NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Tuesday, February 23, 1999

PLACE: E2.014

CHAIR: Rep. Juan Hinojosa


HB 142            Keel / et al.
Relating to the right of a defendant to request and receive a
pre-trial hearing in a criminal case tried before a jury.

HB 149            Keel / et al.
Relating to fees assessed on the filing of certain applications or
petitions for a writ of habeas corpus.

HB 152            Pickett / et al.
Relating to the punishment for the offense of graffiti.

HB 176            Wise
Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an offense in
which a controlled substance is used to facilitate the commission
of the offense.

HB 287            Wise
Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an offense in
which a controlled substance is used to facilitate the commission
of the offense.

HB 234            Keel / et al.
Relating to making certain affidavits required for the issuance of
search warrants available for public inspection.

HB 319            Driver
Relating to the penalty for tampering with certain governmental

HB 881            Walker
Relating to the disqualification of a person convicted of theft
from  selection or service as a grand juror.

HB 153            Nixon, Joe
Relating to the expunction of certain information contained in
records and files relating to an arrest.

HB 193            Longoria
Relating to the waiver of a trial by jury.

HB 187            Longoria
Relating to the disqualification of a judge in a criminal case.
