WITNESS LIST Public Information (Interim) Committee March 19, 1998-10:30A A) Invited: SB 1069 & Law Enf. Rec. Against: Pederson, Tony (Houston Chron., TDNA), Houston B) Public: SB 1069 & Law Enf. Rec. Against: McDougal, Michael A. (Montgomery County, D.A.), Conroe On: Hayden, Steven C. (self), Friendswood C) Invited: Compliance to PIA On: Calabrese, Tracy (City of Houston), Houston D) Invited: Judicial Records On: Wood, Mike (The Hon.) (TX Judicial Council), Houston E) Public: Judicial Records For: Matz, Charles (self), Houston F) Public: Circumvention of PIA On: Dean, Stephen (KTRH Radio Station), Houston Kreston, Andrew D. (self), Houston Schloss, Hadassah (General Services Cmmsn), Austin Scott, Paul R. (Harris Co. Record Cntr), Houston Wendt, Ed (Forward Times), Houston Wheeler, E. L. (self), Houston Registering, but not testifying: On: Ramirez, Abe (Harris Co. Dist Clk Ofc), Houston