MINUTES BLUE RIBBON TASK FORCE ON THE UNINSURED Tuesday, March 21, 2000 9:30 a.m. City Hall Annex, Houston, Texas ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured was held on Tuesday, March 21, 2000, in the City Hall Annex, Houston, Texas ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Chris Harris Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator David Bernsen Dr. Nancy Dickey Representative Garnet Coleman Dr. John Goodman Representative Craig Eiland Representative Bob Glaze Boone Powell ***** The chair called the meeting to order at 9:45AM There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Representative Kip Averitt was in attendance and participated with the members of the committee. The minutes from the 12/16/99 and the 1/20/2000 Blue Ribbon Task Force meetings were approved. The next order of business was to hear invited testimony. Listed in order of their testimony are the following: John Guest, President and Chief Executive Officer, Harris County Hospital District (Written testimony attached) Dr. Marty Engel, City of Houston Health and Human Services Department (Written testimony attached) Dan Wilford, Memorial/Hermann Healthcare System (Written testimony attached) Dr. Ralph Morris, Executive Director, Galveston County Health District (Written testimony attached) Dr. Ben Raimer, Vice President for Community Outreach, The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (Written testimony attached) Dr. Martin Raber, U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, (Written testimony attached) Ernest Gibson III, Riverside General Hospital Dr. Denise Ingham, MHMRA of Harris County Dr. Paul B. Handel, Harris County Medical Society/Texas Medical Association Dr. Michael Speer, Harris County Medical Society Lee P. Brown, Mayor, City of Houston, stopped in to say how pleased he was that the committee was having this meeting in Houston. Dr. Gary J. Sheppard, Houston Medical Forum Benito Juarez, Coordinator, Houston Immigration and Refugee Coalition (HIRC) (Written testimony attached There were questions and exchanges between the speakers and committee members during the above testimony. After the invited testimony Senator Harris called for public testimony. Listed in order of their testimony are the following: Peter J. Durkin, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas ( Written testimony attached) Ed Berger, Vice President, Advocacy & Public Policy, Seton Healthcare Network, Austin, Texas (Written testimony attached) Betsy Schwartz, Executive Director, Mental Health Association of Greater Houston (Written testimony attached) Don Levit, Himself and all parties There being no further business, at 3:37 p.m. Senator Harris moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ______________________ Senator Chris Harris ______________________ Myra Schmitt, Clerk