phil (Texas School for the Blind and Visually
                        Impaired), Austin

            Hymel, Ray (Employees Retirement System), Austin

            Murphy, Terrell (Texas Commission for the Blind), Austin

            Nelson, Ben (C.O.L.A.), Anahuac

            Smith, Jim B. (Texas School for the Deaf), Austin

Children's Trust Fund
   On:      Crews, Anne (Children's Trust Fund Council), Dallas

            Fields, Janie (Children's Trust Fund Council), Cedar Creek

            Martinez-Flores (Children's Trust Fund Council), Lubbock

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Campose, Frank E. (Family Pride Council/Children's Trust
                        Fund), Austin

            Newhouse, Liz (Texas Respite Resource Network), San Antonio

            Towne, Loretta (Texas PTA), Austin

Department of Health
   On:      Allen, Kathryn (Family Planning Agency), not given

            Anderson, M.D., Ralph (Texas Association of Obstetricians and
                        Gynecologists), Fort Worth

            Archer, William R. (Texas Department of Health (TDH)), Austin

            Clarke, Margot (Planned Parenthood of Austin), Austin

            Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities), Austin

            Ferry, Pamela G. (Texas Campaign for Women's Health), Houston

            Gambill, Patricia (Association of Women's Health, OB and
                        Neonatal Nurses), Corpus Christi

            Gould, Imelda (Self), Austin

            Hernandez, Leslie (Natinoal Association of Social Workers of
                        Texas), Austin

            Hoffman, Donna (National Organization for Women in Texas),

            Littlefield, Rita (Self and the Renal Coalition of Texas),

            Lux, Cissy (Planned Parenthood of Austin), Austin

            Mayes, M.D., Bruce N. (Epilepsy Foundation), San Antonio

            McDaniel, Gay (Texas Association Against Sexual Assault),

            Merriam, Rosemary D. (Texas Family Planning Association),

            Murphree, Susan (Advocacy Inc.), Austin

            Parker, Ph.D., Carolyn (Texas AIDS Network), Austin

            Rosales, Jessica (Self), San Antonio

            Rosales, Sindi (Epilepsy Foundation), San Antonio

            Schwartz, Jonas (United Cerebral Palsy of Texas), Austin

            Sprinkle, G.K. (League of Women Voters of Texas), Austin

            Stahlhut, Donna (Epilepsy Foundation of Southeast Texas),

            Waguespack, Rebecca (South Central Texas Epilepsy
                        Association), Austin

            Woolbert, Lynda (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice),
                        West Columbia

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Ackley, Nancy L. (Texas Nurses Association), Austin

            Bower, Bruce (Texas Legal Services Center), Austin

            Hankins, Barbara S. (League of Women Voters of Texas), Austin

            Kolodzey, Patricia (Texas Hospital Association), Austin

            Newhouse, Liz (Texas Respite Resource Network), San Antonio

            Williamson, Anne E. (Individuals with Epilepsy), Martindale

General Land Ofc./Veterans Land Bd.
   On:      Dewhurst, David (General Land Office/Veterans Land Board),

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Soward, Larry (General Land Office/Veterans Land Board), Austin

Health and Human Services Comm.
   On:      Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities), Austin

            Gilbert, Don A. (Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)),

            Hagert, Celia (Center for Public Policy Priorities), Austin

            Martinez, Clarissa (National Council of La Raza), San Antonio

            McGiffert, Lisa (Consumers Union), Austin

            Murphree, Susan (Advocacy, Inc.), Austin

            Rogoff, Regina (Austin Interfaith), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Griffin, Teresa (Austin Interfaith/Texas IAF), Austin

            Hankins, Barbara S. (League of Women Voters of Texas), Austin

            Scott, Diane (HHSC), Austin

            Sprinkle, G.K. (League of Women Voters of Texas), Austin