WITNESS LIST Public Information (Interim) Committee June 11, 1998-10:30A A. Accident Reports -- Invited On: Halbreich, Jeremy L. (Dallas Morning News), Dallas B. Judicial Records -- Invited On: Wood, Mike (The Hon.) (TX Judicial Council), Houston C. Alt. Dispute Resolution -- Inv. On: Watler, Paul C. (Freedom of Info. Fndtn.), Dallas D. Harassment Issues -- Invited On: Davis, J. D. (American Drivers Assoc.), Kilgore Dempsey, Mark (City of Garland), Dallas E. Electronic Access -- Invited On: Davis, Charles N. (Southern Methodist Univ), Dallas F. General -- Invited On: Horton, Susan (Texas Municipal League), Austin Sturzl, Frank (Texas Municipal League), Austin Wentworth, Jeff (Hon.) (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth G. Public Testimony on Charges On: Bowman, Andrew (CPPDR, UT Law School), Austin Brink, Betty (FW Weekly), Fort Worth Burtman, Bob (Houston Press), Houston Chambers, Martha (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth Clifton, Keith A. (Tenant Tracker, Inc.), Lubbock Dillard, Lois (Dallas County), Dallas Jones, Gregory (self), Fort Worth King, Nancy T. (self), Houston Kyzer, Gwenn (Experian), Allen McGee, Laura (self), Arlington Nix, Mede (Fort Worth Star-Telegr.), Fort Worth Sloat, Shirley R. (Dallas Geneol. Society), Dallas Wilder, Thomas A. (Tarrant County), Fort Worth Wolanski, Stanley (self), Lake Dallas Registering, but not testifying: On: Marshall, Suzanne (CPPDR, UT Law School), Austin